Rainforests might speed up global warming

LA SELVA, Costa Rica, April 21 (UPI) -- Global warming could force tropical rainforests to release abnormally large amounts of carbon dioxide gas, which could accelerate temperature rises worldwide, scientists reported Monday.

"This suggests that further warming will have even stronger effects," lead researcher Deborah Clark, a tropical forest ecologist at the University of Missouri at St. Louis, told United Press International.

Like all plants, trees live off sunlight via photosynthesis, the process by which energy from the sun breaks down water and carbon dioxide to make sugar and oxygen.

However, like animals, plants also consume oxygen, using the gas to burn sugar for power. This process of respiration spews off carbon dioxide, a potent "greenhouse gas" that traps solar heat and helps warm the planet.

Normally, the balance between carbon dioxide emission and consumption within plants is tipped in favor of consumption, which fuels plant growth. However, the more heat the plant absorbs, the more plant growth declines and carbon dioxide is emitted.

Clark and colleagues reasoned tropical rainforests might be among the first to show increased carbon dioxide emission levels in response to global warming, because they are among the warmest ecosystems on Earth, averaging roughly 80 degrees Fahrenheit annually.

"We became interested in this when our long-term measurements of tree growth had come to cover several years, and we could see that tree growth varied greatly from year to year," Clark said. "We realized that something about yearly differences in weather patterns must be doing this, and we started to focus on what that might be."

The scientists examined the annual growth of six tree species in an old-growth rainforest at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. They measured the trunk diameter of 164 adult tree species between 1984 and 2000 in an area the size of about 700 football fields.

"To measure some of these trees required carrying two to three ladders cross-country through the forest in order to be able to measure the tree trunk diameter, often 3 to 10 feet above the ground to get above the large buttresses that protrude from many tropical trees," Clark said.

The researchers had no direct way of measuring carbon dioxide emissions from the La Selva rainforest. Instead, they calculated CO2 emissions from tropical lands worldwide during the same time span using data collected by nine climate monitoring stations located from the Arctic to the South Pole, five of which are positioned either in or outlying the tropics.

In findings made public Monday from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, when Clark and her team matched tree growth with local temperature readings, they found growth often was stunted during the hottest years -- most notably during the record-hot, 1997-1998 El Niño. During warm years, atmospheric gas samples revealed tropical regions as a whole also spewed more CO2 than they absorbed.

"There is now an urgent need for studies to see if what we found at La Selva is occurring generally across tropical forests," Clark said. "If the patterns we have found prove to be general, it would mean that the rate of global warming will be much greater than what has been expected based on human fossil fuel use alone."

She added, "no one knows that the optimum temperature is for photosynthesis of a tropical forest. This is clearly a burning question now."

Ecologist Chris Field, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington in Stanford, Calif., said although the findings are not definitive, "it's an important suggestion and it needs to be explored further."


New member
Sep 21, 2004

Why don't you put this in the politcal forum?
outand up says global warming is a hoax.
like I said before man-made global warming is the biggest hoax ever played on the world.

I really like the part when they say urgent studies are needed. Hmmmm... more of our tax dollars

96.5% of gases released occur naturally.

So Outandup are you saying that humans are only responsible for 3.5%? Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 21, 2004
Hmmmm... more of our tax dollars

But more of our tax dollars for war is fine and dandy, right?

Listen up. That's one of the governments duties.

I believe in the defense of our country. You don't, that's your opinion.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
There was just a Harvard study released this year that basically said that global warming is a bunch of bullshit,I was listening to Laura Ingraham and she tried to get somebody from various "enviromental" groups to answer the claims to this study, but like all good liberals when presented with hard fact they refused to show up.

When are you left wingers going to stop drinking the Kool aid?
They don't care about the facts. The facts are 96.5% of harmful gases are naturally released. There's not a dam thing we can do about it.
They want us to roller skates and live in a a/c-less mud hut like most of the world.

The hollywood idiots are responsible for more harmful gases because they have to air condition their 30,000 sq ft homes, ride in limos and lear jets. And they have the nerve to try to take our one SUV away so we can roller skate to work. I'm not their fukin subject.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
And my behind might smell good.

(from the writer that is)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Human farts might speed up global warming too! Maybe we should that against the law! For some of you that may be a great idea!


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Do you say that Global Warming is bullshit because Laura told you so or did you read the report? She has some credibility problems.
Judge there is no hole in the ozone. Cite your source. Most scientist do not agree. Follow the money. If there is a hole it's cause by the 96.5% of the gases released naturally, should we cap volcanoes?
Out I just don't see how you can think that the burning of fossil fuels does not have a negative effect on the environment.We only got one world cat,I just hope we learn how to take care of it before we totally **** it up.
judge as better technologies are developed by Americans we'll do just that. in the mean time the thought that i should ride a bike instead of driving my SUV is stupid. considering 96.5% of all the gases are released naturally. and the idiots on TV cause more harm if any flying in their lear jets.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
This was the first quote...

"Global warming is the GREATEST hoax ever perpetrated on the people of the world. There's not one shread of evidence to support global warming. Not one dot to connect. HOW AM I WRONG?"

This is the second...

"like I said before man-made global warming is the biggest hoax ever played on the world."

Oooooh so now it's "man-made global warning" that's a hoax.

The war was about finding WMD but they didn't turn up so..., I know, yeah, it's about Iraqi freedom, yeah, yeah that's the ticket.

And you conservs are the ones saying spin all the time.
I believe global warming is a hoax. I believe man-made global warming is a hoax. Where's the proof.

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