Scientific Studies show that half the world's Muslims are INBRED due to generations of INCEST

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Muslim Inbreeding Dragging Britain Back to the 19th Century[/h]



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MOREBritain is seeing an alarming spike in birth defects, defects they have not seen since the end of the 19th century. There is a one-word explanation: Islam.
The resurgence of these birth defects is due to the prevalence of first cousin marriages in the Muslim community, particularly among immigrants from Pakistan. Such marriages are legal in Britain, to be sure, but by the late 1800s, the risk of birth defects in the children of such unions had become so common and so widely known that the practice virtually vanished. (First cousin marriages, which are not specifically banned in Scripture, are illegal in about half the states in the U.S., which is the only country in which such marriages are prohibited anywhere.)
An article in the London Telegraph (which doesn’t use the word “Islam” anywhere in the article, and waits until the 12th paragraph to mention the word “Pakistani”) opens this way (emphasis mine):
Bradford coroner Mark Hinchliffe spoke out after being told how two-year-old Hamza Rehman died as a result of a brain disorder.
An inquest heard how the child suffered from daily fits and vomiting as a result of a condition probably arising from his parents being too closely related.
The boy's father, Abdul, broke down and wept as the court heard that if he had lived he would have suffered severe learning difficulties.
Through a translator, Mr. Rehman, from Bradford, West Yorks, explained that he and his wife, Rozina, were first cousins.
"We were very anxious whether to have more children," he told the court. "We have recently had another baby with the same problems again."
After expressing his "profound sympathy to the family" Mr. Hinchliffe said the cause of death "arose as a direct consequence of the neurological developmental disorder."
He said the family had lost another child through a similar disorder and a third child born had now "presented with difficulties."
Recording a verdict of death by natural causes, Mr. Hinchliffe added: "On the face of it this case highlights a cultural and religious issue relating to first cousin marriages and the potential risk of medical difficulty that some medical experts say can result from such unions.
Pakistani parents in Britain are responsible for 3.4% of all births in England, yet shockingly account for 30% of all children born with recessive gene disorders. This is because the acceptability of first-cousin marriages is engrained in Muslim culture. In Bradford, 55% of all Pakistanis are married to their first cousins.
Even though Pakistanis represent just 15% of Bradford’s population, Bradford has the second highest number of infant deaths in England, and Pakistani parents are 13 times more likely than the general population to have children with birth disorders. (This according to a study by St. Luke’s Hospital in Bradford.)
According to The Guardian, intermarriage between first cousins doubles the risk that children will be born with birth defects. The difficulty of purging this harmful practice will be especially hard because it is an established religious as well as cultural practice in the Muslim community.
In Norway, the incidence of first-cousin Pakistani unions is slowly declining, but this is due only to a concerted campaign to inform Muslims of the risk.
There are no quick fixes, which means the U.K. will continue to labor under this burden for decades to come. With Britain’s socialized medicine, the excessive costs of providing lifetime care for patients with birth defects will fall entirely on British taxpayers. And this doesn’t account for the enormous social costs associated with providing education and employment opportunities for this demographic group.
In the worldwide Muslim community, first-cousin marriage rates routinely run as high as 50%, while the rate is about 1% in Europe and 0.2% in the U.S. With unrestrained Muslim immigration the trend du jour, Europe is about to be hit with a medical tsunami which would be entirely avoidable with sensible immigration policies. Alas, the Western world is likely to awaken only after it is too late.
Winston Churchill presciently said 120 years ago, “[T]he influence of the religion (i.e., Islam) paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” (Emphasis mine.)
Islam is pulling British society in a backward direction. Apart from a spirited revival of the Christian faith and some severe, Donald-Trump style restrictions on Muslim immigration, the United States will be next.
Sep 21, 2004
[h=2]It's time to confront this taboo: First cousin marriages in Muslim communities are putting hundreds of children at risk[/h]By SUE REID FOR THE MAIL ON SUNDAY
PUBLISHED: 18:34 EST, 3 June 2011


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The man wept as he told how his beautiful, dark-eyed child died in a hospital cot with medical tubes snaking from his frail body as nurses fought unsuccessfully to save him. Sick with pneumonia, the two-year-old gave up the battle for life.
A rare tragedy, you might think, in modern Britain, with all the advances of medical science.
But in the terraced streets of Bradford, Yorkshire, a child’s death is anything but rare. At the boy’s inquest, coroner Mark Hinchliffe said Hamza Rehman had died because his Pakistan-born parents (shopkeeper Abdul and housewife Rozina) are first cousins.

Four years before, Hamza’s older sister, three-month-old Khadeja, had died of the same brain disorder which causes fits, sickness and chest infections. The couple had another baby born with equally devastating neurological problems.
A heartbroken Mr Rehman told the inquest that he and his wife were unsure whether to have any more children. The coroner expressed deep sympathy before saying that Hamza’s death should serve as a warning to others.
[h=2]‘This highlights a cultural and religious issue relating to first-cousin marriages and the potential risk to children that some medical experts say can result from such unions.'[/h]
He said: ‘This highlights a cultural and religious issue relating to first-cousin marriages and the potential risk to children that some medical experts say can result from such unions.’
The coroner chose his words carefully, since he was addressing one of the most controversial — and taboo — subjects in multi-cultural Britain: marriage between cousins in the Muslim communities which has left hundreds, if not thousands, of children damaged or dead.

This week, leading geneticist Professor Steve Jones, of University College London, warned that ‘inbreeding’ in Islamic communities was threatening the health of generations of children.



He said: ‘We should be concerned as there can be a lot of hidden genetic damage and children are much more likely to get two copies of a damaged gene.’

He highlighted Bradford as a city that was ‘very inbred’.
This is not the first time the distressing issue has been raised. Ann Cryer, the Labour MP for nearby Keighley, has said that cousin marriages are medieval, harm children and are arranged in order to keep wealth and property within families.

Critic: Keighley MP Anne Cryer has condemned first-cousin marriages

‘It is not fair to the children or to the NHS which has to treat them. If you go into a paediatric ward in Bradford or Keighley, you will find more than half the kids are from the Asian community,’ she said.
Since Asians form only 20 to 30 per cent of the population, that figure is clearly disproportionate.
Mrs Cryer recalled the case of a young girl in hospital who had to carry an oxygen tank on her back and breathe from a hole in the front of her neck.
‘Her parents were warned by doctors not to have more children,’ she explained.
‘But when the husband returned again from Pakistan, his wife had given birth within months to another child with exactly the same condition.’
Are the MP’s words, and those of Professor Jones, inflammatory or simply a truth that needs to be aired?
Sadly, the facts speak for themselves. British Pakistanis, half of whom marry a first cousin (a figure that is universally agreed), are 13 times more likely to produce children with genetic disorders than the general population, according to Government-sponsored research.
One in ten children from these cousin marriages either dies in infancy or develops a serious life-threatening disability.
While British Pakistanis account for three per cent of the births in this country, they are responsible for 33 per cent of the 15,000 to 20,000 children born each year with genetic defects.
The vast majority of problems are caused by recessive gene disorders, according to London’s Genetic Interest Group, which advises affected families.
Everyone carries some abnormal genes, but most people don’t have a defect because the normal gene overrules the abnormal one.
[h=2]One in ten children from these cousin marriages either dies in infancy or develops a serious life-threatening disability.[/h]
But if a husband and wife both have an abnormal recessive gene, they have a one in four chance of producing a child with defects.
These include blindness, deafness, blood ailments such as sickle cell anaemia, heart or kidney failure, lung or liver problems and myriad complex neurological or brain disorders.
Even their healthy children have a one in four chance of being a carrier of a defect, with terrible implications for the next generation.
The problem is most serious in Bradford. A recent survey of 1,100 pregnant women in the city showed that 70 per cent have husbands who are first cousins — a higher percentage than the average of 50 per cent among Pakistanis across the whole of Britain.

Shocking: The practice of inter-marriage within Muslim communities is leading to some children being born with a raft of genetic diseases

It is no surprise therefore that more than six per cent of children in Bradford have health defects, with paediatric wards looking after countless children, including teenagers lying in nappies who are unable to speak and are fed through a tube.
Meanwhile, the city’s special schools struggle to cope with huge numbers of pupils with learning difficulties.
Bradford’s St Luke’s Hospital has seen an extraordinary rise in the number of different types of genetic disorders. Some are very rare and, hitherto, unknown in Britain.
In a typical health authority area, the range of different types of genetic disorder total 25 a year. But in Bradford, 140 have been diagnosed, according to Dr Peter Corry, a consultant paediatrician at the hospital.
Many are degenerative ailments which lead to a decline in the ability of the brain and spinal cord to function properly after a child is born, as in the case of Hamza and Khadeja. Their bodies weakened, and unable to fight off infections, they gradually faded away.
The British Paediatric Surveillance Unit says eight per cent of all UK children born with this kind of neuro-degenerative condition come from Bradford, although the city has just one per cent of the UK’s population.
Research into the city’s 9,000 disabled youngsters also revealed a ‘disproportionately high’ level of hearing and sight problems in Pakistani families.
But Bradford is not alone. In Birmingham, which also has a big Pakistani community, the city’s Primary Care Trust estimates that one in ten of all children born to first cousins either dies in infancy or goes on to have a serious disability because of a recessive gene disorder.

Devout: Muslims pray at a Mosque in Bradford. A study of the city's Muslim population found that 70 per cent of marriages are between relatives, with more than half between cousins

Yet cousin marriages — and the resulting consequences — remain a taboo subject. Few of the affected families will discuss the issue publicly.
Many NHS doctors, while admitting privately there is a crisis, refuse to speak out for fear of being branded ‘racist’.
However, on Muslim websites the issue is discussed more freely. An Asian health worker wrote recently: ‘I went to two special schools in my city. One was for children with physical disabilities; the other with kids who had learning difficulties.
‘The children at the second school were aged 13 to 19. None of them was capable of functioning beyond the behaviour expected of an infant. They all wore nappies.
‘They didn’t speak, a few grunts aside. All needed inordinate amounts of special care, from doctors, speech therapists and so on. The parents are drained emotionally.
‘Of the six 16-year-olds at the second school, five were Pakistani and one was a Tamil. All had blood-related ancestry. I rest my case: cousin marriages don’t work.’
So why are cousin marriages so popular?
As one British-Pakistani put it bluntly on a similar website: ‘A main reason why this corrupt practice is still followed in Britain is because the family wants to keep their property, land, jewellery and money in the family.
‘The lack of education in families, along with a Pakistani village culture, encourages these incestuous marriages. The children are born disabled and it must cost the NHS millions of pounds to treat them. Maybe if the NHS refused to treat the children the families would have second thoughts.’
They were harsh words. But this week I was told by charity workers, doctors and counsellors working with families in Yorkshire, Lancashire and the Midlands that many parents also believe it is an ‘act of God’ or the ‘will of Allah’ that their children are born disabled.

According to Zed Ali, manager of a Lancashire charity, Project BME (Black Minority Ethnics), some parents think that if their children die, they will become angels in heaven.

‘It is hard to counter these religious views without offending the Pakistani community,’ she says.
Zed, who has what she calls dual-heritage Asian and British background, was a social worker in Burnley, Lancashire, before founding Project BME.

She said: ‘In Burnley, I saw a huge number of children from cousin marriages with learning disabilities. It was often not just one child, but two or three in one family.
‘When it comes to cousin marriages, the boy and girl often have no choice.
‘Their families don’t take their happiness into account. Marriage is arranged by the parents or grandparents, who are also often related to each other.

'A girl will be told she is marrying her cousin when she is 14, 15 or 16. They catch them young before they are old enough to break away from the family. The girls are frightened of being ostracised if they don’t do it. A male cousin is chosen in Pakistan to marry them.
‘It is cruel because of the possible consequences. Arranged marriages can work, but they can be a form of abuse to both sexes.’
In Bradford, Dr Peter Corry says he knows of one family with six children all with the same genetic neurological disorder, which means none of them will survive to adulthood.
A Muslim doctor trying to tackle the problem is Mohamed Walji, who runs a health centre in Balsall Heath, Birmingham.
‘The huge number of applications for child disability allowances in our multicultural cities and towns shows the reality,’ he explains.
‘We all carry mutations in our genome [the genetic blueprint for our body] — half of which comes from our father and half from our mother. But the chances of carrying the same mutations is higher in first cousins and those marrying within very close-knit communities.
‘If they both carry the same mutations, there is a one-in-four chance of having an affected child — which can result in anything from a mild disability to a catastrophic illness or a miscarriage.’
Dr Walji says the consequences are devastating — not only to the sick child, but also to siblings, parents and the extended family.
There are endless hospital visits and one of the parents has to become a full-time carer. At worst, there is the trauma of watching a child die or suffer from a long-term illness with no cure.
Dr Walji has discussed how cousin marriages were damaging local families with the imam in his local mosque, who has since given lectures about the dangers of such unions to children.
‘It has had quite an impact,’ says Dr Walji, proudly. ‘It has led to fewer cousin marriages.’
Yet you only have to read the internet messages on Muslim medical forums to understand the scale of this tragedy.
One young mother, calling herself by the Pakistani name of Shenzah, wrote recently: ‘I have a huge difficulty. I am married to a first cousin. My parents and my husband’s parents were also married to their first cousins.
‘Now I have one daughter with lots of defects and the doctor is sure it is due to these marriages.
‘I was against marrying a first cousin because I believed it would cause genetic problems, but my family forced me. According to them, what the doctors say is all nonsense.
‘I cannot understand why cousin marriages are not forbidden in Islam. The Koran doesn’t forbid it and this encourages people around me to disbelieve what the doctors say.
‘My daughter is not going to survive for long and the doctors are unable to find out what she is suffering from.
‘They are sure if I get pregnant again, the risk for the next baby will be the same.’
She said she had two options: ‘One is to give up the idea of having any children, ever. The other is to get a divorce. Please, can anyone tell me what to do?’
These are despairing words which will bring little comfort to so many families across Britain who, like Abdul and Rozina Rehman, grieve the loss of their precious children.
Sep 21, 2004
[FONT=&quot][h=1]Pedophilia In Islam, 90% of Pakistani Street Children Are Sexually Abused (Squawker)[/h]
therealpepe (35)
in news • last year

[FONT=&quot][FONT=&quot]In 2012, a story went viral concerning nine male Muslim refugees (aged 24 and 59 who notoriously gang-raped several young British girls as young as 13. Eight of the nine perpetrators are Pakistani, a country wherein 70% or more of the population is the product of incest. The nine men were sentenced to 77 years in prison for “convicted of rape, aiding and abetting rape, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child, sexual assault and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.”
This, of course, led to an increased concern regarding the ethical parameters of Islamic practice and theology. Some on the far-left of the political spectrum came running to defend the Muslim rapists, arguing that their persecutors were simply “far-right activists” or “”Islamophobic.”
But the actions committed by the Muslim men were not the actions of “lone wolves,” nor are the entirely divorced from an incredibly immoral Islamic culture. In 2016, an anti-pedophilia bill was rejected by the country of Pakistan on the basis of being “anti-Islamic.” Pakistan, a country where the population is approximately 96% Muslim, has recognized that anti-pedophilia sentiment is intrinsically at odds with its religion and socio-political ethics.
Nonetheless, it is important to remember that it is not Islamophobic to be distasteful towards Islam, as a “phobia” indicates fear. And nobody is really afraid of Islam, especially not those in the far-right. It is not fear that many feel in the face of Islam – it is detestation. Not out of a trembling uncomfortable reaction to a shockingly different culture, but out of a recognition of Islam’s morally reprehensible nature, a tenant of which is rampant pedophilia. To address the issue of pedophilia in Islam, one must first go to the foundation of the religion itself: that is, the pedophiliac practices and teachings of Muhammed himself as recorded in the Qur’an.
First, to define terms, let us understand what is meant by the word “pedophile.” The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders mandates three requirements for a subject to be rightly labeled as a pedophile.
A. Over a period of at least six months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).
B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies caused marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.
C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.
The short version: a pedophile is an adult who possesses ongoing urges or behaviors involving prepubescent children. Does the holy prophet of Allah meet these standards? Let’s see.
According to the Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six books containing authoritative hadiths) of Sunni Islam, Aisha was a young girl, approximately six or seven years of age.
When Muhammed departed for Medina,
“He stayed there for two years or so and then he married ‘Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consumed that marriage when she was nine years old,” (Sahih Bukhari 63:122).
Muhammed, an adult man, clearly engaged in ongoing romantic behavior involving a prepubescent girl, marrying her when she was only six years old and proceeding to “consume” the marriage when she was nine. To consume, of course, means to deflower.
Today, Google indicates that Pakistan is the country with most pedophile internet-users, with Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal following close behind with Google searches such as “sexy child,” “sex children, “man boy sex,” “man girl sex,” and “boy rape.” The moral depravity of majority Muslim country is blatantly obvious from mere Google searches. The following chart represents certain pedophiliac search phrases by placement per country:

Image Source
Pakistan, now acknowledged by Google search trends as the world’s most pedophiliac country, is home to approximately 1.5 million street children. Sources estimate that 90% of Pakistani children have been sexually abused, usually offering sexual services in exchange for money.
13-year-old Naeem is one of these street children, having run away from home at the age of 8 due to an abusive family structure.
“I was lying here sleeping and four people grabbed me and threw me into a car,” Naeem reports, “One was a bus driver, the others were heroin addicts. All four of them raped me.”
Islamic society dictates that there is nothing wrong with pedophilia, and child rape is evidently a common phenomenon that occurs in historically Islamic civilizations. Although Pakistani refugees only make up a small minority of the recent immigration influx in Europe, they personify the concerns that anti-immigration ideologues have been proportion for years, i.e., Islam has no place in Western civilization.

Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Ann Barnhardt: The Keystone of the Islamic Milieu: Inbreeding[/h][FONT=&quot]by Aldeeb 15 avril 2011[/FONT]
Source: The darkest hour is just before dawn. A huge swath of this planet, from the Straits of Gibraltar to the Philippine Sea, has been held in a synthetic, forced nightfall for nearly fourteen centuries. But the sunrise is coming, it is coming sooner rather than later, and this light will be the life of men. Everywhere in the western world, people look at the savage violence that is a daily occurrence in the Muslim world and shake their heads in stunned disbelief. A pastor of a very small Christian flock in Florida burns a Koran. Weeks later at literally the global antipode, Muslim imams drive through neighborhoods in a vehicle with loudspeakers attached, calling the townsfolk to riot. The townsfolk respond, and before it is all over, at least 22 innocent people are dead at the hands of these townsfolk, with at least two of them beheaded. How is this possible? How can this be? How can human behavior and culture be so monstrously different? Is this difference attributable to nothing more than environmental nurture theory?No. There is something else. There is a catalyst — absent in every other culture on earth — that has poisoned the cultural soil, thus yielding the fruit of bad harvest for nearly 1,400 years. That catalyst is inbreeding. As a direct result, the Muslim population is mentally developmentally disabled on a mass scale.All human cultures display strict prohibitions against inbreeding and consanguineous marriage. Incest is a universal taboo. This is a transcendent anthropological fact. As a Roman Catholic, I attribute this to what is called “The Natural Law.” Every human person without exception is created by God with a deep, innate knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong. Stabbing someone in the neck for no reason whatsoever is just as wrong here in Lone Tree, Colorado as it is in the Amazon basin, as it is on the high plateaus of Mongolia.But there is one culture, one faux “religion,” that expressly condones and encourages consanguineous marriage and breeding. That system is Islam, and the document that explicitly ratifies incest is the Koran, specifically Sura 4 verse 23:prohibited for you (in marriage) are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, the sisters of your fathers, the sisters of your mothers, the daughters of your brother, the daughters of your sister, your nursing mothers, the girls who nursed from the same woman as you, the mothers of your wives, the daughters of your wives with whom you have consummated the marriage — if the marriage has not been consummated, you may marry the daughter. Also prohibited for you are the women who were married to your genetic sons. Also, you shall not be married to two sisters at the same time — but do not break up existing marriages.Sounds like an exhaustive list — but it is not. It is the most lax incest prohibition in all of human culture. There is a massive omission: cousins only once removed. In the Muslim culture, marriage and breeding between first cousins has existed since day one. Mohammed himself married Zaynab, who was his father’s sister’s daughter. Mohammed and Zaynab were direct first cousins.Marrying your first cousin is the genetic equivalent of marrying your half-sibling. Think of your own family. Let’s say your dad has a sister, who is “Aunt Linda” to you. Your dad and Aunt Linda, being full siblings, have exactly the same genetic constitution. Their family trees prior to their generation are identical. Therefore, if Aunt Linda has any children, who are your first cousins, they are, in genetic terms, 50% identical to you. You share one of your two genetic constituencies with your cousins, thus making them genetically the same as a half-sibling would be.First cousin marriage for just one generation is extremely risky in and of itself. This is why virtually every other culture on earth prohibits it, and treats it as a cultural taboo. When two people come together who carry so many similar genetic alleles, the chance of an undesirable recessive trait expressing itself in their offspring soars. Now, understanding that single-generational risk, understand that Muslims have been marrying their first cousins over and over again for 1,400 years. Sit in stillness for a moment with the full, terrifying gravity of this.The Reproductive Health Journal reports the following rates on consanguinity in Muslim countries. Where a statistical range has been recorded, I have used the lower parameter:Algeria: 22.6%Bahrain: 39.4%Egypt (North): 20.9%Egypt (Nubia-South): 60.5%Iraq: 47.0%Jordan: 28.5%Kuwait: 22.5%Lebanon: 12.8%Libya: 48.4%Mauritania: 47.2%Morocco: 19.9%Oman: 56.3%Palestine: 17.5%Qatar: 54.0%Saudi Arabia: 42.1%Sudan: 44.2%Syria: 30.3%Tunisia: 20.1%United Arab Emirates: 40.0%Yemen: 40.0%Muslim men are never, ever allowed to be around, see, converse with or otherwise interact with any females outside of their families. However, they are permitted to act as chaperones for their female first cousins. If your first cousin is the only person of the opposite sex you ever get to interact with, is it any surprise that Muslims are marrying their first cousins more as the rule than as the exception?According to the BBC, 55% of Pakistani-Britons are married to a first cousin, and as a corollary to that produce “just under a third” of all children in the UK with genetic illnesses, despite being only 3% of the total births.As a direct result of inbreeding, the Muslim population is the only population on earth that is mentally and physically devolving. This inherent weakness makes Muslim populations more susceptible to nefarious, oppressive leadership and mass manipulation. The amount of objective evidence supporting this statement is colossal and obvious.But there is hope. All is not lost. In my education in animal husbandry, I was keenly interested in my genetics classes. One of the key concepts in farm animal genetics is “hybrid vigor.” This is the genetic principle which states that the crossbreeding of two genetically diverse plants or animals of the same species yields offspring of increased vigor and other superior qualities. All plants and animals have been designed to “bring out the best in themselves,” and our DNA has built-in fail-safes to edit and correct any flaws which creep into our DNA over time. Given this, if the people now living under the fist of Islam are finally freed and can court and love and marry whomever they choose, thus reopening the genetic pool, this will allow hybrid vigor to cleanse and restore to full health their populations.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Well Zit, Obama would beg to differ.

“Islam has always been part of America”

“In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the
forefront of innovation and education.”

“We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and
factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim
innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock
the secrets of our universe.”

And I'd be watching my 6 if I were you...

"That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam
must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my
responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes
of Islam wherever they appear.”


New member
Jan 11, 2015
Seems logical but I don't care either way.

Interestingly, I saw a video recently that said the number one place in the world for inbreeding (genetically proven) has been proved to be....

.... wait for it..... Puerto Rico!

Ha ha. Don't know if that's true or not.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
I saw a video recently that said the number one place in the world for inbreeding (genetically proven) has been proved to be....

.... wait for it..... Puerto Rico!

u watch some weird porn

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