RX member JimmyJet defends Obama


May 28, 2009
Let's hear your defense of obama. In the past 6 months what has he done for the betterment of our country?

May 28, 2009
Also, please enlighten us on why nationalized healthcare is better for us as your man obama believes it is.

New member
Feb 10, 2009
He has improved the image of America abroad by speaking clearly and showing the people of the world that Americans are not all arrogant and self serving. He has listened and not preached to other leaders, he has made overtures to the Muslims and shown them respect and straight talk. He has opened a dialog with the Russians and believe that this start over with them will pay dividends to handling Iran and North Korea.

He has sought out reasonable and competent Republicans to be part of his cabinet and government. He has supported an economic stimulus plan to begin the long climb out of the hole we are in due to misguided policies of war in Iraq that have plunged us into such great debt. He is interested in balancing the budget after the economy has been revitalized and is working to make GM and Chrysler more viable as companies. He is also aware that the banks, insurance companies, and credit card companies are part of the problem and need to be regulated stronger to keep them from destroying the economy of America more than they already have.

Nationalized health care with a choice of a single payer or keeping what you have will help bring down medical costs for small business, government and individuals plus make sure that all Americans including the poorest and youngest are covered by healthcare. Skyrocketing health costs can not be sustained and to insure our economic recovery than we must have some form of national healthcare system that will help bring costs down and afforda health care to all.

New member
Feb 10, 2009
He has reversed bad policies of the previous adminstration that have tarnished our image abroad such as torture, Guantanamo Prison, no stem cell research and his wife has taken as her personal issue the better treatment of our veterans who have fought so bravely in a war we should have never entered. Al Qaueda is our enemy not Iraq. The containment and reverse of nuclearization in Iran and North Korea are the most important strategic issues facing our country. Our money and our soldiers lives were wasted in the war in Iraq.....if war against Iraq was warranted it should have been waged by the father of George Bush when we saved Kuwait and would have made much more sense than to change the government of Iraq by force when we were already there to drive them from our ally Kuwait.

New member
Oct 19, 2005
He has improved the image of America abroad by speaking clearly and showing the people of the world that Americans are not all arrogant and self serving. He has listened and not preached to other leaders, he has made overtures to the Muslims and shown them respect and straight talk. He has opened a dialog with the Russians and believe that this start over with them will pay dividends to handling Iran and North Korea.

He has sought out reasonable and competent Republicans to be part of his cabinet and government. He has supported an economic stimulus plan to begin the long climb out of the hole we are in due to misguided policies of war in Iraq that have plunged us into such great debt. He is interested in balancing the budget after the economy has been revitalized and is working to make GM and Chrysler more viable as companies. He is also aware that the banks, insurance companies, and credit card companies are part of the problem and need to be regulated stronger to keep them from destroying the economy of America more than they already have.

Nationalized health care with a choice of a single payer or keeping what you have will help bring down medical costs for small business, government and individuals plus make sure that all Americans including the poorest and youngest are covered by healthcare. Skyrocketing health costs can not be sustained and to insure our economic recovery than we must have some form of national healthcare system that will help bring costs down and afforda health care to all.

Outstanding Post!!!!

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Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Are you guys high???

He has improved the image of America abroad by speaking clearly and showing the people of the world that Americans are not all arrogant and self serving. He has listened and not preached to other leaders, he has made overtures to the Muslims and shown them respect and straight talk. He has opened a dialog with the Russians and believe that this start over with them will pay dividends to handling Iran and North Korea.

This has painted him as being weak militarily, just like Clinton. Terrorists will look at this, as they did Clinton, and think that the US is vulnerable once again.

He has sought out reasonable and competent Republicans to be part of his cabinet and government. He has supported an economic stimulus plan to begin the long climb out of the hole we are in due to misguided policies of war in Iraq that have plunged us into such great debt. He is interested in balancing the budget after the economy has been revitalized and is working to make GM and Chrysler more viable as companies. He is also aware that the banks, insurance companies, and credit card companies are part of the problem and need to be regulated stronger to keep them from destroying the economy of America more than they already have.

Obama has been the worst President yet with his trillion dollar budgets. The projection of spendings from his budgets pale in comparison to Bush's who were also out of control. His talk of balancing the budget has no solution and is empty rhetoric. Government spending has never brought an economy out of a recession/depression, it only prolongs it.

He has bailed out failing companies. Do you know what that does? It leads other companies to believe they can continue giving their management big bonuses while not worrrying about failing. They continue to spend on lavish parties even though they have been bailed out. Bailing out failing companies and then not tasking them to change is a recipe for disaster!

Nationalized health care with a choice of a single payer or keeping what you have will help bring down medical costs for small business, government and individuals plus make sure that all Americans including the poorest and youngest are covered by healthcare. Skyrocketing health costs can not be sustained and to insure our economic recovery than we must have some form of national healthcare system that will help bring costs down and afforda health care to all.

The government NEVER brings down costs of anything they touch. Never, ever. While I do believe there should be a safety net of annual physical exams (that would be the only thing bringing down costs due to preventative care) and every child should be guaranteed a certain level of medical care, nationalizing health care under Obama would lead to higher costs, not lower.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
id give him a B so far.

+ embryonic stem cell research
+ ledbetter act
+ tribunals
+ not releasing photos
+ paygo

- stimulus
- big minus, premature guantanamo closing without more info on where these people should go. these people that whine about them going to leavenworth, terrorists in my back yard talk is stupid. leavenworth they have snipers everywhere and nobody is breaking out there. I took a tour of a state prison a year ago and the technology is incredible. the technology at those federal places is 5 times a regular state prison like the one in st. cloud. present an idea though instead of just saying we'll close it in a year.

if he gets this universal health care pushed through which i've stated numerous times i want, ll put him up to a B+, A-.

if it doesnt happen, ill drop him to a B- C+.

New member
Nov 8, 2006
The government is already into health care up to their necks but mostly it serves the pocket books of the health care industry. Case in point how can our government tell us citizens that we cannot buy our drugs from countries that sell them for less.

The govt already sets the bar for physicians and hospitals and keeps those that do not qualify out of that business. This of course is a good thing but if you have that power, why would you not have the power to dictate a price cap? This is not a free market industry as they have gladly accepted certain govt controls.

Nov 17, 2004
I'm sorry, but laughable (especially the part on Universal Health Care). With all due respect, who the fuck is JimmyJet and why is a banned member putting up a post with his name?). Honestly, the response is written like it comes from an elementary school child. "He has improved the image of America abroad by speaking clearly"..what in the world is that comment about? Should we employ a teacher of phonetics then to make speeches?

Obama has embarrassed America with all his comments and behavior abroad. I'm sorry but I don't need a president apologizing for me and I certainly don't want a president showing how inferior we are by bowing down to a foreign leader. We are a super power, perhaps it's time for our president to act that way.

As for Universal Health Care...

-"You may think that you have a right to health care. But you cannot receive health care unless some doctor or health practitioner surrenders some of his time - his life - to you. He may be willing to do this for compensation, but that's his choice. You have no 'right' to his time or property. You have no right to his or any other person's life or to any portion thereof"...quote from Texas A & M Commencement Address given by Neil Boortz (I think it sums it up quite well).

In addition, if you think the government has the right to play God, then go have your head examined...they don't. I would suggest you educate yourself on what this care entails before you sound off on a forum. In this type of a system, there are parameters on how a doctor can treat you and whether you even qualify for care. Are you willing to give up a year of your parents' lives because they don't qualify to be treated for an illness or surgery because they smoke? Are you willing to be on a waiting list for an operation that you need urgently (and where you might die if you have to wait)? How about improved new drugs and treatments...feel OK with us not being as progressive as we've been because drug companies are no longer interested in spending money on research and development because there's no profit margin?

To put it more clearly for those that can't seem to understand this....reducing the price of healthcare without reducing the cost for people to be doctors and pharmaceutical companies to do research and development for new drugs essentially reduces the quality of healthcare. No one in their right mind is going to pay the type of money required for medical school if they can't payback their student loans in a reasonable fashion and earn a good living (so now I guess we get lots of inferior doctors from foreign countries...oh, I can't wait). And developing new drugs takes money if you haven't figured that one out. Sorry, but if the government is going to play God, then allow me to do the same for a moment. As far as I'm concerned, if you're a bum and not adding anything to society then you get lesser care....tough luck. I would rather have quality care going to people that are being productive. And you can bet your ass that if something happens to Obama, he'll be first in line and have the best physicians in the country working on him (so don't start on the every life is valuable bullshit with me). If that's the case than Obama can wait in line like everyone else.

As for digging us out of an economic hole due to misguided policies on Iraq, my one suggestion to you is to take a basic math class. You must be out of your mind to thing that the cost of the Iraq war even comes remotely close to amount of money spent on our new budget, bailouts, and stimulus packages. Bush is like a miser compared to this spendthrift Obama. And the funny thing is, all I heard during the Iraq War from Democrats was how we are wasting so much money and how it's not fair to our children to have to payback this national debt. Funny how I don't hear that argument anymore with Obama's spending. And before you start blaming the past administration for this mess, try learning about the Glass Stegal Act and maybe looking at Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and how they made sure we couldn't put tighten restrictions on Fannie and Freddie again. Hell, I'm not even a fan of the Bush Administration, but I do have a brain between my ears and at least possess some analytical ability (at some point, maybe you'll realize the emperor has no clothes and stop being a sheep)

You people drink way too much Kool Aid!

New member
Jul 21, 2006
disagree on universal health care. i want it and i think itll be great if we get it. hopefully it passes this summer. looks like republicans are finally getting on board with it to.

if i was obama i wouldve just said fuck it with these car companies and put it all towards the universal health care.

Nov 21, 2006
He has reversed bad policies of the previous adminstration that have tarnished our image abroad such as torture, Guantanamo Prison, no stem cell research and his wife has taken as her personal issue the better treatment of our veterans who have fought so bravely in a war we should have never entered. Al Qaueda is our enemy not Iraq. The containment and reverse of nuclearization in Iran and North Korea are the most important strategic issues facing our country. Our money and our soldiers lives were wasted in the war in Iraq.....if war against Iraq was warranted it should have been waged by the father of George Bush when we saved Kuwait and would have made much more sense than to change the government of Iraq by force when we were already there to drive them from our ally Kuwait.

May want to re-think the Gitmo statement....


Nov 21, 2006
id give him a B so far.

+ embryonic stem cell research
+ ledbetter act
+ tribunals
+ not releasing photos
+ paygo

- stimulus
- big minus, premature guantanamo closing without more info on where these people should go. these people that whine about them going to leavenworth, terrorists in my back yard talk is stupid. leavenworth they have snipers everywhere and nobody is breaking out there. I took a tour of a state prison a year ago and the technology is incredible. the technology at those federal places is 5 times a regular state prison like the one in st. cloud. present an idea though instead of just saying we'll close it in a year.

if he gets this universal health care pushed through which i've stated numerous times i want, ll put him up to a B+, A-.

if it doesnt happen, ill drop him to a B- C+.


What about:
- Drones killing civilians in Pakistan
- Armed contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan have increased under BO
- Looking to build a $736 million dollar embassy in Pakistan

New member
Nov 8, 2006
I think that too many of the conservatives that post here are either very young and inexperienced or are as hard hearted as a Nazi death-camp commandant.

New member
Jul 21, 2006

What about:
- Drones killing civilians in Pakistan
- Armed contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan have increased under BO
- Looking to build a $736 million dollar embassy in Pakistan

-drones killing civilians, dont like that, but i dont think they are gunning to intentionally kill people heh. they just graduated the first class of pilots that will control these drones, unmanned drones.

-iraq and afghanistan is a long term thing. anyone who thought wed just get out right away are the ones that said rainbows, unicorns, etc when obama was elected. war is money, it is always necessaery to be in conflict. you have no peace without war.

-embassy im fine with.

one negative thing i forgot to mention though was the torture thing. i dont think he should've apologized for that and i think we should be using it. i disagree with his opinion that it makes enemies hate us more if we torture.

Nov 17, 2004
I think that too many of the conservatives that post here are either very young and inexperienced or are as hard hearted as a Nazi death-camp commandant.

Interesting. I've always thought when liberals say they don't like conservatives because they aren't kind, they just mean they don't like 'em because conservatives aren't their kind. Liberal claims that they accept diversity and inclusiveness are largely hypocritical in that they really mean they like diversity and inclusiveness of their own ideals and beliefs.

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
I smelled lunacy before i ever opened this thread. I was not dissapointed

New member
Feb 10, 2009
I believe in diversity of opinion and respect the right of reasonable people to have differences. My opinion is mine and have shared it here because was asked by hornedfrog but seems strange hornedfrog has no response. I will continue to support Onama as our president and believe that him and his aides are interested in doing what is right and best for the American people. I see him reachiong out to those who do not agree with him on some policies, do not hear him showing disrespect to conservatives and always puzzled me how irrational some conservatives are in the extremes of their language and strident tone of their rhetoric. Nobody is always right or wrong. Good policy is reached by consenus and debate. Obama is facing the realities of our problems and striving to work and craft policies that will benefit all Americans not just the chosen few. History will judge his vallue, but I believe he is the right man at the right time to lead America and maybe even the world to prosperity and peace. I do believe that his approach will hurt Al Qaueda recruitment and closing Guantanamo is part of that....there is no reason these prisoners should not be tried and punished or released if not guilty. Those found guilty would be safely kept in our stateside prisons and those not guilty should have their freedom. Everyone deserves a trial and justice even suspected terrorists.

Nov 17, 2004
I'm just curious. Does reaching out mean locking out? I recall he didn't seem to have a problem with the Republicans being locked out on the AIG talks. He, or course, was later outraged that they would receive bonuses of $165 million. Yet, he had no outrage in giving them $170 billion. Interesting.

His administration went into full attack on Rick Santelli when he cried foul on the mortgage bailout (let his little henchman Gibbs go after him). Your claim of "reaching out" is nothing but semantics and illusory. It means nothing if your full intent is to be close minded and simply do what you intended in the first place. Consensus and debate...that's a laugh. Democrats are merely railroading through their ideas with no concern for what others think. Again...your claims of diversity and inclusiveness are largely hypocritical in that they really mean you like diversity and inclusiveness of your own ideals and beliefs.

So tell me, if you have a room of 25 people and 12 people don't like a decision, do you just say FU to those 12 because 13 people want it the other way?

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
JimmyJet's posts above nicely sum up most of my own feelings of why I'm pretty much okey-dokey about the effects so far on our nation by the new adminstration of President Barack Obama

Those who don't share our enthusiasm are likely far better served on focusing their energies towards getting a new President in 2012 rather than wasting their spunk griping about this or that aspect of Obama's presence in the White House.

I speak from experience being that for the first couple of years GW Bush was in office, I lost way too much of my life griping about him - time that I learned to more smartly channel into efforts to find a replacement with who I could more respect and whose policies I could support.

And none....I emphasize NONE of my complaints about GW Bush resulted in a single change in how he and his supporters went about their business.

Nor will any of the complainers about Obama inspire any change in what he and his legion of supporters are set out to do during the next 7+ years.

Moral of the Story - Stop Bitchin' and Get To Work creating real and believeable alternatives to what you don't like in your community, whether it be national, state or local.

-Bman PPub post for June 6 (so I'm a day late....)

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