Serious...what's you record like, looking to jump into the NCAA BB pool w/ both feet today and just checking to see who i should all seriousness, how have yod done in the past...
Me thinks its karma b/c I have a serious addiction myself and the Orange are my favorite cbball team, so maybe we are bff's and don't know it yet...
get back to me when you can...
seriously thinking about putting a dime on arizona state...I keep reading up and looking over this matchup...I just dont understand the line...looks to good to be true
Arizona State -1 ---5 units
Baylor played out of their asses last night. Thats not who they really are...At least not that good. I like to think ASU is much more than 1 pt better than Baylor.
my book has Zona st at pick... im getting nervous here with the whole public on Az st... There might be a trap in this one... and the most respected cappers on here are on az.. im lost on this one