Hello.I just got my break.
I took
Boston -1 and
Boston Over 185 1/2
Verify this with Angelle/General.
As far as having enough plays, I will get my 10 in this week, if you want another week that is fine with me. But that means BucsFan and Angelle and General will have to be willing as well, since they are putting in a lot of work. It is OK with me though.
There is no way I will be able to post my plays with the deadline at 5 EST. I am working now from 4 EST on. I am just on break now.
I we could move the deadline up to 3 30 EST. I would be able to post my plays right at 331 EST before I go to work, and also see your plays before work. Otherwise, I will have to just send them to Angelle and General. I like it better when we both know each others plays though. What do you think about 330 EST ?
Thanks and GL to yout oo.