Read this article and explain to me how RUMP has the balls to accuse anybody of "Pay for Play"


Sep 22, 2007

Muthafucka made a brazen payoff, tried to hide it through a contribution and lied to the IRS, plus he got fined. Noooooo problemo, right?
[h=1]Trump Foundation’s Gift To Florida A.G. Pam Bondi Was A Little Illegal. Is That A Crime?[/h] By Doktor Zoom -
September 2, 2016 - 11:18am

You might recall that really nice favor that Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi did for Donald Trump a few years back. She was considering an investigation into whether the Florida operations of Trump’s grifty little “University” were fraud, but then Trump made a $25,000 donation to a group connected with her campaign and Bondi decided — completely independently of course — Trump University was perfectly legitimate. And don’t you go thinking that was a bribe either, because Bondi had asked Trump for a donation before she even made the decision not to investigate. No proof at all that anyone quidded on anybody else’s pro quo, no sir.

Ah, but there was one tiny wrinkle in the deal (which was definitely not a deal, no, it was not!): Instead of giving Bondi’s group the money himself, Trump’s donation came from the Trump Foundation. Turns out that’s illegal, since charitable foundations aren’t supposed to be making political contributions, as if that’s fair. But since it was only a violation of tax law, everything’s fine now: Trump paid the IRS a $2,500 fine and reimbursed his foundation for the $25,000, and now there’s nothing to see, move along please.
Washington Post reporter David Farenthold, who’s done some incredible reporting this year on Donald Trump’s rather flexible relationship with the concept of “charity,” broke the story Thursday:
Earlier this year, The Washington Post and a liberal watchdog group raised new questions about the three-year-old gift. The watchdog group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, filed a complaint with the IRS — noting that, as a registered nonprofit, the Trump Foundation was not allowed to make political donations.
Oh, but there’s more! Not only did the Trump Foundation fail to notify the IRS of the donation, it also listed a nonexistent donation for $25,000 to a Kansas City group with a name similar to Bondi’s outfit, which “had the effect of obscuring the political gift from the IRS.” Imagine that! Mind you, once the Trump Organization found out about all this — courtesy of the Washington Post — they got everything in order, which was awfully nice of them, now wasn’t it?
On Thursday, Jeffrey McConney — senior vice president and controller at the Trump Organization — said that after being notified, Trump filed paperwork informing the IRS of the political gift and paid an excise tax equal to 10 percent of its value.
McConney said that Trump had also personally reimbursed the Trump Foundation for $25,000, covering the full value of the improper gift. McConney blamed a series of mistakes, all of them unintentional. McConney said there had been no attempt to deceive.
Look, these things happen when you’re a busy man trying to juggle a lot of payoffs gifts to political figures who share your views. McConney explained the iffy donation was “just an honest mistake,” and that “It wasn’t done intentionally to hide a political donation, it was just an error.” Farenthold didn’t note whether anyone was standing next to McConney poking him in the ribs and whispering “that’s enough!”
Farenthold notes that, unlike lots of rich people’s foundations which give lots and lots of money to charities, the Trump Foundation doesn’t see much action, giving most of its gifts to “people whom Trump knows, or charities that hold their galas at his properties in New York and Florida.”

That’s probably a good thing, since as we all know, foundations are nothing but trouble, especially if they have the name “Clinton” on them, which you will note the Trump Foundation does not. In this case, it really does look like the foundation’s gift to Bondi’s political group resulted from a series of mostly innocent screwups, maybe. As we already knew, back in 2013 when she was considering investigating Trump University’s Florida operations for fraud, Pam Bondi asked Trump for a donation, because that’s just how politics works. Trump thought that was a terrific idea, because he loves to help like-minded attorneys general, even though he didn’t donate to any other state attorney general campaigns that year. And that’s where the sad-trombone mistakes started piling up. The name of Pam Bondi’s group was “And Justice for All,” which led to a little confusion in the mighty financial machinery at Trump HQ. The clerk who handles all the checks for payments from Trump’s personal account and from the Trump Foundation dun goofed; the clerk knew political donations should be paid out of Trump’s own funds, and charitable payments from the foundation. Turns out Bondi’s group had chosen way too generic a name, and high jinks ensued!

In March, Trump’s chief financial officer told The Post that a mistake occurred when an accounting clerk — following office protocol — looked in a book that contained a list of all official charities. The clerk’s standing order from Trump was that, if the payee was listed in this book of charities, the check should be paid from the Trump Foundation, not from Trump’s own account.
The clerk found a group called “And Justice for All” listed in the book.
The clerk cut the check from the Trump Foundation […]
Trump’s chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, told The Post that the charity in the book was actually from Utah, and unconnected to Bondi. If the clerk had known that the check was meant for a political group, Weisselberg said, “we would have taken it out of [Trump’s] own personal account.”
After that, a check from the foundation went out. It did not go to Utah but to Bondi’s group in Florida, and was deposited.

Huh. So the clerk was confused enough by the name to cut the check to the wrong organization, but clearheaded enough to send it to the right state? We guess that could happen, like if the address was listed on the instructions to send $25,000. Sure.
Oh, but this next part really doesn’t sound like much of an accident, kids. In its tax filings, the Trump Foundation checked off “no” in a box asking if it had made any political donations. It also told the IRS it had made a charitable donation that never actually happened, if you can imagine that:
The foundation told the IRS that it had given $25,000 to a third group, a charity in Kansas with a similar name, “Justice for All.” In fact, the Trump Foundation had not actually sent the Kansas group any money.
This new, incorrect listing had the effect of camouflaging the prohibited gift. Trump’s CFO said that the listing of the Kansas group was another mistake, made by the foundation’s accountants.
Oopsie! We suppose it’s possible, with all those “Justice for All” groups floating around out there, it could be a simple error that happened to make a political donation look like a charitable donation to a completely different group (that never happened) sure. We also imagine the accounting in the White House is a lot more careful than that, maybe.

No, “Julie’s Jungle” in the line above “Justice for All” is not a strip club; it’s a nonprofit what has playgrounds for disabled kids, you sickos.
So now, everything’s copacetic and that little error has all been taken care of, right? Almost, kind of — except for how those meddling liberals at Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington say it’s not good enough that Trump reimbursed the Trump Foundation for the $25,000. To really conform with IRS regulations, they say, the Foundation needs to take back the donation to Bondi’s group altogether. Funny thing there, too: Nancy Watkins, the treasurer of Bondi’s iteration of “Justice For All,” said after she learned the foundation’s donation was improper, she tried to FedEx a check back to the Trump Foundation. But the foundation called her and declined to take the refund.

Watkins said she was told, “Mr. Trump had reimbursed the foundation with a personal check. And that was the end of it.”
Look, Donald Trump is the one who decides when he’s in compliance with the law, not some charity. He’s taken care of it, now stop making a fuss.
Let us close with a hat tip to Guy Cecil, the co-chair of pro-Clinton super-PAC Priorities USA, for his tweet that alerted us to this latest wrinkle in the story of Donald Trump’s very well-timed donation that had nothing at all to do with Bondi’s decision not to investigate Trump University, for fraud:

Wall to wall coverage? Seems like that would only be justice, for all.

Apr 14, 2006
Yup...let's arrest them both.
Trump for a payoff...probably a big fine and some probation
Hillary for perjury, destroying subpoenaed evidence, breaking multuple federal laws pertaining to handling classified documents putting American lives at risk, more in prison.

Then we can start over with Berne and Cruz.


Sep 22, 2007
Yup...let's arrest them both.
Trump for a payoff...probably a big fine and some probation
Hillary for perjury, destroying subpoenaed evidence, breaking multuple federal laws pertaining to handling classified documents putting American lives at risk, more in prison.

Then we can start over with Berne and Cruz.


There is only one of them who has made a verifiable payment to a person of influence who promptly dropped an investigation against the payor, and it ain't Hillary. Rump himself admitted the "mistake." You can't explain that away, no matter how hard you try. When you have actual PROOF of HRC doing the same, get back to me, otherwise, STFU.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Yup...let's arrest them both.
Trump for a payoff...probably a big fine and some probation
Hillary for perjury, destroying subpoenaed evidence, breaking multuple federal laws pertaining to handling classified documents putting American lives at risk, more in prison.

Then we can start over with Berne and Cruz.


All smoke ,no fire for this brain dead ghost.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
- SEPTEMBER 05, 2016 -


Hillary Clinton Admits White House Policies Will Be Sold To The Highest Bidder If She’s Elected

“The fact Hillary Clinton believes it is appropriate for her husband to remain on the board of the Clinton Foundation if she is elected is proof that she operates in a permanent ethical blind spot and lacks the judgment to be president. This would present an unacceptable and unprecedented conflict of interest which would compromise her presidency beyond repair. That’s why the country’s leading newspapers, ethicists, and even top Democrats are calling on the Clintons to separate from the Clinton Foundation or to even shut it down. Given the repeated examples of Clinton Foundation donors and officials receiving access and favors from Hillary Clinton’s State Department, what she is proposing is to essentially plant a giant ‘for sale’ sign on the White House lawn.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communication Advisor

Today Clinton Told ABC News Bill Clinton Would Not Step Down From The Clinton Foundation If She Is Elected President. “Hillary Clinton told ABC News' David Muir today that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, should not have to step down from his position at the Clinton Foundation. ‘I don't think there are conflicts of interest,’ the Democratic presidential nominee said in a joint interview today with running mate Sen. Tim Kaine.” (Enjoli Francis, “Exclusive: Hillary Clinton Says Husband Bill Should Not Resign From Foundation Post,” ABC News, 9/5/16)

Major Editorial Boards Have Called For Bill, Hillary And Chelsea Clinton To Leave The Clinton Foundation:

The New York Times’ Editorial Board Said Bill, Hillary And Chelsea Clinton Should “End Their Operational Involvement In The Foundation And Its Affiliates For The Duration Of Her Presidency.” “A wiser course would be to ban contributions from foreign and corporate entities now. If Mrs. Clinton wins, Bill and Chelsea Clinton should both end their operational involvement in the foundation and its affiliates for the duration of her presidency, relinquishing any control over spending, hiring and board appointments.” (Editorial, “Cutting Ties To The Clinton Foundation,” The New York Times, 8/30/16)

The Boston Globe’s Editorial Board Called On The Clinton Foundation To Be Shut Down.” “Although the charity founded by former President Bill Clinton has done admirable work over the last 15 years, the Clinton Foundation is also clearly a liability for Hillary Clinton as she seeks the presidency. The once-and-maybe-future first family will have plenty to keep them busy next year if Hillary Clinton defeats Donald Trump in November. The foundation should remove a political — and actual — distraction and stop accepting funding. If Clinton is elected, the foundation should be shut down.” (Editorial, “Clinton Foundation Should Stop Accepting Funds,”Boston Globe, 8/16/16)

USA Today Editorial Headline: “Mothball The Clinton Foundation” (USA Today, 8/23/16)

The Washington Post Editorial Board Called On The Clinton Foundation To End All Ties To The Clintons Should Hillary Clinton Get Elected President. “Should Ms. Clinton win, all of that work and all of the foundation’s assets should be spun off to an organization with no ties to the first family.” (Editorial, “The Latest Clinton Emails Show What An Ethics Agreement Shouldn’t Look Like,” The Washington Post, 8/23/16)

The Los Angeles Times’ Editorial Board Called On Bill, Hillary And Chelsea To End Their Ties To The Clinton Foundation. “We would propose a differently solution: that the foundation continue but that the Clinton family sever its connection to it so long as Hillary Clinton is in the White House. That means not only Bill and Hillary Clinton but also Chelsea Clinton, who now serves as the foundation’s vice chair.” (Editorial, “It’s Time To Take The ‘Clinton’ Out Of The Clinton Foundation,” Los Angeles Times, 8/25/16)

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune Editorial Board Called On The Clintons To Shut Down The Clinton Foundation. “There is only one way to mitigate the damage at this point. As painful as it would be, the Clintons must shut down what until recently was known as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. The half-measures being proposed don’t go far enough and leave the issue as one that will plague her until the last days of this election and perhaps beyond.” (Editorial, “It's Past Time To Shut Down The Clinton Foundation,” Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 8/26/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
There’s Nothing Funny About Corruption
“There’s nothing funny about the growing evidence of corruption and conflicts of interest between the Clinton Foundation and Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The fact that a Hillary Clinton presidency would be compromised by tens of millions of dollars in foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation is no laughing matter either – it is downright terrifying. When that 3 a.m. phone call comes, we can’t have an ethically-challenged president on the line who took truckloads of cash from other countries.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor


New member
Nov 10, 2010
- SEPTEMBER 04, 2016 -


“Hillary Clinton Is The Most Dishonest Candidate For President Of The United States Since Richard Nixon.” – Mike Pence

TODD: “After Governor Pence and I walked outside, we talked about Clinton's e-mails. Here is an excerpt.”
GOV. PENCE: “It's just more evidence Hillary Clinton is the most dishonest candidate for President of the United States since Richard Nixon.”
TODD: “That's a tough charge.”
GOV. PENCE: “It is a tough charge, Chuck, but come on.”
TODD: “I'll just ask you this, though, if she were as dishonest as you claim, then why isn't the FBI prosecuting?”
GOV. PENCE: “Hillary Clinton-- What is evident from the notes, what's evident from all of the revelations over the last several weeks is that Hillary Clinton operated in such a way to keep her e-mails and particularly her interactions while Secretary of State with the Clinton Foundation out of the public reach, out of public accountability.”


New member
Nov 10, 2010
- SEPTEMBER 04, 2016 -


Hillary Clinton Continues To Receive Pressure From Democrats To Shut Down The Clinton Foundation
“When Bernie Sanders and the New York Times say the Clinton Foundation presents an unacceptable conflict of interest, it shows just how badly compromised a Hillary Clinton presidency would be. It’s time for Clinton to end her 274-day streak without a press conference and explain why she thinks it is appropriate for the Clinton Foundation and its offshoots to continue accepting foreign contributions while she runs for the White House.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Today On Meet The Press, Senator Bernie Sanders Said If Hillary Clinton Is Elected She Should “Cease All Operations, All Contact, With The Clinton Foundation.”TODD: I understand that but you can't govern if you don't have trust. Can she rebuild trust by pledging something to do that? Is it shutting down the foundation? What would you tell her to do? SANDERS: Well, I would certainly suggest that as president of the United States she should cease all operations, all contact, with the Clinton Foundation. TODD: Does that mean shutting it down or just not being involved? Can you truly -- SANDERS: At the very least she should -- at the very least she should not be involved, at the very least. TODD: And would you feel more comfortable if it didn't exist during her time as president? SANDERS: I don't know enough. They are the -- they do a lot of good things with AIDS and so forth so I can't definitively answer that. But I think, Chuck, what we've got to do as a nation is have a serious debate on the enormous crises facing this country. That is where our focus has got to be. (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 9/4/16)

New member
Nov 10, 2010
“The Fact That Even The Vice President Can’t Vouch For The Clinton Foundation’s Ethics Speaks Volumes About Hillary Clinton’s Terrible Judgment.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

“The fact that even the Vice President can’t vouch for the Clinton Foundation’s ethics speaks volumes about Hillary Clinton’s terrible judgment. Ethics experts, major newspapers, and top officials in her own party all agree Hillary Clinton must address the growing conflicts of interest that would compromise her presidency. It’s time to shut down the Clinton Foundation and for a special prosecutor to investigate the growing evidence of corruption.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor
VIDEO: Biden Dodges, Won’t Say Clinton Foundation Has Been “100% Ethical”



New member
Nov 10, 2010
- SEPTEMBER 01, 2016 -


“Several Democratic Lawmakers Say The Clintons Should Cut Their Ties To The Foundation To Prevent Any Perception That Donors Could Buy Access Through Donations To The Charitable Organization.” – The Hill

Some Dems Say Clinton Must Go Much Further On Foundation

By Alexander Bolton and Mike Lillis
The Hill
September 1, 2016

Click Here To Read

Democrats say Hillary Clinton needs to do much more to distance herself from the Clinton Foundation.
Several Democratic lawmakers say the Clintons should cut their ties to the foundation to prevent any perception that donors could buy access through donations to the charitable organization.
“There should be a complete break between Bill and Hillary and this foundation and its activities,” Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.), the second-ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership, told an online Illinois news channel earlier this month.
“I know for a fact this foundation has done good things around the world, but there needs to be a clear break so there's no questions asked about future activities,” Durbin said.

Sen. Ben Cardin (Md.), the senior Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, recently told Fox News Sunday, “They clearly need to change the way they do business.”
Yet a number of Democrats say such steps do not go far enough.

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.), a prominent liberal and one of the few members of Congress to back Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) over Clinton in the Democratic primary, said Clinton and her family should cut all ties to the foundation — and do it immediately.
“The Clinton family should cut their ties. I know it's difficult, but we have a pivotal election [to win],” Grijalva said Wednesday by phone. "It's not about guilt. Cutting ties means we have more important things on the table.”

D.B. Mitchell, a spokesperson for Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D), who is running to unseat five-term incumbent Sen. John McCain (R) in Arizona, said if Clinton becomes president, “all family members should detach from the organization to avoid any appearance of conflicts of interest.”

Some Democrats such as former Sen. Russ Feingold, who is running for his old seat in Wisconsin, and former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell say the Clinton’s should shut down the foundation altogether if elected.
“They ought to be as open as possible about what this has done — the Clinton Foundation — and whether there are any concerns going forward,” Feingold told reporters Monday. “It may be a good idea not to have it when she becomes, if she becomes, president.”
Rendell told The New York Daily News earlier this month, “I definitely think if she wins the presidency they have to disband it.”

Sanders leveled pointed criticism at the foundation during the Democratic primary, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper, the host of CNN's “State of the Union,” in June that the Clinton Foundation’s fundraising activities posed a conflict of interest.
“Do I have a problem when a sitting secretary of State and a foundation run by her husband collects many, many dollars from foreign governments — governments which are dictatorships?"
“Yeah, I do have a problem with that. Yeah, I do,” Sanders said.

Click Here To Read The Full Article

New member
Nov 10, 2010
“A Scripps Washington Bureau Review Of Tax Returns And Regulatory Filings Found That Year After Year The Clinton Charities Have Ignored New York Law And Related Instructions.”
“This is another example of the Clintons thinking they are above the law and our rigged political system protecting them from accountability. The Clinton Foundation’s acceptance of foreign contributions is on its face an unprecedented and unacceptable conflict of interest that will badly compromise Hillary Clinton if she is elected president. The fact that New York’s highly partisan Attorney General is turning a blind eye to the Clinton Foundation’s failure to follow state disclosure laws is a shocking abdication of his sworn duty to faithfully discharge the duties of his office and he should open an investigation immediately.” – Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor

Exclusive: Clinton Charities Ignore Law Requiring Them To Disclose Millions From Foreign Donors
By Mark Greenblatt
Scripps News
September 6, 2016
Click Here To Read

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has the power to force the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative to publicly disclose the names of foreign governments and the millions they donate each year to the charities but he’s not doing it, a Scripps News investigation has found.

Schneiderman’s failure to require compliance with New York law and written instructions from his own office keeps the public in the dark about whether the foreign governments that gave money to the Clinton charities also had special access to Hillary Clinton when she was secretary of state, experts in private foundation law say. New York state has long required more transparency from non-profits operating within its borders than many other regulators.
A Scripps Washington Bureau review of tax returns and regulatory filings found that year after year the Clinton charities have ignored New York law and related instructions. However, the office of Attorney General Schneiderman, a Democrat whom Hillary Clinton named to her campaign's “leadership council” in New York, did not respond to Scripps’ questions about the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), which has never publicly disclosed in New York filings the identity of its foreign government contributors or the amounts they give each year. Scripps also discovered CHAI did not report hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign government donations to the state.
A partial review by Scripps of charities registered in New York found inconsistent compliance with the instructions.
The New York Attorney General’s office published a set of detailed instructions for all charities to follow. It directs them to make sure the total amount of government contributions disclosed to the state is equal to what the charities report to the IRS. From 2010-2014, for every year it has filed disclosures with the state, the Clinton Health Access Initiative has ignored this direction.
The $225 million discrepancy
By 2010, Hillary Clinton was entering her second year as secretary of state and the Clinton Health Access Initiative had just split off from the Clinton Foundation as part of an agreement with the Obama administration. The separation was intended to help bring "greater transparency" to the Clinton charities during her tenure at the State Department, according to a memorandum of understanding with President Obama's transition team
That year, CHAI reported only $242,099 in “Total Government Contributions” to New York regulators, and that number included only domestic grants. But for the same time period in 2010 it told the IRS it received $26,740,319 in foreign and domestic government grants.
By not telling New York about millions in foreign government grants it received that year, CHAI avoided the state’s more stringent disclosure rules that would have required the charity to itemize publicly each domestic and foreign government donation. In a letter written in November 2014, as Clinton began eyeing a run for the White House, CHAI itemized domestic government grants but told the New York attorney general’s office it “also received foreign government contributions and can provide those in more details if needed.”
Before Hillary Clinton became secretary of state and in advance of when CHAI split off, the Clinton Foundation disclosed to New York a lump sum amount in foreign government donations of $97 million for 2008 and $122 million for 2009, according to state filings. But records show the charity stopped disclosing even lump sum amounts during her second year at the State Department.
“Every instance where there was an opportunity to be more transparent or less they chose to be less transparent,” Nelson, the tax expert, said.
From 2010-2013, the foundation originally did not disclose to New York any foreign government grants. For three of those four years, it checked a box on regulatory forms signed by the foundation’s chief financial officer claiming it had no government grants. But this past January as Secretary Clinton was campaigning in the presidential primaries, the foundation filed revised disclosures in New York indicating it had in fact received $17.8 million in previously undisclosed foreign government grants from 2010-2013, along with several smaller domestic government donations. In the revisions, the foundation itemized domestic government grants but continued to provide only lump sums for foreign government money.
“It looks like they are being dragged kicking and screaming into any disclosure at all about their foreign (government) donors, and ultimately still failing to live up to the letter of the law,” said the Sunlight Foundation’s Wonderlich.
A Scripps check of filings from separate charities reveals others complied with New York’s instructions and itemized their foreign government grants.
Action Against Hunger disclosed a wide range of donations in 2010 including $8 million from the UK Department of International Development, and other donations from entities including the Canadian Government, Royal Norwegian Embassy, and the French Government. The Catholic Medical Mission Board told New York it received $140,038 in 2011 from Kenya. In 2013, The George W. Bush Foundation revealed it received just under $5 million from the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia and another $500,000 from the embassy of the state of Kuwait.
Both the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative do voluntarily provide on their web sites general disclosures about all donors, including governments. For instance, CHAI notes that Ireland and New Zealand gave somewhere between $5 million and $10 million at some time since CHAI began filing separately from the Clinton Foundation in 2010. It received $25 million or more from Norway, Australia and the United Kingdom.
The Clinton Foundation on its website offers similar broad ranges of donations over the “lifetime” of the foundation that give no window into when or how often the money rolled in, and in what amounts.
The Clinton charities do not reveal on their websites if donations from governments came all at once, in multiple contributions over time, during Clinton’s time as secretary of state or after. They also do not provide a window into how much money might have rolled in during specific years the governments could have had business before the secretary of state.
“The law requires foreign donors to be disclosed and the [New York] attorney general, the [New York] attorney general’s office is permitting them to go undisclosed,” Wonderlich said. “Voters deserve to have a full picture of what Secretary Clinton, and the Clintons together have created, and all the ways that that might be entangled in a presidency.”
Click Here To Read The Full Article

Sep 22, 2007
Well, obviously, SOMEBODY is lying. Now bring in the REAL Attorney General and put the blondie blondes in jail...

Bondi solicited 'contribution' directly from Trump, but Trump denies speaking to her


By Mark Sumner
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016 · 7:30 AM PDT

Get ready for a statement that could not sound more guilty if it was being delivered by Steve Buscemi in a Coen Brother’s film.
“I never spoke to her, first of all; she’s a fine person beyond reproach. I never even spoke to her about it at all. She’s a fine person. Never spoken to her about it. Never,” Trump said Monday while speaking to reporters in Ohio. “Many of the attorney generals turned that case down because I’ll win that case in court. Many turned that down. I never spoke to her.”
Oh, he’s not done.
“I have a lot of respect for her. Never spoke to her about that at all. I just have a lot of respect for her and she’s very popular,” he said.
Never spoke to her. Got it. And she’s popular, so it’s all good. But did Bondi speak to Trump?
Florida’s attorney general personally solicited a political contribution from Donald Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates.
Trump says he never spoke to Bondi about the bribe contribution to her campaign (which coincidentally came within days of dropping the suit against Trump University) except for the time when she directly requested the money from Trump.

  • The attorney general of Florida called Donald Trump and asked for a campaign contribution at a time a lawsuit was hanging between the state and Trump.
  • Trump slipped her the cash, illegally, through his ‘charitable’ foundation.
  • Bondi pulled out of the suit.
  • Trump now claims he never talked to Bondi, though her consultant says that’s not true.
Solicitation of a bribe? That’s a crime. Offering a bribe? A crime. Accepting a bribe? A crime. Acting on a bribe? A crime.
There seems to be more than enough here to have the DOJ descending on both Tallahassee and Trump Tower. So why aren’t they there?

For that matter, Florida's own bribery statue makes it clear that Bondi accepting funds from someone when a ” matter was properly pending before him or her or might by law properly be brought before him or her, that the public servant possessed jurisdiction over the matter, or that his or her official action was necessary to achieve the person’s purpose” is more than just problematic.
So where is the special prosecutor?

Apr 14, 2006
Tokens bring appropriate charges on Hillary will throw Trump in jail ourselves.

Even trade.

Sep 22, 2007
Tokens bring appropriate charges on Hillary will throw Trump in jail ourselves.

Even trade.

And, why would it be an "even trade," because a limp dicked, blubber bellied, racist toad says so? Sorry, Rump broke the law and was fined by the IRS, to boot, when you have proof on HRC, get back to me, otherwise, STFU...

Sep 22, 2007
Somehow, I failed to notice that this wasn't the first AG Rump bribed, he did the same thing in Texas. How the fuck is this prick not in jail????

June 02, 2016, 07:33 pm
Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report

By Harper Neidig
Attorneys general in Florida and Texas who declined to pursue lawsuits against the now-defunct Trump University received political contributions from Donald Trump, according to an Associated Press report.

Trump donated $35,000 to the successful gubernatorial campaign of then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott three years after a probe into the university’s "possibly deceptive trade practices" was dropped by his office when the university agreed to cease its Texas operations.Abbott's office pushed back against the report in a statement to The Hill on Friday, saying that the then-attorney general was just doing his job.

“The unthinkable has happened – the media’s obsession with Donald Trump is now leading them to highlight the job then-Attorney General Abbott did in protecting Texas consumers,” said Abbott spokesman Matt Hirsch.
And a political fundraising committee supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi received a $25,000 donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation just days after her office had announced it was looking into joining a multi-state lawsuit against Trump University. Her office later dropped the inquiry, citing a lack of evidence.
The school has received intense scrutiny this week after a judge released Trump University documents that reveal details of how the school was run, such as instructors encouraging poor prospective students to max out credit cards in order to pay as much as $35,000 for real estate classes.

New member
Nov 10, 2010

Now, let’s talk about another issue that will define the future of this country for generations to come.
The Supreme Court.
Earlier this year, we lost the great Justice Antonin Scalia. The next President will not only have to fill this seat, but as many as four, or even five seats in total.

This will determine whether or not we remain a Constitutional Republic.

I have pledged to appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution, protect your religious liberty, and apply the law as written.

We reject activist judges who rewrite the Constitution to impose their own personal views on 300 million Americans.

I’ve made public a list of judges that would guide my selection process.

Hillary Clinton has refused to provide such a list, because she knows the extremist judges she would pick would be rejected by the overwhelming majority of the American public.

Clinton’s judicial picks would allow her to completely takeover American healthcare, the American economy, and Americans’ religious liberty.

Sep 22, 2007

Now, let’s talk about another issue that will define the future of this country for generations to come.
The Supreme Court.
Earlier this year, we lost the great Justice Antonin Scalia. The next President will not only have to fill this seat, but as many as four, or even five seats in total.

This will determine whether or not we remain a Constitutional Republic.

I have pledged to appoint judges who will uphold the Constitution, protect your religious liberty, and apply the law as written.

We reject activist judges who rewrite the Constitution to impose their own personal views on 300 million Americans.

I’ve made public a list of judges that would guide my selection process.

Hillary Clinton has refused to provide such a list, because she knows the extremist judges she would pick would be rejected by the overwhelming majority of the American public.

Clinton’s judicial picks would allow her to completely takeover American healthcare, the American economy, and Americans’ religious liberty.

Wtf does any of the above have to do with the fact that Rump bribed two, count 'em, two Republican AGs to quash investigations into his crooked ass Rump University????? You're an idiot...

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