Before I forget, WHO Knocked out CalvinTY Last week for the 2nd Bounty ? Let me know so you can get the 5 Bonus Points.
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</td><td class="xl25" style="border-style: none solid solid; border-color: windowtext; border-width: medium 0.5pt 0.5pt; height: 15pt; background-color: transparent;" height="20">
Who Are You ? / jmcki330</td></tr></tbody></table>
I strongly believe it was "jmcki330" who sucked me out early in the tourney hitting his Ace on the turn having a mid-pair at the flop after I hit a top-pair, open-ended straight draw flop. I actually was very very tired & had company over at my place... to the point that I actually believed I had flopped a straight instead, LOL. It was fate that I had an early exit, I guess.
Speaking of discussions, I like the current location & format... but am flexible with the time (as in earlier). I really don't think we should have 2nd site and/or change to any other type of game due to a guarantee of less interest in HORSE, Omaha, deep-stacked tourneys, whatever else.
However, I am strongly, strongly in favor of worst/missed scores be eliminated from our season scores. Looks like several already suggesting top 10 scores being counted in a 12-week season. Sounds perfect.
* CalvinTy