the social conservative thing always gets me personally
i'm really neither in some respects (SC or SL) i guess i'm a and let live....but at the same time i do not like our leaders promoting and being proponents of liberal practices
i don't think people should be looked down upon because they are gay, or a divorcee, if the had an abortion or whatever
but i feel our leaders should promote conservative social practices, traditional family etc....and be an example for others to follow....the break down of the family is part of the reason america is going to leads to fiscally irresponsible practices in the home which is than passed down through the generations.....the bedrock of our country that made it great was the post great depression family that was very socially conservative and fiscally conservative in their personal lives
the social issues really used to push peoples buttons and distract from the fact that government continues to take more freedoms away from us and spend like crazy liberals
the gays, and blacks, and hispanics are all rounded up by the lefties
while the gay haters, illegal immigrant haters, christians etc...are round up by the right
in the end government is screwing us over though on the fiscal end