Goodell says PSI spot checks found no air-pressure violations in 2015
Posted by Michael David Smith on February 2, 2016, 5:57 PM EST
Fucking Goodell is such a feckless fuckin fraud its unbelievable.
When asked, he said the results of the PSI wasn't important....WHAAAATTTT????
You bet your ass if the results were against the Pats contention of the ideal gas law causing the minuscule drop in PSI it would be plastered all over the news.
Now that Goodell knows fuckin well that the Pats were perfectly right in their explanation of the ideal gas law he now says that the year long testing of balls wasn't a study or research. He won't post the results.
What disingenuous cocksucker.
Posted by Michael David Smith on February 2, 2016, 5:57 PM EST
Fucking Goodell is such a feckless fuckin fraud its unbelievable.
When asked, he said the results of the PSI wasn't important....WHAAAATTTT????
You bet your ass if the results were against the Pats contention of the ideal gas law causing the minuscule drop in PSI it would be plastered all over the news.
Now that Goodell knows fuckin well that the Pats were perfectly right in their explanation of the ideal gas law he now says that the year long testing of balls wasn't a study or research. He won't post the results.
What disingenuous cocksucker.
In response to Deflategate, the NFL decided this year to check the PSI of footballs at some games. Goodell said in an interview with NFL Network’s Rich Eisen that testing the footballs wasn’t about researching the way air pressure can respond to temperature and game conditions, it was simply about ensuring that teams weren’t manipulating their footballs. And those spot checks found no violations.
“It wasn’t a research study. They simply were spot checks. There were no violations this year. We’re pleased that we haven’t had any violations and we continue the work, obviously, to consistently and importantly enforce the integrity of the game and the rules that are designed to protect it,” Goodell said.