Red Alert!

Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 546px; HEIGHT: 911px" cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=4 align=center xcomment="maxcols=1"><TBODY><TR><TD>Congress Wavering on E-Verify Reauthorization;
Call Your Representatives Today!

With time running out on the legislative calendar, Congress still remains deadlocked in the push to reauthorize E-Verify. E-Verify is the work authorization verification program that helps ensure our workforce is legal, protects wages, and fights illegal immigration. While the program is widely regarded as being one of the most effective tools to help employers ensure a legal workforce, special interests at work on Capitol Hill are seeking to attach detrimental language to what should be a simple 10-year extension of an existing program.
Not surprisingly, there is plenty of blame to go around on Capitol Hill. In the House of Representatives, members are fighting over attempts to add language to the E-Verify reauthorization bill that would leave the program susceptible to being defunded in future years (and, in particular, under a new administration). In the Senate, FAIR has learned that Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) is blocking E-Verify reauthorization legislation from reaching the floor unless Senators agree to add language to "recapture" hundreds of thousands of employment visas dating back to 1992. The would flood the U.S. workplace with wage-suppressing foreign labor. In both the House and Senate, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is lobbying to have the program reauthorized for only 3-years, giving it another chance in the near future to defund, dismantle, or outright kill the program.
E-Verify is the most important tool available for stopping the employment of illegal aliens. It is considered to be so crucial that voluntary participation in the program has skyrocketed from about 5,000 employers to over 70,000 in a few short years. Plus, more and more states and local governments are requiring businesses in their jurisdictions to use the program to verify the legal work status of their new employees. Even President Bush took steps to increase use of the program by recently signing an Executive Order requiring government contractors to use E-Verify as a condition of doing business with the U.S. government.
But now, all of this progress is in danger. Despite the program's effectiveness and popularity, special interests are working hard on Capitol Hill to ensure detrimental language is attached to any attempt to reauthorize E-Verify. And with Congress set to recess in August and for part of September, and a House adjournment date set for September 26th, there are very few legislative days left to save E-Verify. If E-verify is not reauthorized by the time Congress adjourns, it will die at the end of November.

FAIR needs your help to tell every Member of Congress that E-Verify must be reauthorized NOW—NO STRINGS ATTACHED!
Please call your Senators and Representatives TODAY and tell them:
  • E-Verify is the most effective program available for ensuring our workforce is legal and combating illegal immigration.
  • To immediately take all steps necessary to reauthorize E-Verify for at least 10 years-- if not more.
  • That they reject any attempts by any members to add special interest language to the reauthorization bill.
Contact Your Representative
When you have called your own representatives, please take an extra step by calling Senate and House Leaders and delivering the same message!
Leadership Phone Numbers:
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV) (202) 224-2158
Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (202) 224-3135
House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) (202) 225-0100
House Minority Leader, John Boehner (R-OH) (202) 225-4000

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Oct 30, 2006
From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Tuesday 29JUL08 3:30 p.m. EDT

Need more phone calls NOW .... Pelosi will bring 5-year E-Verify with strangling strings on Wed.


U.S. House Speaker Pelosi has sent word inside the Capitol that she intends to bring E-Verify to the floor tomorrow with strings attached.

We believe the strings can easily be used by next year's Congress to strangle the program that increasingly is being used by states and communities to drive illegal aliens from jobs and from their areas.

Please make another phone call ASAP to your Member of Congress (or a first one if you haven't called yet).

Get the phone numbers and talking points from your Action Buffet corkboard at:

You can call other Members of Congress through the Capitol switchboard at:


Pelosi and other House leaders say they are under intense pressure from constituents to re-authorize E-Verify which is otherwise scheduled to "sunset" on Nov. 1.

That means your mobilization is beginning to work. But Pelosi is using that as an excuse to rush a bill to the floor that will include the instruments of the program's own death.

Pelosi has at least rejected the corporation lobbyists' insistence on just a 3-year authorization, choosing instead 5 years.

But that still implies a lack of commitment to a program that should be the bedrock of immigration enforcement for generations to come. We must demand no less than 10 years re-authorization.

The strings Pelosi is tying around E-Verify would cause the program to self-destruct if Congress at any point in the future fails to provide enough funds for the Department of Homeland Security to fully compensate the Social Security Administration for checking on job applicants.

Appropriators are skilled at hiding language that starves and strangles a program without the public being aware that it is happening. Our allies in Congress are convinced that that is why these strings are being attached by people like Pelosi who have made no secret of their disdain for immigration enforcement.

We must continue to demand a 10-year re-authorization with NO strings attached.

Get more details from my recent blogs.

Thanks for making this call immediately.

P.S. We can triple our membership quickly if our members email their friends about us and they in turn email theirs. Polls show that most Americans agree with NumbersUSA's positions but, despite our recent rapid growth, most American voters still have never heard of us. You can help change that by forwarding this email widely. (Note: depending on your email provider, you may need to send this as an "attachment.")
This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here

As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:

NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.

Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=t1redunderbigheader>More immigration threats in final two days of Congress this summer </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1thinwhitespace> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1letterblock vAlign=top align=left>FRIENDS,

Please go to our Home page now at:

Items there will catch you up on important developments in House and Senate concerning immigration and alert you to some more actions you could take that would be very helpful.

Don't forget to check your Action Buffet corkboard.

There appears to be grave danger that in these final hours before Congress leaves town for a month that it will sneak through a large increase of permanent foreign workers (during a time of employee layoffs!).

Please keep calling through Friday until we alert you that all is safe.


-- ROY
Oct 30, 2006
Somebody from Ohio call 4 me please-No long Distance on phone

American jobs at risk! Urge Republican Senators not to hand away American jobs!

<FORM id=theform name=theform action=/phones method=post><TABLE style="MARGIN-LEFT: 10px; WIDTH: 180px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 10px" align=right><TBODY><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>DC Office of Senator George Voinovich
Washington, DC
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>202-224-3353 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-top>Nelsonville Office of Sen. George Voinovich
Nelsonville, OH
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=phone-contact-bot>740-441-6410 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT type=hidden value=1,0 name=selection> <INPUT type=hidden value=10361 name=ID> <INPUT type=hidden value=attend name=action> <INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=accept>
I can definitely commit to placing this call

Calling is easy. Simply state your name, where you are calling from, and tell the staffer that you do not want Senate Republicans to cave and let Sen. Menendez have his permanent foreign worker visas (even if it is "only" 100,000 instead of the original 550,000 he was seeking).
We have provided additional talking points below.

Talking Points

Talking point: It is appalling that Sen. Menendez is holding E-Verify hostage in order to get more foreign worker visas. Do not cave and let him have them!

Talking point: There are far too many unemployed Americans for the United States to be issuing more foreign worker visas.

Oct 30, 2006
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=580 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redunderbigheader>Dear Faxer:</TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1thinwhitespace><!--t3_approve --> </TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>American jobs at risk! Urge Republican Senators not to hand away American jobs!
This new phone call request has been posted in your Action Buffet based on your answers to the Interest Survey.
You can find this phone call request by proceeding to 10361
Sen. Robert Menendez has put a hold on the reauthorization of the E-Verify program. As you know, E-Verify allows employers to determine the legality of their potential new hire. This program is up for reauthorization and many anti-American worker congressmen have been trying to hold the bill up.

Right now, Republican Senators are holding the line against Menendez' incredibly insensitive demands during a severe economic slow-down and soft job market.

But several of the Republicans are starting to negotiate with Menendez because he is indicating he might lift the hold if they give him only 100,000 permanent additional greencards.

All Republican Senators need to hear that they should not negotiate in any way with Menendez because Congress should not be increasing immigration by one greencard while American workers are being laid off.

The fact is that the Democratic leadership in the Senate knows that it can't kill the E-Verify program now that it has become so public. The Republican Senators should just demand that E-Verify go through as a clean bill like it did Wednesday in the House of Representatives.

There are indications that the Democratic Senate leadership wants to push the re-authorization of E-Verify through before the Senators leave town this weekend. There may be a vote tomorrow. Negotiations are furiously proceeding at the moment. We are in danger of bad decisions being made. Urge the Republicans to stay steady and hold the line. It is better to put this off until September than to rush it through and undermine America's skilled workers and the kids who are studying to become skilled workers.

You who are getting this request have indicated on your Interest Survey that you are closely connected to one of these skilled jobs that would negatively impacted. Please speak from your own experience and from your own self-interest when talking to the Senate office staff.

Call Republican Senators from your state and urge them to refuse any attempts to compromise on this. The United States does not need any more foreign workers.

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redoversmallheader vAlign=top align=left colSpan=2>Do you want more or less information?</TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redundersmallfooter vAlign=top align=left colSpan=2>As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:

NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
Oct 30, 2006

<TABLE style="WIDTH: 671px; HEIGHT: 759px" cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=4 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD>Your Calls Made A Difference!
Improved E-Verify Legislation Expected to Pass the House

Under mounting pressure, members of the House came to an agreement to improve the E-Verify reauthorization bill and send it to the floor. The bill, H.R.6633, is awaiting final passage, but is expected to pass the House later tonight before the House adjourns for the August recess.
The reauthorization language was not all that we wanted, but it is an improvement over language that was originally drafted. The bill that passed the House today:
  • Reauthorizes E-Verify, but for five years, not 10 years as in the original bill;
  • Includes a waiver provision that allows the Commissioner of Social Security Administration to use money on E-Verify if appropriations are delayed;
  • Requires Homeland Security to make advance payments to the Social Security Administration for the operation of E-Verify.
Thanks to your calls during the past week, the House version no longer contains language that prohibits the Social Security Administration from using any of its money - no matter how small or for how short of a time - to operate E-Verify.
We have made some progress in the House, but there remains a deadlock in the Senate. FAIR has learned that Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) is still placing a hold on the legislation in effort to get more visas for foreign workers. With legislative days running out and special interest groups pounding at their doors, the Senate may be tempted to pass Menendez's language. It is therefore critical that you continue to contact your Senators and tell them you want E-Verify reauthorized—NO STRINGS ATTACHED!
Please keep calling your Senators and tell them:
  • E-Verify is the most effective program available for ensuring our workforce is legal and combating illegal immigration.
  • You insist that they immediately take all steps necessary to reauthorize E-Verify for at least 10 years-- if not more.
  • You demand they reject any attempts by any members to add special interest language to the reauthorization bill.
Contact Your Senators
When you have called your own Senators, please take an extra step by calling Senate Leadership and delivering the same message!
Leadership Phone Numbers:
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid (D-NV) 202-224-2158
Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 202-224-3135
Finally, FAIR wants to hear from you too! Send us an e-mail ( and tell us about your experiences with your Senators' offices. We will be posting some of the responses on the website for others to read, so be sure to let us know how it went!
Learn More About FAIR

Join or Donate to FAIR
Oct 30, 2006
Please make your calls

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=650 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD rowSpan=3> </TD><TD class=t1fromdatetext>From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1fromdatetext>Date: Friday 1AUG08 Noon EDT </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1fromdatetext> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redunderbigheader>Phone blitz to push Senators to pass 'clean' E-Verify bill this weekend & NO new visas </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1thinwhitespace> </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1letterblock vAlign=top align=left>DEAR FRIENDS,

A huge danger and a huge opportunity lie between us at this moment and when Congress leaves town this weekend for a month.

One last time this summer, please pick up phones and call your two U.S. Senators.

Capitol switchboard is: 202-224-3121

We need a full phone blitz all this afternoon so that not a single Senator can claim to be unaware of public outrage that they are considering huge immigration increases on a day when terrible news about American jobs was announced (see below).

These are the messages from which to pick (imagine thousands of phone calls pouring in over the next few hours):

Does the Senator support re-authorizing E-Verify, without any increase in foreign-worker visas?

Don't leave town without quickly approving a CLEAN re-authorization of E-Verify. Pass the version the House passed Thursday in H.R. 6633 -- five years with no strings attached.

The nation's businesses need to know they can rely on having E-Verify there to help them prevent illegal foreign workers from taking jobs from Americans. Don't spend August back home with E-Verify's fate still uncertain.

Don't you dare give an inch to Sen. Menendez (N.J) and his efforts to link passage of E-Verify with a huge increase in importing foreign workers. His S.3414 bill is a shameful attack on American workers. NO EXTRA VISAS.

The U.S. Department of Labor announced today that nonfarm payrolls fell for the 7th straight month. How could the Senate possibly consider bringing one additional foreign worker into the country under these conditions.

Since December, 463,000 American jobs have been lost, the government announced today. How can the Senate allow Sen. Menendez to hold up E-Verify for the ransom of giving away 550,000 additional American jobs permanently to foreign workers?

The Labor Department reported today that unemployment now stands at a four-year high. How can the Senate allow Sen. Menendez to continue to insist on importing hundreds of thousands more foreign workers?

With the average work week for Americans now down to 33.6 hours -- an all-time low -- what insanity could cause the Senate to allow Sen. Menendez to hold up E-Verify authorization because he wants to bring in 550,000 more permanent foreign workers?

Friends, the urgency is compounded by the fact that the House subcommittee on immigration just this morning passed H.R. 5882 to immediately add the 550,000 permanent foreign workers sought by Sen. Menendez -- and to increase permanent foreign workers for the future.

I am white hot with anger at the unbelievable insensitivity of so many Members of Congress to the concerns of the regular working man and woman, and their families, in this country. You can be sure that many of these same cheerleaders for high immigration will campaign throughout August about their concerns related to the softening job market.

We cannot let them leave Washington this weekend without letting them know that their concerns mean nothing if they don't stand up to the attempts to bring more foreign workers into this country.

Senate Majority Leader Reid knows he needs to re-authorize E-Verify before he gavels things down this weekend. He will do whatever he can to provide extra foreign workers to Sen. Menendez in order to get him to take his "hold" off E-Verify -- unless the switchboards light up today in protest.

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redoversmallheader vAlign=top align=left>
P.S. We can triple our membership quickly if our members email their friends about us and they in turn email theirs. Polls show that most Americans agree with NumbersUSA's positions but, despite our recent rapid growth, most American voters still have never heard of us. You can help change that by forwarding this email widely. (Note: depending on your email provider, you may need to send this as an "attachment.") </TD></TR><TR><TD class=t1redundersmallfooter vAlign=top align=left colSpan=2>This may be a good time for you to make sure that you've let us know all of the areas you are interested in. In order to further customize the type of alerts you receive click here
As a NumbersUSA subscriber, you will receive occasional emails about immigration-related opportunities. If you want to increase or reduce the frequency of these emails, click here and choose from Total Activism, Moderate Activism, or Limited Activism at the bottom of your registration form:

NumbersUSA - relies upon individuals like you to reach its goal of an environmentally sustainable and economically just America.

Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209
Oct 30, 2006
This was a series of Red Alerts started about Tuesday had to get it more visible with it's own thread go fuck yourself.

New member
Mar 16, 2006
holy fk red alert.,.....geez im half pizzed and all i was thinking was the fkn ruskies were invading .....kept replaying red dawn in my mind

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