did a live interview standing on the field at Fenway. The tarp ws covering the infield. He said that the constant rain over the last 24 hours had made the field un-playable. American league officials made the desision. Believe whatever conspiracies you want.
theyll skip burkett entirely. i just watched on fox, they talked to little who said they will probably pitch wakefield and the commentator went on to say he has no doubts wakefield will start gm 4 with lowe at home for gm 5.
lowe being able to pitch at home is the real advantage i am fairly certain his era is below 3 this season when pitching at fenway.
Originally game 4 was scheduled for today, and game 5 for tommorow at 8PM. Now it is game 4 tommorow, and game 5 at 4:19PM Tuesday. Tuesday was going to be a travel or off day for The AL, (if necessary).