I think this guy is referring to the FAKE Randizzle that has a paid service that loves to SPAM the shit out of people and try to make money off of the real Randizzle14
this is prob correct... My brother and his roomate tailed him throughout NCAA football thru a chat forum where he posted, and he did very well. Then after NCAA he started emailing his plays b/c he said he was kicked off the forum (my brother could not find his name on the site anymore) he started charging for his plays and every time my brother got his picks he would do awful, So he stopped buying his picks but randizzle would still send an email everyday with the games he was playing and units he was playing, just no plays. And it was funny every time he bought his picks he did bad, but when he didnt have his picks randizzle would send emails saying "how many units he's up, he's heating up, +50 units!! blah blah blah" then I decided to get his picks b.c he said he was doing so well in NCAA basketball tourny, well he did awful the first day i got his picks. And he knew I was a brother of one of his previous members b/c when i first emailed him i told him how i heard of him. And as soon as he sent the plays the my email, he stopped sending his emails to my brother that said how good he was doing with these huge write-ups talkin himself up, and all he did was send plays with no write ups to me, and he sucks.....i just find it shady and wanted to know if anyone else knew anything about it... thnx guys