Railbird for poster of the year "Poli Forum"


New member
Oct 27, 2006
Never met the dude

Doesn't it seem strange that Obama has has the same descendants as Bush('s)?...same blood line folks....

RB has puts some shit out there that is beyond believe....but as J Edgar Hoover once said..."The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy somonstrous he cannot believe it exists."

Unfortunately "conspiracy theorists" have been marginalized by the establishment

Google "13 illuminatti Families" and educate yourselves. Use your brain. The facts are clear...GL

Mar 7, 2005
Pay up welcher scum.

New member
Oct 27, 2006

mj...the "I'm going to short oil cause I believe in Bush and CNBC " guy

keep believing.....:bunnies:

New member
Oct 27, 2006
BTW - before I am called out for being a lefty

I'm probably the most right-wing guy on the forum this side of tiznow and Woof

guys like yourself "joec" and willie are just sheep...gotta call a spade a spade

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Rail knows and believes things most people dont want to know and/or believe.

Mar 7, 2005
Welchers are scum...nobody likes them...bottom of the pile buddy.

Every day, thats what you see in the mirror...

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
BTW - before I am called out for being a lefty

I'm probably the most right-wing guy on the forum this side of tiznow and Woof

guys like yourself "joec" and willie are just sheep...gotta call a spade a spade

Reading a few pamphlets on Austrian economic theory don't make you a "right wing guy" -- it makes you a Paulestinian buffoon. Tizdoom is definitely no exception -- he's no "right winger"....in fact, in spirit he's about as 'left' as they come.

Allow me to introduce to you the concept of true conservatism -- true right wing conservatism.


First of all, conservatism isn't about a particular set of policies or party slogans...it ain't about jumping into a mosh-pit at a Ron Paul rally...it's about VALUES -- TRADITIONAL AMERICAN VALUES and adhering to the wisdom of the ages and wisdom of the framers of our country.

Note the word 'conservative' means conserve (what is infinitely precious). It does NOT mean "let's give America an Oprah-like makeover."

Conservatives fight to conserve the rich history, culture and values of this blessed land which we believe was formed by divine providence -- a new experiment in liberty and self government given to us by the Creator. On the other hand, blaming America or wanting to transform society into something 'new' and 'different' (i.e., constantly wanting to be Euro-trash) = classic loony left.

Being "anti-war" (an absurd modern hippie concoction) means you are classic 'lefty'; being ANTI-EVIL makes you a red-blooded all-American conservative. Please understand this one, folks, cause it's a biggie...but also very, very simple...

Liberals are "anti-war"; conservatives are anti-evil -- period.

There's never been a successful, coherent policy that supported the former (unless you're a wacko member of Code Pink and consider retreating from the battlefield under enemy fire a good thing for your country), however the later is a great American tradition -- from Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates to Lincoln and the Civil War; from the fields of Europe to the rice paddies of Vietnam; Korea to Grenada; to the desert sands of Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq --- the common cause has always been the same...


For this America has been richly rewarded -- we have been truly blessed. Of course I believe this -- every conservative does.

The French chose the values of "liberty, equality and fraternity"; Americans chose "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"...BIG BIG DIFFERENCE between the two... the former being distinctly more feminine and socialist than the rugged masculine individual American Exceptionalism envisioned by our founding fathers. The later of course is classic traditional conservative.

Judging moral behavior -- the decent vs indecent' -- makes you a righty; judging people by race, class and 'gender' makes you a Husseini Obambi lib.

If you are conservative, you believe society should be governed by standards -- moral, economic and social standards. If you're a lib...well...'compassion' trumps everything.

Blaming society for your problems = classic 'progressive' Marxist lemming; blaming yourself, God, stroke of bad luck, poor judgment (anything but 'society') means you are an honest God conservative.

Conservatives understand that excuses are the nails you use to build a house of failure; libs believe the more excuses you offer the electorate, the greater chance you have of winning elections. :ohno:

Conservatives don't yearn for power except to conserve; libs lust for power in the name of stupid meaningless slogans such as 'C-H-A-N-G-E' 'progressive', "shared prosperity" -- anything to avoid the true meaning of their values, namely secular Marxism.

Although there are exceptions, conservatives yield to a higher power; libs love to play God themselves ("government knows what's best for you, -- especially me!).

Libs prefer to enforce their values by government mandates (force); conservatives believe society can govern itself by traditional time-honored stigmas -- social and cultural stigmas that are part of our natural human nature. It wasn't the Right who decided Roe v. Wade was constitutional or to ban school prayer. It wasn't the Right who decided to mandate sex education in our schools or who now insist through the courts -- always through the courts -- that marriage should be redefined. These are all concoctions of the "progressive" left. Ditto for "animal rights"...

Conservatives believe judges should interpret the law; libs believe their precious fascists in black robes should make them ("promote social justice and "economic equality" is what they would say).

Conservatives want what's best for the country; libs want what's for THEM (or the slut down the street who can't/won't keep her legs closed). No economic policy on the left is good for sum total of society -- all the left ever cares about is their pathetic organized "victim" groups. (And yes, btw, if you think you're a victim of some sort, you're definitely a loony lib.)

Conservatives give their uncompromising support to traditional American institutions such as the family unit, the local church, Boy Scouts of America -- and above all -- the US military; libs would lay their life on the line for "NARAL" the ALCU, Gay Pride, ....and so on and so on...

Like I said...it takes more -- A LOT MORE -- than fancy Paulestinian rhetoric to call yourself a member of the 'right'. Ron Paul and his Code Pink nutjob fanbase have more in common with Howard Dean than I or any true conservative will ever have -- and the incessant booing Paul receives anywhere remotely "right wing" or "conservative" proves it.

We don't like Paulestinian left wing surrender monkeys -- and they don't like us. Let's keep it this way. :103631605

Aug 6, 2006
jdog bet a thousand dollars Wil would find an IP match between Joe C and Mr MJ. He was SO SURE he was going to win.

When it was proven they were two different posters jdog acted as if the wager never took place.

Now everyone, ask yourselves -- What would jdog have done had he won this bet? How far would he be going to collect? And how pervasive would the abuse be toward Mr MJ had he lost this bet and welched?

There is no middle ground here. THE JDOG IS A DIRTBAG.

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