The New York Times today posted a shocking expose revealing that Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio and his wife Jeanette are a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde who "have been cited for numerous driving incidents over the years."
Intrepid Times reporters Alan Rappaport and Steve Eder uncovered the full details of the Rubios' fast and furious transgressions, noting that "the couple had a combined 17 citations: Mr. Rubio with four and his wife with 13" dating back to 1997. Their reign of criminal terror included a ticket Mrs. Rubio received for careening at 23 mph in a 15-mph school zone.
This revelation, which could easily derail Senator Rubio's presidential hopes, sparked widespread ridicule from conservatives who found the Times article a pathetic attempt to dig up dirt on the candidate.
God forbid he should ever drive his car off a bridge.
The New York Times today posted a shocking expose revealing that Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio and his wife Jeanette are a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde who "have been cited for numerous driving incidents over the years."
Intrepid Times reporters Alan Rappaport and Steve Eder uncovered the full details of the Rubios' fast and furious transgressions, noting that "the couple had a combined 17 citations: Mr. Rubio with four and his wife with 13" dating back to 1997. Their reign of criminal terror included a ticket Mrs. Rubio received for careening at 23 mph in a 15-mph school zone.
This revelation, which could easily derail Senator Rubio's presidential hopes, sparked widespread ridicule from conservatives who found the Times article a pathetic attempt to dig up dirt on the candidate.
God forbid he should ever drive his car off a bridge.