Release the KRAKEN!!!


Dec 13, 2007
An ETF do a reverse is bad news most times but you'll figure that out later.
VIX will open 4% down..You do understand the reset and why people don't play the vix long or even over night ..But I'd doubt it.

why you're happy about a reverse split is beyond me.
I'm guessing you just figured out you have half the shares you did yesterday and you're down x2 on the 1.8 the vix is down already this AM.
About 3.5 % down with the split figured in..Things are gotta get ugly if you continue "flipping the vix" as you've claimed you're losing will execrate at x2 now with that R split.


Sep 2, 2012
Why thank you..I'm basically a very happy guy I have a great girl..I've kick ass this year in the market, I have my health..I'm newly retired..(Young)..Have good friends..I'm more than lucky I'd say blessed..
Somehow you've got narcissism and happiness confused but you look as if you just another miserable and resentful Trumptard looking for more negativity..It's sickness with guys like you,,pretty sad reality

gotta this AM that back to work on the new property.

it is always a pleasure to read a response from a mentally challenged self absorbed libturd boy like you to brighten my day. "miserable and resentful" is a perfect description of progressive libturds which means it fits you to a "T" even though you try to hide it with your self bravado. you truly a miserable person who feels the need to throw out your chest and tell us all: "look mommy i look sooo good." truthfully you are nothing more than a narcissistic low life pos boy who probably has nothing because you claim to have "everything." i know that you will feel that urge to get the "last word" in so go ahead and do so. i have wasted too much time on you boy and, as you are totally irrelevant, go ahead and continue your exercise in mental masturbation, get your last word in and continue to argue with everyone who has a different opinion than you. toodles boy and have a blessed day.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Why thank you..I'm basically a very happy guy I have a great girl..I've kick ass this year in the market, I have my health..I'm newly retired..(Young)..Have good friends..I'm more than lucky I'd say blessed..
Somehow you've got narcissism and happiness confused but you look as if you just another miserable and resentful Trumptard looking for more negativity..It's sickness with guys like you,,pretty sad reality

gotta this AM that back to work on the new property.

cool story bro

Dec 13, 2007
it is always a pleasure to read a response from a mentally challenged self absorbed libturd boy like you to brighten my day. "miserable and resentful" is a perfect description of progressive libturds which means it fits you to a "T" even though you try to hide it with your self bravado. you truly a miserable person who feels the need to throw out your chest and tell us all: "look mommy i look sooo good." truthfully you are nothing more than a narcissistic low life pos boy who probably has nothing because you claim to have "everything." i know that you will feel that urge to get the "last word" in so go ahead and do so. i have wasted too much time on you boy and, as you are totally irrelevant, go ahead and continue your exercise in mental masturbation, get your last word in and continue to argue with everyone who has a different opinion than you. toodles boy and have a blessed day.

Now you have a good day too. I've never minded being under a fools skin.
Between you and gas hole you put a lot of energy in to bozzie..The stranger..from the internet LOL
Itchy fool? In all honesty you sound jealous and resentful.

It's great day to be Bozzie.

Apr 14, 2006
why you're happy about a reverse split is beyond me.
I'm guessing you just figured out you have half the shares you did yesterday and you're down x2 on the 1.8 the vix is down already this AM.
About 3.5 % down with the split figured in..Things are gotta get ugly if you continue "flipping the vix" as you've claimed you're losing will execrate at x2 now with that R split.


Sorry, no more advice. $20 price is a significant number.

Dec 13, 2007
Sorry, no more advice. $20 price is a significant number.

Dude you just got R you're so fucking lost and a easily spotted fraud.
Stop pretending you've just blown the bullshit "I'm pro investor pay me 400 dollars an hour game"

You do understand your equity hasn't changed one bit and went down again this AM... was that R spilt a 2 for or 4? I didn't read your IPath prospectus

I'm seeing a 40 dollar price on the IPath B's 500's lost boy not 20.00

Sep 2, 2012
Now you have a good day too. I've never minded being under a fools skin.
Between you and gas hole you put a lot of energy in to bozzie..The stranger..from the internet LOL
Itchy fool? In all honesty you sound jealous and resentful.

It's great day to be Bozzie.

please excuse this last thought but i love being in your feeble little head without paying rent. the point being is that i addressed magking's statement and you jumped in to defend yourself and argue as you always do. one little third party reference and you felt compelled to attempt to impress everyone here with your life story which nobody really cares about. anyone can get a rise out of you by stating how irrelevant you are and what a pos you truly are. now i finally finished with you. toodles.

Dec 13, 2007
why, what's the point? I got though less that half of whatever you wrote..Uninteresting and boring.
This started again with the "VIX investor" calling me out twice. I responded...

Did you recently get reverse spilt too?

please excuse this last thought but i love being in your feeble little head without paying rent. the point being is that i addressed magking's statement and you jumped in to defend yourself and argue as you always do. one little third party reference and you felt compelled to attempt to impress everyone here with your life story which nobody really cares about. anyone can get a rise out of you by stating how irrelevant you are and what a pos you truly are. now i finally finished with you. toodles.

Dec 13, 2007
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer ... you crossed someone here I guess......Dean.

Dec 13, 2007
Tokens good Tuckers the best

"Meanwhile, a producer for Tucker Carlson, the network's most-watched show, was attacking their own viewers. In an exchange with Carlson and Shah, the former Trump adviser explained that Sidney Powell claimed that she had an affidavit that would prove a link between Dominion and Venezuela. Shah called it absurd.
“Might wanna address this, but this stuff is so f*cking insane. Vote rigging to the tune of millions? C’mon,” Shah wrote.
Carlson’s then-producer, Alex Pfeiffer, followed up: “It is so insane but our viewers believe it so addressing again how her stupid Venezuela affidavit isn’t proof might insult them.”
Shah encouraged Carlson to talk about it, saying it was “not new info, not proof” and then to quickly “pivot to being deferential.”
Pfeiffer, who now runs his own public affairs company according to his LinkedIn page, called the wavering "surreal."
“Like negotiating with terrorists,” Carson told the other men. “But especially dumb ones. Cousin f*cker types not Saudi royalty.”
Among the other information released last week was that Pfeiffer was trashing Carlson's opening monologue behind his back.
He began saying he “sort of hates Tucker's mono,” calling it “not good” and “very mediocre” for calling out “nameless elites doing bad things. He has done this 1000 times."
He then said, “our job is to react nightly to the news of the day -- not deliver a thesis on what ails America. I feel like Tucker thinks it is the later.”

Aug 17, 2009
Wasn't she gonna release the KRAKEN? LOL all she released was a crock of BULLSHIT all based on an email she randomly received from a LUNATIC like herself!!!

A voting machine company’s $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News has rocked the conservative media giant, exposing rifts between its journalists and the star hosts, and executives more concerned with mollifying pro-Trump viewers than accurately reporting that the 2020 election wasn’t stolen.
But the strangest revelation so far from the Dominion Voting Systems case against the cable channel may be the alleged source of the voter-fraud claims that sparked the lawsuit: a single email from a previously unknown woman who was convinced, among other things, that late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered while being hunted for sport.
That unhinged email to Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell has now become a centerpiece of Dominion’s case, raising questions about how Fox could allow obviously fake claims from a total stranger with no credentials to make it on the air.
Even Maria Bartiromo, the Fox host whose show first aired the claims, admitted in a deposition that the email was ridiculous.

“It’s kooky, absolutely,” Bartiromo said.
But the idea’s origin is even more “kooky” than Bartiromo might realize. In an interview with The Daily Beast, the woman behind that email—a Minnesota artist named Marlene Bourne—said that she based her now nationally prominent ideas about election fraud on a wide variety of sources, including hidden messages she detects in films, song lyrics she hears on the radio, and overheard conversations she hears while in line at the supermarket checkout.
“Yeah, I’m crazy,” Bourne told The Daily Beast. “Crazy like a fox.”
Powell didn’t respond to requests for comment. A spokesperson for Dominion declined to comment.
In a statement provided after this article was published, Fox called the lawsuit an effort to “silence the press.”
“FOX News will continue to fiercely protect the free press as a ruling in favor of Dominion would have grave consequences for journalism across this country,” the statement read.
Bourne, who makes what she calls “cactus art” using glitter and Swarovski crystals, might seem like an unlikely person to plunge the most-watched cable network in the country into an embarrassing, expensive lawsuit.
Bourne said she has never met Powell, or communicated with her beyond that one email. She doesn’t even watch Fox News, because she considers the network and all other major media outlets to be “psyops”—short for psychological operations carried out by nefarious forces as part of what she called a “mass global unconventional warfare” plot to divide Americans.
But on the afternoon of Nov. 7, 2020, just hours after Fox and other major media outlets called the election for Joe Biden, Bourne sent Powell, Fox host Lou Dobbs, and conservative activist Tom Fitton an email laying out the case against Dominion as she saw it. In Bourne’s telling, Dominion machines used software to convert 3 percent of all votes for Donald Trump into votes for Biden.
Bourne had seen Powell defending Trump online and thought the lawyer would be the perfect person for her theories.
“OK, let’s send some information that will steer her in the right direction,” Bourne told The Daily Beast. “I was on a roll, let’s put it that way.”
But Bourne didn’t stop there. In a flurry of names and statistics, she laid out a scenario in the email where the world is controlled by a sinister cabal —one that fatally hunted Scalia for sport (in reality, Scalia died in his sleep in 2016).
“Justice Scalia wasn’t accidentally shot during a hunting trip,” her email read. “He was purposefully killed at the annual Bohemian Grove camp. A club for members of the Mega-Group, during a weeklong human hunting expedition. NEVER accept an invitation to be a guest at that camp. Ever.”
Bourne peppered the email to Powell with “facts” about herself, claiming that she had once felt her soul leave her body after being shot in the back and that she had been “internally decapitated” during a car accident.
“The Wind tells me I’m a ghost, but I don’t believe it,” Bourne wrote.
Asked about the “wind” that gives her ideas, Bourne responded to The Daily Beast with a question of her own.
“Well, let me ask you something,” Bourne said. “Do you believe in telepathy?”

Bourne admitted in her email to Powell that her ideas were “pretty wackadoodle.”
But less than an hour after receiving the email, Powell had ignored the many red flags the email contained about Bourne’s credibility and forwarded it to Bartiromo.
Three minutes later, Bartiromo forwarded Bourne’s theories to her producer and replied to Powell, saying the lawyer had provided Fox with “very imp[ortant] info.”
The next day, Fox aired a pre-taped interview with Bartiromo and Powell on Bartiromo’s show, Sunday Morning Futures. The segment appears to be based in large part on Bourne’s email—in Bartiromo’s deposition, she was unable to point to another source for Powell’s ideas.
During the deposition process, a lawyer for Dominion said the discovery process didn’t turn up any other documents used by Bartiromo’s staff before the segment aired that mentioned Dominion.
Bartiromo’s producer said in her own deposition that the show “never used” the email. But the Nov. 8 segment on Bartiromo’s show echoed a number of claims made in Bourne’s email. Powell said Dominion software “used an algorithm to calculate the votes they would need to flip,” converting Trump votes into Biden votes.
Bartiromo referenced false claims that she would have read a day earlier in Bourne’s email. At times, Bartiromo even used identical phrasing to Bourne’s email.
For example, Bourne’s email reads:
“Don’t you find it curious that Nadeam Elshami, Nancy Pelosi’s longtime Chief of Staff is a key executive there, and that Richard Blum, Senator Feinstein’s husband, is not only a significant shareholder of that company, but in Avid Technologies as well?”
Bartiromo repeated phrases from the email, like “longtime chief of staff,” “key executive,” and “significant shareholder”:
“I also see reports that Nancy Pelosi’s longtime chief of staff is a key executive at that company,” Bartiromo said. “Richard Blum, Sen. Feinstein's husband, a significant shareholder of that company.”
The identical phrasing is more visible because Bartiromo’s claims, taken from Bourne’s email, are false. Dominion hired Elshami’s lobbying firm, but he wasn’t a “key executive” at the voting machine company. And Blum, the husband of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), has no financial connection to Dominion.
Bartiromo and at least one Fox executive have scrambled to distance themselves from the email in the aftermath of Dominion’s lawsuit. In her deposition, Bartiromo said it was “inherently unreliable” and agreed that it was “nonsense.”
In an October deposition for the Dominion lawsuit, David Clark, the Fox executive who oversaw Bartiromo’s show, agreed that the segment should not have run if it was based only on Bourne’s email.
“I will concede that this email is crazy,” Clark said.
Lawyers for Dominion would later seize on Bourne’s most outlandish claims, noting in a motion filed last month that “the full force of the email’s lunacy comes across by reading it in its entirety.”

In a discursive 40-minute interview with The Daily Beast, Bourne threw out a jumble of ideas that centered on ties between telepaths, the Bank of the Vatican, the NXIVM sex cult, and the 1970 film Beneath the Planet of the Apes.
And she explained where she got the conspiracy theories like the one that Fox somehow allowed to reach its airwaves, prompting the threat of a $1.6 billion judgment. Essentially, in Bourne’s telling, she conjures her theories out of nothing.
“It’s just really interesting where I’ll have the TV on, and I’ll hear a word or a person’s name, and for whatever reason, I can’t explain it, it’s going to compel me to look it up online, I’ll do a little digging,” she said. “Instead of saying I rely on my intuition, I say ‘the wind’ is talking to me. It’s just a fun way of living my life, don’t you think?”
Bourne gets her theories from song lyrics and glimpses of magazine covers. She’s working on a book styled after the Ancient Aliens television series that focuses on the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. She has an elaborate theory about the deep state and the media: in Bourne’s telling, the CIA controls the Washington Post, the FBI runs the New York Times, and the State Department runs Politico and CNN.
Bourne didn’t realize her email had become a key part of the Dominion trial until a reporter from The Daily Beast contacted her, but she didn’t seem surprised.
“My point of view sometimes is so far outside the box it’s not even on the same playing field, it’s not even on the same planet,” she said.
For example, Bourne got the idea that Scalia was murdered in a human hunt because it just made logical sense from what she had seen from watching movies and television.
“What’s one way to get rid of a Supreme Court justice in order to get the kind of people that you want on it?” Bourne said. “Hunting.”
UPDATED to include comment from Fox News.

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