"I personally think that each person needs to due their own due diligence in these situations and not rely on any one opinion."
Interesting - Buzz, exactly how does one go about doing that if one does not live in Costa Rica, Panama, etc, or has personal knowledge of the folks involved behind the scenes? Someone who lives in the U.S., for instance, and is not part of that 'in' group? I keep hearing this advice but if 'insiders' like the OTHER Buzz at SBR and the Shrink are snookered (SBR had them as B- as late as Jan. 21), that leaves only 2 possibilities:
(1) The advice you give for 'due diligence' is okay to a point (the most obvious stuff, like a 'deposit only' book and the worst books), but past that point it has absolutely no meaning whatsoever and is only trotted out once a book starts to float belly-up - yet I have not yet heard one good piece of 'diligence' you might have suggested that players perform that would have avoided panam (and waiting for 365 days for a book to succeed is NOT due diligence). I'm curious as to WHAT 'due diligence' SBR performed when they had rated panam so highly as of January 21?
(2) That SBR and the Shrink performed no 'due diligence' worthy of the name - they simply took some people at their word - so if that's true, exactly how are the rest of us supposed to truly examine a book?
I have chump change at panam compared to a lot of people, so I'm not bitching now about the cash (it was a 'risk-reward' situation) - but I am bitching about these 'after the fact you should-have-dones'.
p.s. SBR just posted this today:
"02/05/04 BetPanAm lowered from D- to F+"
I guess the 'early' rush to judgement vis-a-vis panam wasn't that early.
p.s. I edited this as I'd mistaken the 2 Buzzes - apologies to both.
[This message was edited by Jazz on February 05, 2004 at 01:05 PM.]