From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Tuesday 29JUL08 3:30 p.m. EDT
Need more phone calls NOW .... Pelosi will bring 5-year E-Verify with strangling strings on Wed.
U.S. House Speaker Pelosi has sent word inside the Capitol that she intends to bring E-Verify to the floor tomorrow with strings attached.
We believe the strings can easily be used by next year's Congress to strangle the program that increasingly is being used by states and communities to drive illegal aliens from jobs and from their areas.
Please make another phone call ASAP to your Member of Congress (or a first one if you haven't called yet).
Get the phone numbers and talking points from your Action Buffet corkboard at:
You can call other Members of Congress through the Capitol switchboard at:
Pelosi and other House leaders say they are under intense pressure from constituents to re-authorize E-Verify which is otherwise scheduled to "sunset" on Nov. 1.
That means your mobilization is beginning to work. But Pelosi is using that as an excuse to rush a bill to the floor that will include the instruments of the program's own death.
Pelosi has at least rejected the corporation lobbyists' insistence on just a 3-year authorization, choosing instead 5 years.
But that still implies a lack of commitment to a program that should be the bedrock of immigration enforcement for generations to come. We must demand no less than 10 years re-authorization.
The strings Pelosi is tying around E-Verify would cause the program to self-destruct if Congress at any point in the future fails to provide enough funds for the Department of Homeland Security to fully compensate the Social Security Administration for checking on job applicants.
Appropriators are skilled at hiding language that starves and strangles a program without the public being aware that it is happening. Our allies in Congress are convinced that that is why these strings are being attached by people like Pelosi who have made no secret of their disdain for immigration enforcement.
We must continue to demand a 10-year re-authorization with NO strings attached.
Get more details from my recent blogs.
Thanks for making this call immediately.
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