8pm. Last night was another strange day, I was somewhat late to my work and therefore stressed ... I was going down the avenue to the bus stops, I noticed a crackhead, one of those who approach stangers with a fist bump all friendly to see what he can pinch was following a girl of about 15 years old ... clearly a minor, was wearing high school uniform. It is not uncommon for these slags to follow you 20 meters insisting and invading personal space, but this guy was holding the girl by her backpack and I only saw that she was sliding sidewats to try and get away ... I was about to say something and there was when the guy tucked his hand under the girl's pants ... I saw red, I saw green, I saw no more just felt stifle and fire ... I always carry things to defend myself, blades, mitten; In short, something that levels dangerous situations a little bit ... something that I decided after I was robbed about 2 times in 1 year. I admit it, It was not a fair fight ... I took the guy by his shoulder. turned him and mitten to the face. He fell dry, bleeding, I think he lost a couple of teeth. People came out of a store ... apparently they were calling the police. The crying girl thanked me and hugged me ... tells me that this guy had done this before. That there is no other route for her to take because of the streets leading to the stops is the most illuminated and the least lonely. However this happens on a Friday night, at 8pm. I suggested that we leave because this was going to get me in trouble and at least I was going to lose my workday ... I do not care if the guy is allright, I do not care about the damage I caused him; For me people like these only understand one way and is the main reason why pacifism is today, a utopia. I escorted her to the bus and as it was the same that I took we went talking the entire route. She told me that this kind of thing happens weekly, and that at age 11 she had his first bad experience ... 11 years old! People need to continue to act against these behaviors! It is not possible that these parasites have the nerve to do these things in the middle of the street ... and I wonder, why the pig police dont clean the streets, these opportunistic buzzards that do not mess with someone like me, but do not hesitate to abuse someone vulnerable ... I always see cops, but I never see them frightening these bugs, and I imagine they know what they are capable of! I arrived at the office, still indignant ... I went to the bathroom and I noticed that there was blood in my hand, and in the mitten ... washing it I do not stop to ask myself, how much blood has to run for humanity to put aside the caveman behavior... when will the day come when peaceful people like I was many years ago wont be forced to resort to their animal instinct to defend ideals, or life itself.