Legalized, Decriminalized, Remain Illegal?
As many of you know the move up here in Canada is towards Decriminalization, in fact, I would venture to say it if wasn't for the immense pressure from our American Cousin's to the South it would already be done. My heart breaks when I read about people in jail for 25 years for growing a plant or smoking a joint....Gangbangers going in for much less time for roberry & manslaughter? does this make sense? Has anyone seen anyone who is "too stoned" that is a danger to society?
[This message was edited by SportSavant on February 03, 2004 at 01:22 PM.]
As many of you know the move up here in Canada is towards Decriminalization, in fact, I would venture to say it if wasn't for the immense pressure from our American Cousin's to the South it would already be done. My heart breaks when I read about people in jail for 25 years for growing a plant or smoking a joint....Gangbangers going in for much less time for roberry & manslaughter? does this make sense? Has anyone seen anyone who is "too stoned" that is a danger to society?
[This message was edited by SportSavant on February 03, 2004 at 01:22 PM.]