1. I guess, the bet size with Schwartzs formulas depends on your own estimations, yes or no?
Yes. No. <g>. You can use his numbers and worksheets in robot-like fashion, and he also provides you with enough fodder should you wish to tweak things-- like risk ratios when investing in securities, for instance.
Now, if by estimations you are referring to your advantage(avg win %, avg payoff, etc.) being off-- then that would be a sign of either not enough longetivity with the particular betting mode, or not keeping enough detailed records.... For you would see that your season averages do not vary that much from year to year-- you would see that fluctuations(the expected losing / winning streaks), though sometimes wild, tend to average out / balance out by season's end. If by chance your numbers can't be used reliably, because say-- the different sports / games you bet have varying advantages-- you can always keep different bankrolls... it doesn't really take extra money, as they can be 'shy'.
What really helps here, imho-- is to keep copious records... and there's no such thing as writing down too much: such as a column stating why each bet is being made... tracking these 'reasons' is crucial....
Something a bit unrelated put forth by a long-ago author: when he had a big win he always looked for something he could've done differently to make even more money-- and conversely with a loss: he would try to find something right he did re the selection / bet-- in spite of the loss.
2. If yes, What will happen if your estimations are wrong or you have very unlucky season. Do you lose less with this vs Kelly?
Most definitely yes. This is addressed in many ways. He gives you a risk variance / bankroll ruin chart with the % occurrence of each size of losing streak for different bet-win percentages.
Most importantly, he tweaked the Kelly formula and added concepts used in securities investing, to come up with a very ingenious way to manage & grow your bankroll-- and he shows you with many bankroll examples how Kelly often hastens the road to ruin. Kelly's like Communism: works great on paper, but not in practice....If your win % & avg. payoff were always the same or better day in and day out, week in & out-- a practical impossibility-- then Kelly is the only answer. But he dissects Kelly and shows you how the largest wagers are always on the losing bets-- unavoidable, as one can't know when the loss that ends a win streak / or dip in win % is coming. He has come up with a way to totally reverse this phenomenon, and actually beat Kelly most of the time-- often even when incurring a slight negative expectation(flat bet loss), while to boot risking much less money!!!
The only time Kelly beats his system(and only by a little bit at that) is when one's advantage stays the same or improves short-term-- and even then he demonstrates how Kelly risked / invested several times more money just to make a little more profit. And when the expected downturn comes, if it's fairly severe-- and this may be the gist of what you're alluding to-- Kelly may deplete the entire bankroll, while HMI(his system) shows a profit-- even sometimes during a negative expectancy...
For me, this has been the single most crucial product i have ever obtained... sure, the books & methods on coming up with winning selections are very important, however: without the proper bet strategy one can lose money in spite of having more winners than losers-- we've all been there. Conversely, one can be a hack with just a slight positive win %, who can make a living off gambling, by betting correctly. 'Cause flat betting just won't cut it as a sole income source....
I make no commission / have no financial interest or connection with the author-- other than total agreement and appreciation for his theorems-- like others such as Huey Mahl, John Patrick, the GameMaster, the Wizard of Odds, Robert Allen, etc.