Scumbag Trump hosts disco party miles from Douglas High massacre.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

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Jun 18, 2007
Young Freddie.


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Jun 18, 2007
How did this thread become 3 pages long?


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Aug 28, 2012
Did u play Disco Duck?

Careful Stevieray... someone is checking you out!!!! lmao

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Sep 22, 2007
[h=1]Anderson Cooper Shreds Trump: ‘He Went To Play Golf While They Held Funerals’[/h] Ed Mazza,HuffPost 18 hours ago

CNN’s Anderson Cooper took Donald Trump to task on Monday for a weekend in which the president fired off angry messages on Twitter about Democrats, the Russia investigation, Oprah Winfrey and more.
“The president tweeted and played golf today, a day that saw two families bury their children,” Cooper said, referring to two of the victim’s of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, which left 17 people dead. “He did not mention them in his tweets.”
Cooper then noted the funerals and memorial services Trump failed to mention over the weekend and lit into the president for a tweet in which he blasted the FBI for focusing on the Russia investigation instead of stopping the shooter.
“For anyone still waiting for the president to pivot, that’s a pivot away from the murder of 17 people to himself,” Cooper said.
Then the CNN host methodically dissected the “factually challenged” tweets Trump sent over the weekend.
See his full takedown in the clip below.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
[h=1]Anderson Cooper Shreds Trump: ‘He Went To Play Golf While They Held Funerals’[/h] Ed Mazza,HuffPost 18 hours ago

CNN’s Anderson Cooper took Donald Trump to task on Monday for a weekend in which the president fired off angry messages on Twitter about Democrats, the Russia investigation, Oprah Winfrey and more.
“The president tweeted and played golf today, a day that saw two families bury their children,” Cooper said, referring to two of the victim’s of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, which left 17 people dead. “He did not mention them in his tweets.”
Cooper then noted the funerals and memorial services Trump failed to mention over the weekend and lit into the president for a tweet in which he blasted the FBI for focusing on the Russia investigation instead of stopping the shooter.
“For anyone still waiting for the president to pivot, that’s a pivot away from the murder of 17 people to himself,” Cooper said.
Then the CNN host methodically dissected the “factually challenged” tweets Trump sent over the weekend.
See his full takedown in the clip below.

You owe me $50.00 :youmad:

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Aug 28, 2012
[h=1]Anderson Cooper Shreds Trump: ‘He Went To Play Golf While They Held Funerals’[/h] Ed Mazza,HuffPost 18 hours ago

CNN’s Anderson Cooper took Donald Trump to task on Monday for a weekend in which the president fired off angry messages on Twitter about Democrats, the Russia investigation, Oprah Winfrey and more.
“The president tweeted and played golf today, a day that saw two families bury their children,” Cooper said, referring to two of the victim’s of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, which left 17 people dead. “He did not mention them in his tweets.”
Cooper then noted the funerals and memorial services Trump failed to mention over the weekend and lit into the president for a tweet in which he blasted the FBI for focusing on the Russia investigation instead of stopping the shooter.
“For anyone still waiting for the president to pivot, that’s a pivot away from the murder of 17 people to himself,” Cooper said.
Then the CNN host methodically dissected the “factually challenged” tweets Trump sent over the weekend.
See his full takedown in the clip below.

( -- President Obama was recently criticized for playing golf immediately after giving a speech about the brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). But a close look at his presidency shows that Obama’s behavior was part of a pattern.
At times of crisis throughout his presidency, Obama has often left the White House to go golfing, vacationing or fundraising.

Even sympathetic members of the media have noticed the trend.

"It’s understandable that Obama would want to get away from it all, but for a president struggling to build support for his foreign policy, vacationing during a crisis is no day at the beach," wrote Washington Post opinion writer Dana Milbank.

“Playing a round at the Farm Neck Golf Club was appropriate. Giving a speech after the murder of James Foley was necessary. It is the immediate juxtaposition of beheading and golfing that should have raised questions,” Michael Gerson remarked in a Post oped.

Although Obama called Foley’s parents to convey his condolences, neither the president nor anyone from the White House attended the journalist's memorial service in New Hampshire, even though three White House aides were dispatched to Ferguson, Missouri to attend the funeral of a black teen killed by a police officer.

Earlier this month, the commander-in-chief was also playing golf at Martha’s Vineyard during the funeral of Major General Harold Green, the highest-ranking U.S. officer killed in battle since the Vietnam War, who was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
[h=1]Anderson Cooper Shreds Trump: ‘He Went To Play Golf While They Held Funerals’[/h] Ed Mazza,HuffPost 18 hours ago

CNN’s Anderson Cooper took Donald Trump to task on Monday for a weekend in which the president fired off angry messages on Twitter about Democrats, the Russia investigation, Oprah Winfrey and more.
“The president tweeted and played golf today, a day that saw two families bury their children,” Cooper said, referring to two of the victim’s of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, which left 17 people dead. “He did not mention them in his tweets.”
Cooper then noted the funerals and memorial services Trump failed to mention over the weekend and lit into the president for a tweet in which he blasted the FBI for focusing on the Russia investigation instead of stopping the shooter.
“For anyone still waiting for the president to pivot, that’s a pivot away from the murder of 17 people to himself,” Cooper said.
Then the CNN host methodically dissected the “factually challenged” tweets Trump sent over the weekend.
See his full takedown in the clip below.

President Obama did not attend the funeral of his late aunt Zeituni Onyango. Instead, he went golfing.

The New York Times reports:

After Zeituni Onyango, the woman President Obama once called Auntie, died in a South Boston nursing home this month, her closest relatives gathered her belongings at her nearby apartment. There, framed photographs of her with the president covered the wall.

Weeping before a polished wood coffin at her wake this past Saturday, they described Ms. Onyango, the half sister of the president’s father, as “the spirit of the Obama family” and talked about raising money to send her body back to Kenya. Mr. Obama helped pay funeral expenses and sent a condolence note, Ms. Onyango’s family members said, but the president did not attend, as he was golfing.

The paper notes that the president has kept his distance from his family:

As president, Mr. Obama has kept his distance from, and even failed to acknowledge, members of this eclectic clan. In the time-honored tradition of eccentric presidential relatives, the assorted Obamas have faced deportation and drunken-driving charges, started Obama-branded foundations and written memoirs.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
[h=1]Anderson Cooper Shreds Trump: ‘He Went To Play Golf While They Held Funerals’[/h] Ed Mazza,HuffPost 18 hours ago

CNN’s Anderson Cooper took Donald Trump to task on Monday for a weekend in which the president fired off angry messages on Twitter about Democrats, the Russia investigation, Oprah Winfrey and more.
“The president tweeted and played golf today, a day that saw two families bury their children,” Cooper said, referring to two of the victim’s of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, which left 17 people dead. “He did not mention them in his tweets.”
Cooper then noted the funerals and memorial services Trump failed to mention over the weekend and lit into the president for a tweet in which he blasted the FBI for focusing on the Russia investigation instead of stopping the shooter.
“For anyone still waiting for the president to pivot, that’s a pivot away from the murder of 17 people to himself,” Cooper said.
Then the CNN host methodically dissected the “factually challenged” tweets Trump sent over the weekend.
See his full takedown in the clip below.

President Obama drew sharp criticism Sunday for failing to attend the funeral of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

“The president’s absence at Justice Scalia’s funeral is a slight to the Italian-American community,” fumed Neil Mattera, president of the New York-based Columbus Alliance.

Bronx-born actor Chazz Palminteri agreed.

“Historic firsts are important,” he fumed. “Justice Scalia was the first Italian-American on the Supreme Court. It would have been nice if the President of the United States would have recognized its importance to the community.”

Obama stayed home Saturday as mourners paid their respects at Washington’s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. He dispatched Vice President Joe Biden instead to honor Scalia, who served on the court for 30 years until his sudden death last weekend while on a hunting trip in Texas.

“Italian-Americans take paying respects at funerals very seriously,” said Philip Foglia, vice president of the Italian-American Museum. “Justice Scalia was a milestone for the community. The president’s absence was disappointing and ill-advised.”

Supreme Court Justice Antonin ScaliaZuma Press
Scalia was born in Trenton, NJ, and attended grade school in Queens and high school in Manhattan before becoming the leading conservative voice on the high court.

“Only President Obama could turn a funeral into a partisan event,” said Adele Malpass, Manhattan’s GOP chairwoman. “He has once again missed an opportunity to bridge a partisan divide and chooses to divide people instead of bringing people together even when it comes to the funeral of a statesman.”

Pallbearers carry the casket of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia down the steps of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC.Getty Images
Manhattan resident Betty Ann Hogan added: “He was a Supreme Court justice. I’m sure if the situation were reversed and Obama died and Justice Scalia were alive that he would have gone to his funeral. It’s just the right thing to do.”

New member
Aug 28, 2012
[h=1]Anderson Cooper Shreds Trump: ‘He Went To Play Golf While They Held Funerals’[/h] Ed Mazza,HuffPost 18 hours ago

CNN’s Anderson Cooper took Donald Trump to task on Monday for a weekend in which the president fired off angry messages on Twitter about Democrats, the Russia investigation, Oprah Winfrey and more.
“The president tweeted and played golf today, a day that saw two families bury their children,” Cooper said, referring to two of the victim’s of last week’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, which left 17 people dead. “He did not mention them in his tweets.”
Cooper then noted the funerals and memorial services Trump failed to mention over the weekend and lit into the president for a tweet in which he blasted the FBI for focusing on the Russia investigation instead of stopping the shooter.
“For anyone still waiting for the president to pivot, that’s a pivot away from the murder of 17 people to himself,” Cooper said.
Then the CNN host methodically dissected the “factually challenged” tweets Trump sent over the weekend.
See his full takedown in the clip below.

President Obama is on vacation in Hawaii, where he was informed of a terrorist attack in Afghanistan that killed six American service members.
The attack was carried out by a suicide bomber on a motorcycle outside a U.S. military base, the largest loss of life of American troops in Afghanistan this year. The Taliban claim responsibility.

But the sobering news didn’t stop Obama from heading to the golf course, a tradition for the president as he enjoys the Hawaii climate during the holidays.

The president and three of his friends hit the golf course shortly after noon at the Mid-Pacific Country Club.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Burn down that mother down cheersgif


Active member
Jun 18, 2007


Jan 15, 2010
Every time I think this fat fuck can't get any "scummier," I'm proven wrong.

Trump hosts disco party miles from Douglas High massacre.


By subir
Sunday Feb 18, 2018 · 7:55 PM PST

Paul Ryan kicked out two gun control activists from a fundraiser in Florida this weekend:
Two protesters chanting “no more guns” were removed from a Republican fundraiser in Key Biscayne Friday night after confronting Speaker of the House Paul Ryan about the mass shooting that happened days earlier and miles up the road. [...] Thorne said she found Ryan in the middle of the room — “I shook his hand and everything,” she said — and introduced herself as a teacher and Key Biscayner. “Nice,” the Republican congressman replied. “Nice?” Thorne said. “You’re here celebrating the death of 17 children.” At that, Thorne said, Ryan told her he “didn’t want to talk politics” or argue. When Thorne tried to continue, security escorted her out. She chanted “No more guns!” on her way out the door, she said. —
This is not a surprise. Paul Ryan is likely trying to figure out how much money he can raise from the deaths of 17 people (14 of them children) in Parkland. The pro-massacre NRA is probably good for a few million.
Randy Bryce (IronStache) is running against Ryan and deserves your support.
Meanwhile, Trump did his best to outdo Ryan in his callousness, hosting a disco party in Florida three days after one of the ten deadliest mass shootings in US history.

Three of the ten deadliest mass shootings in US history have occurred in the past 5 months.
The pro-massacre Republican party has killed virtually every effort at rational gun control for several decades. It has been aided and abetted in this task by the nation’s premier pro-mass-murder organization, the NRA.
But the tide is turning. A major Republican donor announced this week that he would not donate to any candidate who does not support an assault weapons ban.
Survivors and family are leading the charge in calling Republican politicians to task and keeping the issue front and center.

Three major protests have been organized for the next few weeks.

If you’re looking for something simple to do, here’s a simple option:

Reversing decades of perversions the NRA has introduced into our judicial system by pressuring judges will be difficult, but we can start this Tuesday with a judicial election in Wisconsin on Feb 20.

In 2013, 40 senators voted for S.150, Diane Feinstein’s Assault Weapons Ban. Today, many of those senators are pushing for solutions to the epidemic of shooting massacres.

Trolling on stupid shit like this doesn't help any cause, except the cause to get Trump reelected.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
And Dafinch is calling Trump a scumbag?

a contemptible or objectionable person.

LMAO... thats almost as bad as trying to call Trump out on bankruptcies...

Sep 22, 2007
Trolling on stupid shit like this doesn't help any cause, except the cause to get Trump reelected.

What's "stupid" about reporting that the fat fuck showed, once again, that he doesn't care about anyone or anything but himself. Sharp post.face)(*^%

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