THat is correct, he is getting PAID to get people to click on his site! "XUPITER TOOLBAR" not only loads on your computer, naturally it changes your homepage as well.
Not real hard to change back the homepage, but getting rid of the toolbar program was a bit hard for some reason.
You REALLY need to ban this guy and kill this thread.
Off the subject, I do believe that KOBE is innocent and anyone thinking otherwise doesnt have his head on straight. Guys think about it, does Kobe really need to force anyone to do anything?? Railbird would take off his pants for kobe just for an autograph! DO you really think that this girl was raped??? COme on get a life, she is out for exposure and the 1-2 million that will come from a Civil Suit whether he is FOUND innocent or guilty.
Of course we all know that he is innocent, but he may get RAPED himself and get the guilty verdict. That in itself will be the ONLY CRIME committed in this case