I'm new here, and I have a quick question.
I have this little program that I made that parses Pinnacle's lines (as well as other books, actually the others are all exchanges), and finds scalps. Nothing new here, it's been done before, except maybe that my program actually makes the bets automatically (no human intervention).
I've included a restriction on the Pinnacle side where I never bet an amount that's not a multiple of $5. I did this so that I wouldn't be flagged as a scalper by Pinnacle. But sometimes that rounding restriction results in no scalp being available. For example, if my program determines that I need to bet $57 on the Pinnacle side, it would calculate with $55 and $60. But sometimes, $55 and $60 don't result in a scalp, whereas $57 would.
My question is simply this : should I bother rounding bets at Pinnacle ? Do they even care about scalpers ? Do some of you regularly bet amounts that are not multiples of $5 at Pinnacle ?
I'm new here, and I have a quick question.
I have this little program that I made that parses Pinnacle's lines (as well as other books, actually the others are all exchanges), and finds scalps. Nothing new here, it's been done before, except maybe that my program actually makes the bets automatically (no human intervention).
I've included a restriction on the Pinnacle side where I never bet an amount that's not a multiple of $5. I did this so that I wouldn't be flagged as a scalper by Pinnacle. But sometimes that rounding restriction results in no scalp being available. For example, if my program determines that I need to bet $57 on the Pinnacle side, it would calculate with $55 and $60. But sometimes, $55 and $60 don't result in a scalp, whereas $57 would.
My question is simply this : should I bother rounding bets at Pinnacle ? Do they even care about scalpers ? Do some of you regularly bet amounts that are not multiples of $5 at Pinnacle ?