4:54 mark: "last year LeBron had the lowest 3 pt % in the history of the playoffs, for those who took at least 100 3's, 22%"
Most of us know the aura & magic Bird brought to a team.
But many who would side with Lebron on this debate would argue Lebron puts up better numbers when they don't even know that isn't accurate!
Most guys side with the guy playing presently as the guy is fresh on their mind. Bird was a great basketball player.
What numbers do you mean? Things like points, rebounds, and assists? For their entire career, per game, or per possession? LeBron is going to be well above Bird in two out of three of those? Or do you mean things like wins and losses? Bird might be ahead in that area, but what about when you account for the other four players the Celtics had on the court compared to who the Cavs and Heat had?
Watch the video & take a look at the stats they show...What numbers do you mean? Things like points, rebounds, and assists? For their entire career, per game, or per possession? LeBron is going to be well above Bird in two out of three of those? Or do you mean things like wins and losses? Bird might be ahead in that area, but what about when you account for the other four players the Celtics had on the court compared to who the Cavs and Heat had?