Meaning higher risk groups are tiered at higher rates than lower risk. Would that not make insurance more affordable for average citizens? Maybe that would also incentivize people to lose weight, stop smoking, and just eat a healthier diet. I am generally healthy, see the doctor maybe once every few years, don't smoke, and am about the right weight. Should I pay the same premium as a fellow co-worker who sees the dr. every time he has a sniffle, is on multiple meds, is about 50 lbs. overweight, smokes, and brings Mcdonalds and a 44 oz. coke in every day for breakfast? His wife and his two children are quite overweight and his kids who are 9 and 13 are not into sports or activities, and sound like they play a lot of video games. Not sure if this idea is possible but it seems logical. Just throwin' it out there for debate.