I'm sorry, but laughable (especially the part on Universal Health Care). With all due respect, who the fuck is JimmyJet and why is a banned member putting up a post with his name?). Honestly, the response is written like it comes from an elementary school child. "He has improved the image of America abroad by speaking clearly"..what in the world is that comment about? Should we employ a teacher of phonetics then to make speeches?
Obama has embarrassed America with all his comments and behavior abroad. I'm sorry but I don't need a president apologizing for me and I certainly don't want a president showing how inferior we are by bowing down to a foreign leader. We are a super power, perhaps it's time for our president to act that way.
As for Universal Health Care...
-"You may think that you have a right to health care. But you cannot receive health care unless some doctor or health practitioner surrenders some of his time - his life - to you. He may be willing to do this for compensation, but that's his choice. You have no 'right' to his time or property. You have no right to his or any other person's life or to any portion thereof"...quote from Texas A & M Commencement Address given by Neil Boortz (I think it sums it up quite well).
In addition, if you think the government has the right to play God, then go have your head examined...they don't. I would suggest you educate yourself on what this care entails before you sound off on a forum. In this type of a system, there are parameters on how a doctor can treat you and whether you even qualify for care. Are you willing to give up a year of your parents' lives because they don't qualify to be treated for an illness or surgery because they smoke? Are you willing to be on a waiting list for an operation that you need urgently (and where you might die if you have to wait)? How about improved new drugs and treatments...feel OK with us not being as progressive as we've been because drug companies are no longer interested in spending money on research and development because there's no profit margin?
To put it more clearly for those that can't seem to understand this....reducing the price of healthcare without reducing the cost for people to be doctors and pharmaceutical companies to do research and development for new drugs essentially reduces the quality of healthcare. No one in their right mind is going to pay the type of money required for medical school if they can't payback their student loans in a reasonable fashion and earn a good living (so now I guess we get lots of inferior doctors from foreign countries...oh, I can't wait). And developing new drugs takes money if you haven't figured that one out. Sorry, but if the government is going to play God, then allow me to do the same for a moment. As far as I'm concerned, if you're a bum and not adding anything to society then you get lesser care....tough luck. I would rather have quality care going to people that are being productive. And you can bet your ass that if something happens to Obama, he'll be first in line and have the best physicians in the country working on him (so don't start on the every life is valuable bullshit with me). If that's the case than Obama can wait in line like everyone else.
As for digging us out of an economic hole due to misguided policies on Iraq, my one suggestion to you is to take a basic math class. You must be out of your mind to thing that the cost of the Iraq war even comes remotely close to amount of money spent on our new budget, bailouts, and stimulus packages. Bush is like a miser compared to this spendthrift Obama. And the funny thing is, all I heard during the Iraq War from Democrats was how we are wasting so much money and how it's not fair to our children to have to payback this national debt. Funny how I don't hear that argument anymore with Obama's spending. And before you start blaming the past administration for this mess, try learning about the Glass Stegal Act and maybe looking at Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and how they made sure we couldn't put tighten restrictions on Fannie and Freddie again. Hell, I'm not even a fan of the Bush Administration, but I do have a brain between my ears and at least possess some analytical ability (at some point, maybe you'll realize the emperor has no clothes and stop being a sheep)
You people drink way too much Kool Aid!