A few days ago I started a thread headed "The Rx's new home page is a disaster".
Many posters agreed with me.
Management (typically) declined to comment.
I just clicked on Charlie Maxwell's link to the home page and timed it. It took 52 seconds for the home page to load. (I have dial up modem, as do many others).
So thanks anyway, Charlie. I'd rather not waste my time, when 98% of the other websites would take about 5 seconds. Your former homepage would've taken about 5 seconds also.
Secondly - Since I was there, I read "Wild Bill"'s article.
Typically, the article was filled with commonplaces and extremely ordinary information, such as could be found in a giveaway airline magazine.
To sum up the info which I recall (I'm not going back to the article to take notes and waste another 52 seconds for it to load - so excuse the paraphrasing)-
1)Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a book
is in trouble.
2)Neteller and Pinnacle, although they may seem safe, are probably not as safe as a real bank.
3)Always try to be aware, so that you can spot when a book is in trouble.
I look forward to Wild Bill's next insightful article, where I've been told he'll discuss safety tips such as-
1) It's usually good to tie your shoelaces.
2)Brush your teeth daily and you will help avoid cavities.
3) Try to watch where you're walking. If there is an open manhole in front of you, this may prevent you from falling in. Sometimes at least.
I truly find this guy's "articles" worthless.
[This message was edited by Scooter1 on June 09, 2004 at 02:10 AM.]