rashida tlaib’s father throws her under the boss , he say’s “ she is a liar “


Nov 23, 2004
You can read their tweets and know, exactly, what their politics are.

I follow a couple of them on Twitter. That's not what's in their tweets. Source please

Those four whack jobs in the Jihad Squad can lie and say it's about race because they know TDS suffering shitheads like you will swallow that load every time and the fake news media will make sure it's jammed right down your naive throats. Tlaib and Omar are anti Semites to their vile empty souls and refuse to denounce Hamas or Al Qaeda, or Antifa or even terrorist attacks on US institutions. Instead they lobby for lenience for anti American terrorists and introduce blatantly anti Semitic bills. Pressley is a shameless racist, saying things like "We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice” “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” Vile, but no outrage from you though, right? If Trump said that about whites, you'd shit yourself, hypocrite joker. As for AOC, she is, today, paying for courses she took a decade ago, for food she ate a decade ago and for a room she lived in a decade ago. She recently learned what a food disposal is and staged phony pictures of her crying at a chain link fence. None of these women will be in Congress after their next election.

All of this is conjecture and your co-opted view from websites like "barenakedislam.com" Do you honestly expect balanced reported w/o bias from a website like this?

I have not heard any of these women say "Death to America" or "I love Hamas" "I love Alcaida" -- You've got nothing to back this up with. NOTHING. Just made up conspiracy theories and hate.

The president has done more to prove himself an anti-semite than these four women. But when your lips are locked so close to the base of his shaft, it's hard to put anything into perspective beyond the matching bald-spot of his orange pubes.

New member
Nov 21, 2013
I would hit it

She divorced in 2015 so if by any chance she yearns for a square looking white man 15 years her senior, I am ready for an icebreaker date

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I would hit it

She divorced in 2015 so if by any chance she yearns for a square looking white man 15 years her senior, I am ready for an icebreaker date

A match made in heaven, but what would your Jewish wife think?

You can tell her about all the pending resignations and arrests, she can jump up and down and tell you how crazy we all are, pure bliss

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You can read their tweets and know, exactly, what their politics are. Those four whack jobs in the Jihad Squad can lie and say it's about race because they know TDS suffering shitheads like you will swallow that load every time and the fake news media will make sure it's jammed right down your naive throats. Tlaib and Omar are anti Semites to their vile empty souls and refuse to denounce Hamas or Al Qaeda, or Antifa or even terrorist attacks on US institutions. Instead they lobby for lenience for anti American terrorists and introduce blatantly anti Semitic bills. Pressley is a shameless racist, saying things like "We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice” “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” Vile, but no outrage from you though, right? If Trump said that about whites, you'd shit yourself, hypocrite joker. As for AOC, she is, today, paying for courses she took a decade ago, for food she ate a decade ago and for a room she lived in a decade ago. She recently learned what a food disposal is and staged phony pictures of her crying at a chain link fence. None of these women will be in Congress after their next election.

Haha, racist Pavian getting bitch slapped with irrefutable facts. :103631605

New member
Aug 28, 2012
This is EXACTLY what the president is doing. Rather than attack these Congresswomen's politics, he is instead attacking their race and lying about things they have said in an effort to paint them as un-American, as terrorists.

And, of course, it's working. He was able to incite a chant of "send them back" at a campaign rally. Send 'em back where exactly? THEY ARE AMERICANS.

Wait... you are doing the typical "Democrat" thing... Looking at the persons COLOR before the context of the insult.

Only RACISTS (Democrats) judge people by color first

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I follow a couple of them on Twitter. That's not what's in their tweets. Source please

All of this is conjecture and your co-opted view from websites like "barenakedislam.com" Do you honestly expect balanced reported w/o bias from a website like this?

I have not heard any of these women say "Death to America" or "I love Hamas" "I love Alcaida" -- You've got nothing to back this up with. NOTHING. Just made up conspiracy theories and hate.

The president has done more to prove himself an anti-semite than these four women. But when your lips are locked so close to the base of his shaft, it's hard to put anything into perspective beyond the matching bald-spot of his orange pubes.

When president Trump didnt immediately denounce the attack in Charolottesville or any other bad thing, he gets labeled as the worst thing ever... When a democrat doesnt respond or denounce an attack, it just conspiracy and hate against them.

Just a little over a year till November 2020 till the ban starts

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I follow a couple of them on Twitter. That's not what's in their tweets. Source please

All of this is conjecture and your co-opted view from websites like "barenakedislam.com" Do you honestly expect balanced reported w/o bias from a website like this?

I have not heard any of these women say "Death to America" or "I love Hamas" "I love Alcaida" -- You've got nothing to back this up with. NOTHING. Just made up conspiracy theories and hate.

The president has done more to prove himself an anti-semite than these four women. But when your lips are locked so close to the base of his shaft, it's hard to put anything into perspective beyond the matching bald-spot of his orange pubes.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and two other members of “The Squad” have outrightly refused to condemn the far-left domestic terrorism attack an Antifa activist waged on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility over the weekend in Tacoma, Washington.

AOC’s refusal was captured on video by The Rebel News Online, which announced via social media her unwillingness to condemn the armed domestic terrorist who firebombed a federal government agency.

“@AOC refuses to condemn the Antifa attack on the Tacoma ICE center; refuses to tell @TheRealKeean if her inflammatory comments about ‘concentration camps’ radicalized the attacker …” The Rebel tweeted Monday.

Caught on tape … https://twitter.com/RebelNewsOnline/statuses/1150875308599500801

Ocasio-Cortez’s defiance to act as a responsible elected member of the United States House of Representatives and denounce violence was captured in the following video dialogue, as can be seen and heard in the link of the above tweet.

"Will you condemn Antifa for the attack in Washington?" the reporter asked AOC while walking with her aides.

She evaded the question with the following empty promise.

"We'll be making a statement," Ocasio-Cortez deflected.

But the reporter pressed on …

"It's easy to condemn a terror attack," he replied, persistently trying to get AOC to condemn the attack numerous times, but she steadfastly remained silent and ignored the entire line of questioning. "Will you be condemning Antifa? They firebombed an American facility. Will you condemn them?"

The Saturday attack using Molotov cocktails setting fire to the ICE center was in retaliation to President Donald Trump’s announced Sunday ICE raid sweeps that took place in 10 cities across America.

“Tacoma police shot and killed an Antifa activist who was throwing incendiary devices on Saturday at the ICE detention center in Tacoma, Washington,” TheBlaze recounted. “Willem Van Spronsen, 69, was identified as the assailant, and police found that he had been carrying a rifle in addition to the incendiary devices.”

Other Squad members refuse in tow

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) also remained silent when asked to condemn the Antifa attack as she departed a Monday press conference with fellow congresswomen AOC, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) – who also candidly refused to condemn the ultra-left political activist group’s violence.

"Will you condemn the Antifa attack in Washington over the weekend?" The Rebel reporter Keean Bexte questioned Omar while leaving, according to the Washington Examiner. "It's easy to condemn terrorism. Will you condemn it? Antifa firebombed a facility in Tacoma over the weekend – it's an ICE facility – will you condemn them for that?"

The Muslim ex-Somali refugee lawmaker completely ignored all questions.

“Omar continued to ignore Bexte as he questioned whether Omar thought it was ‘laudable’ to bomb an ICE facility if they are indeed concentration camps, as some have claimed,” the Washington Examiner’s Jon Brown noted.

However, Omar did have something to say at another occasion Monday in response to Trump’s accusation that she is an al Qaeda (Islamic terrorist organization) sympathizer.

"I do not expect every time there is a white supremacist who attacks or there is a white man who kills in a school or in a movie theater or in a mosque or in a synagogue, I don’t expect my white community members to respond on whether they love that person or not,” Omar proclaimed Monday, according to the Examiner. “And so, I think it is beyond time – it’s beyond time – to ask Muslims to condemn terrorists."

Needless to say, she evaded the question and would not even condemn one of the world’s most carnal and notorious Islamic terrorist groups for murdering countless innocent “infidels” in the name of their Islamic god, Allah.

Pressley also gave reporters the silent treatment.

“Democratic Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley refuses to denounce Antifa attacking ICE facilities for 2 mins straight:” Independent Journal Review journalist Caleb Hull tweeted Monday, which was also captured on video in his post.

The conservative media indicates that The Squad’s joint effort to evade condemning the Antifa attack is a statement in and of itself – forwarding their pro-immigration open borders, anti-American agenda.

“Democrats have been calling for elimination of ICE for nearly a year,” Townhall reported. “In the past few months, their rhetoric about the agency has escalated and a number of members have referred to ICE agents as Nazis. When asked about the attack, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar – who has called for elimination of the Department of Homeland Security – [also] didn't want to talk about it. Their silence is telling.”

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Don't try to reason with them, just point and laugh and give thanks to the lord

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Still not sure how this crease is even allowed to be in politics


New member
Aug 28, 2012
This is EXACTLY what the president is doing. Rather than attack these Congresswomen's politics, he is instead attacking their race and lying about things they have said in an effort to paint them as un-American, as terrorists.

And, of course, it's working. He was able to incite a chant of "send them back" at a campaign rally. Send 'em back where exactly? THEY ARE AMERICANS.

Yes, saying something thats been said for YEARS is racist "If you dont like it, leave"... when did that become racist?

New member
Aug 28, 2012
I follow a couple of them on Twitter. That's not what's in their tweets. Source please

All of this is conjecture and your co-opted view from websites like "barenakedislam.com" Do you honestly expect balanced reported w/o bias from a website like this?

I have not heard any of these women say "Death to America" or "I love Hamas" "I love Alcaida" -- You've got nothing to back this up with. NOTHING. Just made up conspiracy theories and hate.

The president has done more to prove himself an anti-semite than these four women. But when your lips are locked so close to the base of his shaft, it's hard to put anything into perspective beyond the matching bald-spot of his orange pubes.

Their comments and tweets have been making headlines since they were elected in November.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez once described the state of America as “garbage.”

She provoked a furor by claiming the U.S. was running “concentration camps” on the southern border.

The White House balked when Ms. Ocasio-Cortez sided with Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro against Elliott Abrams, U.S. special representative for Venezuela.

Last week, Ms. Pressley gave a speech at the Netroots Nation convention of liberal activists and demanded ideological conformity from people of color, which invited criticism of being racist.

“We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice,” she said.

In a podcast interview in May, Ms. Tlaib provided her take on the Holocaust.

“There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports,” she said. “And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.”

The comments drew rebukes from Mr. Trump and conservative commentators for being anti-Semitic and revisionist history.

Ms. Tlaib responded by appearing on NBC’s “Late Night” and called her critics “racist idiots.”

Shortly after taking office in January, Ms. Omar tweeted that “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

The remark was widely deemed an anti-Semitic trope, but Ms. Omar insisted it was a legitimate critique of Israel’s conduct in the Gaza wars.

She later accused Jewish lawmakers of having an “allegiance to a foreign country” for supporting Israel. She also tweeted that U.S. support was “all about the Benjamins baby.” When asked what she meant, she responded “AIPAC!” referring to the prominent pro-Israel lobby.

Critics again called her words an anti-Semitic trope that Jews buy political influence throughout the world.

It spurred a House resolution condemning her rhetoric, though the bill did not name her. House Democrats eventually watered down the resolution to condemn all forms of hatred, including anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim discrimination.

The resolution passed on a 407-23 vote. All of the opposing votes were cast by Republicans. Every Democrat, including Ms. Omar, supported the resolution.

A month later, Ms. Omar referred to the 9/11 terrorist attacks by saying “some people did something.”

She said she was tired of being asked to answer for the action of Islamic terrorists, but she also resists condemning groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

The New York Post responded to her 9/11 remark with a front-page photo of the twin towers engulfed in flames with the headline: “Here’s your something — 2,977 people dead by terrorism.”

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez called the front-page image “horrifying and hateful.” She complained that showing photographs of the terrorist attack were “triggering.”

Ms. Tlaib defended her colleague’s 9/11 comments by saying, “She does speak truth.”

Their statements on Israel, terrorism and America’s character “not only put them outside the American mainstream but infect those Democrats who refuse to criticize The Squad,” said Richard E. Vatz, a scholar of political rhetoric at Towson University.

Jun 4, 2018
You can read their tweets and know, exactly, what their politics are. Those four whack jobs in the Jihad Squad can lie and say it's about race because they know TDS suffering shitheads like you will swallow that load every time and the fake news media will make sure it's jammed right down your naive throats. Tlaib and Omar are anti Semites to their vile empty souls and refuse to denounce Hamas or Al Qaeda, or Antifa or even terrorist attacks on US institutions. Instead they lobby for lenience for anti American terrorists and introduce blatantly anti Semitic bills. Pressley is a shameless racist, saying things like "We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice” “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” Vile, but no outrage from you though, right? If Trump said that about whites, you'd shit yourself, hypocrite joker. As for AOC, she is, today, paying for courses she took a decade ago, for food she ate a decade ago and for a room she lived in a decade ago. She recently learned what a food disposal is and staged phony pictures of her crying at a chain link fence. None of these women will be in Congress after their next election.
Well said , but it was all for naught . there’s nothing between dangers ears to comprehend anything that you said

Jun 4, 2018
What the fuck is 'barenakedislam.com' ???

This is your "credible" news source??

You trumpanzees will truly believe anything as long as it fits your narrative.

First of all i was the one who brought up barenakedislam , not sure if the others knew of it or what they think of site ? . I know the site is banned in some countries & here it is repeatedly attacked & is taken down sometimes but always comes back . the site isn’t a hate site like Muslims & brain dead individuals like you say , Muslims & liberals hate the site & are always looking to take it down because it exposes Islam for what it is . I love the site & yes I have contributed to the site to keep it up & running , why don’t you give the site a chance donger you might actually learn something

Mar 6, 2005
I follow a couple of them on Twitter. That's not what's in their tweets. Source please

All of this is conjecture and your co-opted view from websites like "barenakedislam.com" Do you honestly expect balanced reported w/o bias from a website like this?

I have not heard any of these women say "Death to America" or "I love Hamas" "I love Alcaida" -- You've got nothing to back this up with. NOTHING. Just made up conspiracy theories and hate.

The president has done more to prove himself an anti-semite than these four women. But when your lips are locked so close to the base of his shaft, it's hard to put anything into perspective beyond the matching bald-spot of his orange pubes.

My, you are a special kind of stupid, aren't you? I can play your stupid game too....I have not heard any of these women say I condemn the terrorist actions against an American facility either. They've been asked to, but they will not answer it. I have also not heard Omar or Tlaib say they condemn Muslim terrorist groups either, despite being asked to, they will not. Carry on, simpleton.

Nov 23, 2004
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and two other members of “The Squad” have outrightly refused to condemn the far-left domestic terrorism attack an Antifa activist waged on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention facility over the weekend in Tacoma, Washington.

AOC’s refusal was captured on video by The Rebel News Online, which announced via social media her unwillingness to condemn the armed domestic terrorist who firebombed a federal government agency.

“@AOC refuses to condemn the Antifa attack on the Tacoma ICE center; refuses to tell @TheRealKeean if her inflammatory comments about ‘concentration camps’ radicalized the attacker …” The Rebel tweeted Monday.

Caught on tape … https://twitter.com/RebelNewsOnline/statuses/1150875308599500801

Ocasio-Cortez’s defiance to act as a responsible elected member of the United States House of Representatives and denounce violence was captured in the following video dialogue, as can be seen and heard in the link of the above tweet.

"Will you condemn Antifa for the attack in Washington?" the reporter asked AOC while walking with her aides.

She evaded the question with the following empty promise.

"We'll be making a statement," Ocasio-Cortez deflected.

But the reporter pressed on …

"It's easy to condemn a terror attack," he replied, persistently trying to get AOC to condemn the attack numerous times, but she steadfastly remained silent and ignored the entire line of questioning. "Will you be condemning Antifa? They firebombed an American facility. Will you condemn them?"

The Saturday attack using Molotov cocktails setting fire to the ICE center was in retaliation to President Donald Trump’s announced Sunday ICE raid sweeps that took place in 10 cities across America.

“Tacoma police shot and killed an Antifa activist who was throwing incendiary devices on Saturday at the ICE detention center in Tacoma, Washington,” TheBlaze recounted. “Willem Van Spronsen, 69, was identified as the assailant, and police found that he had been carrying a rifle in addition to the incendiary devices.”

Other Squad members refuse in tow

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) also remained silent when asked to condemn the Antifa attack as she departed a Monday press conference with fellow congresswomen AOC, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) – who also candidly refused to condemn the ultra-left political activist group’s violence.

"Will you condemn the Antifa attack in Washington over the weekend?" The Rebel reporter Keean Bexte questioned Omar while leaving, according to the Washington Examiner. "It's easy to condemn terrorism. Will you condemn it? Antifa firebombed a facility in Tacoma over the weekend – it's an ICE facility – will you condemn them for that?"

The Muslim ex-Somali refugee lawmaker completely ignored all questions.

“Omar continued to ignore Bexte as he questioned whether Omar thought it was ‘laudable’ to bomb an ICE facility if they are indeed concentration camps, as some have claimed,” the Washington Examiner’s Jon Brown noted.

However, Omar did have something to say at another occasion Monday in response to Trump’s accusation that she is an al Qaeda (Islamic terrorist organization) sympathizer.

"I do not expect every time there is a white supremacist who attacks or there is a white man who kills in a school or in a movie theater or in a mosque or in a synagogue, I don’t expect my white community members to respond on whether they love that person or not,” Omar proclaimed Monday, according to the Examiner. “And so, I think it is beyond time – it’s beyond time – to ask Muslims to condemn terrorists."

Needless to say, she evaded the question and would not even condemn one of the world’s most carnal and notorious Islamic terrorist groups for murdering countless innocent “infidels” in the name of their Islamic god, Allah.

Pressley also gave reporters the silent treatment.

“Democratic Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley refuses to denounce Antifa attacking ICE facilities for 2 mins straight:” Independent Journal Review journalist Caleb Hull tweeted Monday, which was also captured on video in his post.

The conservative media indicates that The Squad’s joint effort to evade condemning the Antifa attack is a statement in and of itself – forwarding their pro-immigration open borders, anti-American agenda.

“Democrats have been calling for elimination of ICE for nearly a year,” Townhall reported. “In the past few months, their rhetoric about the agency has escalated and a number of members have referred to ICE agents as Nazis. When asked about the attack, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar – who has called for elimination of the Department of Homeland Security – [also] didn't want to talk about it. Their silence is telling.”

Thank you for providing a source. I now have an idea as to why AOC didn't respond to the 'reporter' .. Rebel Media is the Canadian equivalent of Breitbart and has had a recent exodus of staff/journalists due to its participation in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville a few years ago.

Why would AOC give these agenda-driven peddlers of hate any soundbyte at all? I'd walk right on by that fucker with the microphone as well.


Nov 23, 2004
thanks , iv’e never heard of defiantamerica.com

how can somebody be this ignorant ?

Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy

Notes: Defiant America is an extreme right news and opinion blog. Most headlines utilize loaded words to sensationalize the stories they are republishing. For example, this headline uses the word “delusional” to describe liberals: “Kellyanne Uses Props to Help Liberals With Their Delusional Trump-Russia Collusion Story (Video)”. This type of wording already sways the reader to view liberals negatively. Defiant America makes an effort to source their information, however many times they link back to far right or other questionable sources such as the American Mirror. Finally, this source also publishes conspiracy stories such as this one about Chemtrails being real. (D. Van Zandt 7/13/2017)

Are these really the news sites you want to brag to your friends and family about??


Mar 5, 2009
Thank you for providing a source. I now have an idea as to why AOC didn't respond to the 'reporter' .. Rebel Media is the Canadian equivalent of Breitbart and has had a recent exodus of staff/journalists due to its participation in the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville a few years ago.

Why would AOC give these agenda-driven peddlers of hate any soundbyte at all? I'd walk right on by that fucker with the microphone as well.


Good, so at least you're opening admitting to their hypocrisy (and your own).

When Trump does it bad bad bad
When the Left does it good for them!

Nov 23, 2004
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez once described the state of America as “garbage.”

Trump ran an entire presidential campaign on this kind of rhetoric. She is allowed to have her opinion. If the Republican party has taught me anything these past 10 years, is that criticizing the President is always cool.

She provoked a furor by claiming the U.S. was running “concentration camps” on the southern border.

They ARE concentration camps

The White House balked when Ms. Ocasio-Cortez sided with Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro against Elliott Abrams, U.S. special representative for Venezuela.

So AOC is in the wrong for not supporting someone convicted of lying to Congress? Yea what a bitch.

On January 25, 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo appointed Abrams as the United States' Special Representative for Venezuela.[2][54] In February 2019, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) questioned whether Abrams was the correct choice because he had been convicted for lying to Congress in the past and given his role in the Iran-Contra affair and support for U.S.-backed right-wing dictatorships in Central America in the 1980s.[55][56]


Last week, Ms. Pressley gave a speech at the Netroots Nation convention of liberal activists and demanded ideological conformity from people of color, which invited criticism of being racist.

“We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice,” she said.

Ever hear of Don "No Soul" Simmons?

In a podcast interview in May, Ms. Tlaib provided her take on the Holocaust.

“There’s always kind of a calming feeling I tell folks when I think of the Holocaust, and the tragedy of the Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors — Palestinians — who lost their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, their human dignity, their existence in many ways, have been wiped out, and some people’s passports,” she said. “And just all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for Jews, post-the Holocaust, post-the tragedy and the horrific persecution of Jews across the world at that time. And I love the fact that it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away and it was forced on them.”

The comments drew rebukes from Mr. Trump and conservative commentators for being anti-Semitic and revisionist history.

Ms. Tlaib responded by appearing on NBC’s “Late Night” and called her critics “racist idiots.”

She's 100% correct though. After WWII and the holocaust, Jews were relocated from Europe to palestine. How the fuck were the Palestinians supposed to react?? I'd imagine they'd want to build a wall and would employ every tactic possible to make it undesirable to live in the region. The Jews essentially commandeered their land, and not just that -- but the BEST LOCATIONS of that land and forced the Palestinians into ghettos.

The Palestinians have no right to be pissed???

Shortly after taking office in January, Ms. Omar tweeted that “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.”

The remark was widely deemed an anti-Semitic trope, but Ms. Omar insisted it was a legitimate critique of Israel’s conduct in the Gaza wars.

She later accused Jewish lawmakers of having an “allegiance to a foreign country” for supporting Israel. She also tweeted that U.S. support was “all about the Benjamins baby.” When asked what she meant, she responded “AIPAC!” referring to the prominent pro-Israel lobby.

Israel has done some shady shit. To criticize them politically does not make someone an anti-semite.

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