Exactly. What is scary is that we continue to elect the same people who put us in these situations. A complete and total financial collapse sending us and the world back to 1929 will occur before we ever elect someone like Ron Paul.
that said what's done has been done
nobody can "fix" the problem if they are indeed bad enough to cause major economic problems.....
but ron paul knows what we need to do over the long haul to get this ship moving back in the right direction that much is true big time....but there will be big time near term pain regardless......
big government and liberalism is the reason we in this mess to begin with
honestly i'm starting to think i might vote for obama (i'm in iowa so probably still going 3rd party since obama has 12% lead) would rather have a clueless commie that has no Fuckin clue the problems we face and is the anti paul....than a potential fascist......
and than in 4 years we can get paul like people to infiltrate both congress and the white house to start moving this country back in the right direction
probably a dream......