Request for 2H lines


New member
Jan 1, 2007
I was wondering if there is a database that I could exploit by looking, retrospectively, at the 2H lines for CBB over the past month (or so)?

I've been working up a system that seems to be hitting at a pretty high rate for 2H plays, but I'd like to validate it over a longer period than I currently have. Doing so would allow me to look at ALL the numbers, rather than just the ones I played.

If anybody could help, please PM me or leave the info here.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I think if you look at the rx odds you can find them..Don't know how far they go back...I can probably tell you what the 2nd half line was on alot of games. I have a very good memory and play alot of 2nd halves
Do you mind giving some input on this system?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<TABLE class=tborder id=post6312296 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_6312296 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid">Wed 1/14 723 Michigan State -5 +100 PK
03:30 PM 724 Penn State +5 -110

Wed 1/14 725 South Florida +20.5 -105
04:00 PM 726 Pittsburgh -20.5 -105 -10.5

Wed 1/14 727 Duke -11.5 -105 -6.5
04:00 PM 728 Georgia Tech +11.5 -105

Wed 1/14 729 Ohio +10.5 -105
04:00 PM 730 Miami Ohio -10.5 -105

Wed 1/14 731 Hofstra +4 -105 -1.5
04:00 PM 732 Drexel -4 -105

Wed 1/14 733 Richmond +8 -105
04:00 PM 734 Virginia Tech -8 -105 +1

Wed 1/14 735 St Joseph's -4.5 -105
04:00 PM 736 St Bonaventure +4.5 -105

Wed 1/14 737 Va Commonwealth -9 -105
04:00 PM 738 Towson +9 -105

Wed 1/14 739 Temple -11 -105
04:00 PM 740 Pennsylvania +11 -105

Wed 1/14 741 George Washington +11 -105
04:00 PM 742 Duquesne -11 -105

Wed 1/14 743 Bowling Green +6.5 -105 +4
04:00 PM 744 Kent State -6.5 -105

Wed 1/14 745 NC Wilmington +16.5 -105
04:00 PM 746 James Madison -16.5 -105

Wed 1/14 747 Toledo +11 -108
04:00 PM 748 Western Michigan -11 -102

Wed 1/14 749 George Mason -6 -108
04:00 PM 750 William & Mary +6 -102

Wed 1/14 751 La Salle +5 -110 +5.5
04:30 PM 752 Charlotte -5 +100

Wed 1/14 753 Fordham +21 -105
04:30 PM 754 Dayton -21 -105

Wed 1/14 755 Rutgers +7.5 -105
04:30 PM 756 Cincinnati -7.5 -105 -8

Wed 1/14 757 Syracuse +6 -105 -1
04:30 PM 758 Georgetown -6 -105

Wed 1/14 759 West Virginia -13 -105
05:00 PM 760 Marshall +13 -105

Wed 1/14 761 San Diego State -6 -105
05:00 PM 762 Wyoming +6 -105

Wed 1/14 763 So Mississippi -4 -105
05:00 PM 764 Tulane +4 -105

Wed 1/14 765 Arkansas +2 -105 -1.5
05:00 PM 766 Mississippi -2 -105

Wed 1/14 767 SMU +3 -105
05:00 PM 768 Rice -3 -105

Wed 1/14 769 Florida -2.5 -105 +.5
05:00 PM 770 Auburn +2.5 -105

Wed 1/14 771 South Carolina +3.5 -105
05:00 PM 772 LSU -3.5 -105

Wed 1/14 773 Drake +8 -110
05:00 PM 774 Illinois State -8 +100

Wed 1/14 775 Nebraska +1.5 -105
05:00 PM 776 Iowa State -1.5 -105

Wed 1/14 777 So Illinois +9 -105
05:00 PM 778 Creighton -9 -105

Wed 1/14 779 Massachusetts +3.5 -105
05:00 PM 780 Saint Louis -3.5 -105

Wed 1/14 781 Alabama +8 -105 +6
05:00 PM 782 Mississippi State -8 -105

Wed 1/14 783 Wichita State +4 -105
05:00 PM 784 Missouri State -4 -105

Wed 1/14 785 Georgia +9 -105
05:00 PM 786 Vanderbilt -9 -105 -3.5

Wed 1/14 787 Michigan +7 -105
05:30 PM 788 Illinois -7 -105 -4.5

Wed 1/14 789 Colorado +16 -105
06:00 PM 790 Missouri -16 -105

Wed 1/14 791 Maryland +8.5 -105 +6
06:00 PM 792 Miami Florida -8.5 -105

Wed 1/14 793 UNLV -8 -105 -6.5
06:00 PM 794 Colorado State +8 -105

Wed 1/14 795 Houston U +3.5 -105 +3
06:00 PM 796 UTEP -3.5 -105

Wed 1/14 797 Wake Forest -3.5 -105 pk
06:00 PM 798 Boston College +3.5 -105

Wed 1/14 799 Baylor -1 -105 -3
06:30 PM 800 Texas A&M +1 -105

Wed 1/14 801 CS Northridge +1.5 -105
07:00 PM 802 Cal Riverside -1.5 -105 pk

Wed 1/14 803 Utah U -8 -105 +.5
07:00 PM 804 Air Force +8 -105

Wed 1/14 805 Elon College +23.5 -105
04:00 PM 806 Davidson -23.5 -105
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<TABLE class=tborder id=post6312522 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 1px solid; FONT-WEIGHT: normal; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- status icon and date --><!-- / status icon and date --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

New member
Dec 29, 2005
To me it seems like an overwhelming majority of teams who are down going into the first half, always make a second half charge to make it a game.

New member
Jan 1, 2007
I think if you look at the rx odds you can find them..Don't know how far they go back...I can probably tell you what the 2nd half line was on alot of games. I have a very good memory and play alot of 2nd halves
Do you mind giving some input on this system?

Thanks for the info...

...before I get anybody excited about this potential system, I really want to work through it. I've been hitting at between 65-70% over the past few weeks and I know that's probably not enough to judge it fairly.

The more games I can check, the more likely I am to believe that I'm onto something...

Again, thanks for the lines--I'm going to check them out tomorrow. If you have earlier dates, that would be great...and if I'm confident after looking through this stuff, I'll be sure to PM you with more info for helping out!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Here is another day

Tue 1/13 515 Buffalo +6 -114
04:00 PM 516 Akron -6 +104

Tue 1/13 517 Indiana U +18 -111
04:00 PM 518 Ohio State -18 +101

Tue 1/13 519 Bradley -1.5 -117
04:00 PM 520 Indiana State +1.5 +107

Tue 1/13 521 Florida State +4.5 -105 +4
04:00 PM 522 NC State -4.5 -105

Tue 1/13 523 Northern Illinois +4.5 -105
04:00 PM 524 Ball State -4.5 -105

Tue 1/13 525 Central Michigan +4.5 -105
04:00 PM 526 Eastern Michigan -4.5 -105

Tue 1/13 527 Memphis U -4.5 -107
04:30 PM 528 Tulsa +4.5 -103

Tue 1/13 529 Kansas State +7.5 +100
05:00 PM 530 Kansas -7.5 -110

Tue 1/13 531 Central Florida +9.5 -105 +8.5
05:00 PM 532 UAB -9.5 -105

Tue 1/13 533 Northern Iowa +4 -105 +4
05:00 PM 534 Evansville -4 -105

Tue 1/13 535 Kentucky +6 +101 +5
06:00 PM 536 Tennessee -6 -111

Tue 1/13 537 Georgia State +12.5 -105 +4
06:00 PM 538 Old Dominion -12.5 -105

Tue 1/13 539 TCU +14 -109
07:00 PM 540 B.Y.U. -14 -101 pk

Tue 1/13 541 Sacramento State +15 -105
06:00 PM 542 Northern Colorado -15 -105

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Mon 1/12 713 Notre Dame +6.5 -105 +3
04:00 PM 714 Louisville -6.5 -105

Mon 1/12 715 Texas +4 -110 +1.5
06:00 PM 716 Oklahoma -4 +100

New member
Dec 6, 2008
you can go on bodog or wager on hoopsfor the days second half lines. obviously you have them already, but thats another place to look for lines. are you going to be posting what you found after testing? or keeping it a secret?lol


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Sat 1/10 513 Georgia Tech +8.5 -105
09:00 AM 514 Maryland -8.5 -105

Sat 1/10 515 West Virginia +2.5 -110 +1
09:00 AM 516 Marquette -2.5 +100

Sat 1/10 517 Hofstra +14 -105
09:00 AM 518 Va Commonwealth -14 -105

Sat 1/10 519 Tennessee -7.5 -105
09:00 AM 520 Georgia +7.5 -105 +4.5

Sat 1/10 521 NC State +11.5 -105
09:00 AM 522 Clemson -11.5 -105 PK

Sat 1/10 523 Louisville +2 -105
09:00 AM 524 Villanova -2 -105 -3

Sat 1/10 525 Kansas +7 -105
10:00 AM 526 Michigan State -7 -105 -2

Sat 1/10 527 Providence +12 -105
10:00 AM 528 Georgetown -12 -105 -8.5

Sat 1/10 529 Oklahoma -1.5 +113 +2
10:30 AM 530 Kansas State +1.5 -123

Sat 1/10 531 Texas Tech +12.5 -105
10:45 AM 532 Baylor -12.5 -105

Sat 1/10 533 Buffalo +4.5 -111
11:00 AM 534 Bowling Green -4.5 +101

Sat 1/10 535 South Florida +6.5 -105
11:00 AM 536 Depaul -6.5 -105

Sat 1/10 537 Duke -9 -105 -5.5
11:00 AM 538 Florida State +9 -105

Sat 1/10 539 Detroit U +20 -105
11:00 AM 540 Butler -20 -105

Sat 1/10 541 Seton Hall +14.5 -105
11:00 AM 542 Notre Dame -14.5 -105 -8

Sat 1/10 543 Vanderbilt +8.5 -105
11:00 AM 544 Kentucky -8.5 -105 -5

Sat 1/10 545 Richmond +1 -105
04:00 PM 546 George Washington -1 -105 -4

Sat 1/10 547 Oregon +16.5 -105
11:00 AM 548 Arizona State -16.5 -105 -4

Sat 1/10 549 Old Dominion +6 +100
11:00 AM 550 George Mason -6 -110

Sat 1/10 551 Missouri -2.5 -105 -4
11:00 AM 552 Nebraska +2.5 -105

Sat 1/10 553 Rhode Island +1 -101
11:00 AM 554 St Joseph's -1 -109

Sat 1/10 555 Nevada -4.5 -108
12:00 PM 556 Louisiana Tech +4.5 -102

Sat 1/10 557 Indiana U +18 -105
12:00 PM 558 Illinois -18 -105 -5

Sat 1/10 559 Rice +6 -105
12:00 PM 560 Tulane -6 -105

Sat 1/10 561 East Carolina +6.5 -110
12:00 PM 562 Marshall -6.5 +100

Sat 1/10 563 Toledo +1.5 -105
12:00 PM 564 Northern Illinois -1.5 -105

Sat 1/10 565 Towson +13.5 -105
12:00 PM 566 Northeastern -13.5 -105

Sat 1/10 567 B.Y.U. -9.5 -105
12:00 PM 568 Colorado State +9.5 -105

Sat 1/10 569 Drexel +2.5 -108 +2
01:00 PM 570 Georgia State -2.5 -102

Sat 1/10 571 Duquesne -1 -105
01:00 PM 572 St Bonaventure +1 -105

Sat 1/10 573 Utah U +3.5 -105
01:00 PM 574 San Diego State -3.5 -105

Sat 1/10 575 Virginia +7 -105
01:00 PM 576 Virginia Tech -7 -105 -2.5

Sat 1/10 577 Akron +8.5 -105
01:00 PM 578 Miami Ohio -8.5 -105

Sat 1/10 579 Iowa State +18 -111
01:00 PM 580 Texas -18 +101

Sat 1/10 581 Oregon State +16 -105
01:00 PM 582 Arizona -16 -105 -4

Sat 1/10 583 Ball State +3 -111
01:00 PM 584 Eastern Michigan -3 +101

Sat 1/10 585 Dayton -4.5 +100 -4.5
10:00 AM 586 Massachusetts +4.5 -110

Sat 1/10 587 Connecticut -9.5 -110
01:30 PM 588 Cincinnati +9.5 +100

Sat 1/10 589 UNLV -4 +101
02:30 PM 590 TCU +4 -111

Sat 1/10 591 California +5 -105 +3
03:00 PM 592 Washington U -5 -105

Sat 1/10 593 Mississippi +14 -105
03:00 PM 594 Florida -14 -105 -3.5

Sat 1/10 595 Memphis U -11.5 -105
02:00 PM 596 Central Florida +11.5 -105

Sat 1/10 597 Western Kentucky -2.5 -105
04:00 PM 598 Florida Atlantic +2.5 -105

Sat 1/10 599 James Madison +1.5 -105
04:00 PM 600 William & Mary -1.5 -105

Sat 1/10 601 Tulsa +3.5 -105
01:00 PM 602 Charlotte -3.5 -105

Sat 1/10 603 Delaware -6.5 -105
04:00 PM 604 NC Wilmington +6.5 -105

Sat 1/10 605 Harvard -7.5 -110
04:00 PM 606 Dartmouth +7.5 +100

Sat 1/10 607 Auburn +7 -105
04:00 PM 608 South Carolina -7 -105

Sat 1/10 609 Loyola Chicago +2.5 -105
04:00 PM 610 Youngstown State -2.5 -105

Sat 1/10 611 Illinois State -8 -105
04:00 PM 612 Indiana State +8 -105

Sat 1/10 613 Miami Florida +2 -105 +3
04:00 PM 614 Boston College -2 -105

Sat 1/10 615 Syracuse -7 -105 -4
04:30 PM 616 Rutgers +7 -105

Sat 1/10 617 Illinois Chicago +8.5 -105
04:30 PM 618 Cleveland State -8.5 -105

Sat 1/10 619 Wright State -1.5 -105
05:00 PM 620 Valparaiso +1.5 -105

Sat 1/10 621 Portland U +23.5 -105
05:00 PM 622 Gonzaga -23.5 -105

Sat 1/10 623 Florida Intl +15.5 -105
05:30 PM 624 Middle Tenn St -15.5 -105

Sat 1/10 625 Creighton -1.5 -105
05:00 PM 626 Bradley +1.5 -105

Sat 1/10 627 Arkansas State +3.5 -105
05:00 PM 628 North Texas -3.5 -105

Sat 1/10 629 Arkansas LR -1.5 -105
05:00 PM 630 New Orleans U +1.5 -105

Sat 1/10 631 UTEP -6.5 -105
05:00 PM 632 SMU +6.5 -105

Sat 1/10 633 Mississippi State +6 -105
05:00 PM 634 Arkansas -6 -105

Sat 1/10 635 Missouri State +6 -105
05:00 PM 636 Northern Iowa -6 -105

Sat 1/10 637 Evansville +4 -105 +1
05:00 PM 638 So Illinois -4 -105

Sat 1/10 639 UAB +2.5 -105
05:00 PM 640 Houston U -2.5 -105

Sat 1/10 641 UL Lafayette +1 -105
05:30 PM 642 Troy -1 -105

Sat 1/10 643 Texas A&M +6.5 +103 +3.5
06:00 PM 644 Oklahoma State -6.5 -113

Sat 1/10 645 Utah State +1 -105 +1
06:00 PM 646 New Mexico State -1 -105

Sat 1/10 647 Hawaii +10 -105
06:00 PM 648 Boise State -10 -105

Sat 1/10 649 Air Force +14.5 -105
06:30 PM 650 New Mexico -14.5 -105

Sat 1/10 651 Long Beach State +1.5 -105
07:00 PM 652 UC Davis -1.5 -105 -4

Sat 1/10 655 CS Fullerton +5 -105
07:00 PM 656 Cal Santa Barbara -5 -105

Sat 1/10 657 Stanford +2 -105 +3.5
07:00 PM 658 Washington State -2 -105

Sat 1/10 659 Cal Irvine +2.5 -105 +3
07:00 PM 660 Cal Poly S.L.O. -2.5 -105

Sat 1/10 661 Cal Riverside +8.5 -105
07:00 PM 662 Pacific -8.5 -105

Sat 1/10 663 Loyola Marymount +7.5 -109
08:00 PM 664 Pepperdine -7.5 -101 -4


New member
Jan 1, 2007
Tokens is where I'm at...

I think I am onto something...over the past week, I have a '
system' that is 10-0 over that time span...but it is ONLY for 2H lines (specifically, totals).

The 'system' appears to be pretty solid, but I'm working on ~100 games here, so proceed with caution. Because they're 2H lines, there will be a minimal window of opportunity to, I'll try to post ASAP.

In the meantime, I'm going to post those picks here to see how they do in a public format...if I can manage 70%, I'll be quite happy.

In February, I'll reconsider everything...

BOL to each of you...kick some ass.

New member
Jan 1, 2007
Tokens is where I'm at...

I think I am onto something...over the past week, I have a '
system' that is 10-0 over that time span...but it is ONLY for 2H lines (specifically, totals).

The 'system' appears to be pretty solid, but I'm working on ~100 games here, so proceed with caution. Because they're 2H lines, there will be a minimal window of opportunity to, I'll try to post ASAP.

In the meantime, I'm going to post those picks here to see how they do in a public format...if I can manage 70%, I'll be quite happy.

In February, I'll reconsider everything...

BOL to each of you...kick some ass.

I went through another 25 games this morning from last week where I was able to track down the 2H lines. The 'system' was a perfect 3-0 on that day, taking it to 13-0 over the past 2 weeks.

Problem with this 'system' is that, to share with others, I need about 5-10 minutes to crunch the numbers and eliminate statistical outliers before I get the plays...that only leaves about 5-10 minutes to place the bet.

I'm going to do my best to post any potential plays in a separate thread that I'll start within the next couple days...I won't be in front of my laptop until later tonight & I work tomorrow evening, so they will be limited.

That said, it will only give me a few more games to test this system...the numbers seem too good to be true, so I'm waiting on the bottom to drop out, but they keep on hitting (and I haven't even bet half of them!).

New member
Jan 1, 2007
Just got home and missed much of the action tonight...I will check the results from this system in a few minutes, but I wanted to share one potential play while it's still available:

Oklahoma/Nebraska: 2H, Under 71

The system identifies this game as a solid has been really hot. Let's see what happens.

New member
Jan 1, 2007
I'm going back through the lines, as I said above...

...the system identified a few winners earlier tonight:

Houston/ECU: 2H, Under 79

Ole Miss/Alabama: 2H, Under 77.5

...still going through the rest of the games; will update as I get them done.

New member
Jan 1, 2007
Not an 'official' play by the system, but awfully close:

CS-Northridge/CS-Fullerton: 2H, Under 81.5

(Might have missed this one...sorry about the delay)

New member
Jan 1, 2007
Just got home and missed much of the action tonight...I will check the results from this system in a few minutes, but I wanted to share one potential play while it's still available:

Oklahoma/Nebraska: 2H, Under 71

The system identifies this game as a solid has been really hot. Let's see what happens.

Winner! 2H total = 63 (win by 8 points)

"Unofficial" running record: 14-0

New member
Jan 1, 2007
That's it for tonight, fellas...I hope some of you followed these selections. [The CSF/CSN game isn't an 'official' play, so I won't count it as a win or a JUST missed making my cutoff in this system]

If you count the 3 games I didn't post early enough, this 'system' is now 18-0...which is scary. Damn scary.

I'm afraid to bet it, to be honest...some things just seem too good to be true.

I'm teaching tomorrow night, so I won't be able to provide any picks as the games progress...but I'll post the results from the system when I get home to keep the tally going.

BOL to you all.

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