Raider Moves in '08


New member
Sep 20, 2005
Was on a few of the "sports wagering" DBs this AM and got fired up about all the Al Davis and Raiduh bashing:

For all the Raider Haters out there we've been easy pickings the last 5 years...but I challenge you to name an owner more committed to winning and bringing a Lombardi to his owner who has been a successful coach, commissioner, and owner who is in the PFB Hall of Fame, has ruled over a dominant NFL franchise for 40+ years and brought AFL Championships and Superbowl appearances and/or wins in the '60's, '70's, 80's, 90's (AFC Championship Game) and 2000's...

Now, on to this off-season's moves:

G. Wilson (solid, young, TACKLING safety): Our biggest weakness on D last year was a lack of a safety who could fill the hole and hold 5-7 yard gains from becoming 20+ yard gains...IMO, most underrated and best signing in the offseason.

T. Kelly (solid, young, possible stud DT/DE): Gave Kelly a HUGE contract, in part because Dungver was ready to snatch him. Warren Sapp (who's played next to Kelly for a few years) believes he could be a DOMINATE DT in the "Warren Sapp" mode...with Sapp retiring it left a huge hole...time will tell if Kelly can fill Sapp's shoes.

W. Joseph (young, previous 1st rd talent DT): Signed for the vet minimum, any production from this one time 1st round pick is GRAVY...low risk/high reward signing.

D. Hall (24-year old, Probowl CB): Tell me the downside of trading for a young, proven talent like D. Hall? Show me a better pair of corners in the NFL than ASO & D. Hall (and we know Mr. Davis loves his corners...anyone who is an NFL vet remember Hayes & Haynes?)

ASO (exclusive rights franchise playa, young stud CB): ASO was thrown on less than TWICE per game last year...he is THAT GOOD...and he was a late 1st round pick of Mr. Davis that was criticized by everyone at the time. (My only concern with the D. Hall trade is that da Raiders choose not to sign ASO to a longterm deal...but, as I said, Mr. Davis loves his corners.)

J. Fargas (young, hard running RB): Re-signed Huggy Bear, jr. to solid contract...allowing us to waive ("dance happy" LJ and save $$$), anyone remember Michael Bush from da 'Ville?

K.Harris (young, former 1st round talent OT): Our O-line Guru, Tom Cable, who took one of the worst O-line's and re-made them into a SOLID unit believes Kwame will thrive in da Raiders ZBS...this man is an O-line genius...time will tell. (And this contract is a one year tryout in reports total $$$ numbers that are never seen...gotta look at the 1st / 2nd year comp. people.)

D. Carter (young, FAST WR): Came into his own starting 7 games for Panthers last year...Panther fans lamenting his loss bigger than WR K. Colbert...will open up underneath routes for Ronald Curry & Zach Miller. Plus, anyone know HOW FAR JaMarcus can throw the ball? (Mr. Davis LOVES speed.)

J. Walker (former STUD WR): We OVERPAID for Walker, no doubt...although in reality it's only a HUGE one year contract if he doesn't perform. Show me a FA WR with more potential? (and R. Moss wasn't coming back to Oaktown) WR was our weakest position on O and we are loading up to give JaMarcus weapons...and for the IDIOTS criticizing JaMarcus...his 1st year stats were better than Aikman, Manning, etc., etc., etc., so get off this LARGE man's back ya Raider Hating Biatches...

One more thing...Mr. Davis DOES NOT trade down in the NFL Draft...we'll be picking future NFL SACK MACHINE Vernon Gholston to pair with D. Burgess on passing downs...Burgess, Gholston, ASO, D. Hall...c'mon biatches I DARE YA to throw on da Raiders in '08...


(Even the most ardent Raider Haters gotta give Mr. Davis props for getting his fan base psyched after five PATHETIC seasons.)<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

New member
Jan 23, 2007
Big Raider Fan here. I dont think I could wrote your post any better than that. Also the media breeds these haters.

Chargers and Padres 4 life
Sep 5, 2007
As a Charger fan I'm loving this..You guys WAY OVERPAID on every one of those contracts and will be in salary cap purgatory very soon. You build through the draft not by signing overpriced Free agents. You guys won't beat the Chargers for a long time, you are outclassed at EVERY position. With all that said, you guys definately improved and might be the second best team in the division.

All these moves don't help your piss poor OL and QB. The one move I think helps you guys is resigning Fargas..that kid is a player

RX Scumbag
Aug 31, 2007
G. Wilson (solid, young, TACKLING safety): Our biggest weakness on D last year was a lack of a safety who could fill the hole and hold 5-7 yard gains from becoming 20+ yard gains...IMO, most underrated and best signing in the offseason.

W. Joseph (young, previous 1st rd talent DT): Signed for the vet minimum, any production from this one time 1st round pick is GRAVY...low risk/high reward signing.

Just some insight from a Giants fan. Trust me Gibril Wilson is worth every penny you spent for him. I'm not joking when I say that I saw him in his 2nd game as a Giant I immediatley love the guy. He was then my favorite player and I got a customized jersey of his. Also met him at camp and he is a great guy on top of all that. He is a tough guy who can tackle very well, has a nose for the ball, and can also cover guys which is rare in a safety. He can blitz, man up, and play zone. Great pick up. Top-10 safety in the league.

As for William Joseph. Don't try to defend this guy. I wouldnt trade a fucking donut for this guy. He has never...EVER shown me any signs of life on the field. If he touches the field then your team gets worse.

New member
Sep 20, 2005
Just some insight from a Giants fan. Trust me Gibril Wilson is worth every penny you spent for him. I'm not joking when I say that I saw him in his 2nd game as a Giant I immediatley love the guy. He was then my favorite player and I got a customized jersey of his. Also met him at camp and he is a great guy on top of all that. He is a tough guy who can tackle very well, has a nose for the ball, and can also cover guys which is rare in a safety. He can blitz, man up, and play zone. Great pick up. Top-10 safety in the league.

As for William Joseph. Don't try to defend this guy. I wouldnt trade a fucking donut for this guy. He has never...EVER shown me any signs of life on the field. If he touches the field then your team gets worse.


Mully :toast:
Sep 20, 2004
There O-line might not be greatly improved, but Sims is finally gone and that is a big improvement by itself.

Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001
Chargers still 2-0 to start the season with Raiduhs on the schedule twice

New member
Sep 20, 2005
Chargers still 2-0 to start the season with Raiduhs on the schedule twice

Remind me again, when was the last time the Chargers won a Superbowl???

'Diego fans crack me the f*ck up...can't sell out their stadium...usually more Raider fans @ SD when they play...:nohead:

Talk about a franchise in desperate need of an enema...48 years of FUTILITY and Norv (Hell of an O-Coordinator) Turner as your HC...not to mention an immature QB who everyone knows is a BIATCH...:missingte

Please San Diego fans talk more shite to us Raider fans with our 5 Superbowl apperances and 3 Lombardi's...PLEASE.

Mully :toast:

New member
Feb 12, 2008
D. Hall (24-year old, Probowl CB): Tell me the downside of trading for a young, proven talent like D. Hall? Show me a better pair of corners in the NFL than ASO & D. Hall (and we know Mr. Davis loves his corners...anyone who is an NFL vet remember Hayes & Haynes?)

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I smell trouble in the Raider Nation.

New member
Oct 18, 2006
You forgot to add that the Raiders are the only team in NFL history to have 5 straight double digit losing seasons. AND COUNTING.

Also, I don't see any mention of the NFL record 17 straight divisional losses.

Or the 154-191 record since 1987.


Snitch hater
Sep 20, 2001
You forgot to add that the Raiders are the only team in NFL history to have 5 straight double digit losing seasons. AND COUNTING.

Also, I don't see any mention of the NFL record 17 straight divisional losses.

Or the 154-191 record since 1987.


or the 11 or 12 (I lost count) straight losses to the Chargers. Does anyone really care what the Raiders did a century ago?

New member
Nov 12, 2007
As a Charger fan I'm loving this..You guys WAY OVERPAID on every one of those contracts and will be in salary cap purgatory very soon. You build through the draft not by signing overpriced Free agents. You guys won't beat the Chargers for a long time, you are outclassed at EVERY position. With all that said, you guys definately improved and might be the second best team in the division.

All these moves don't help your piss poor OL and QB. The one move I think helps you guys is resigning Fargas..that kid is a player

perfectly said, Al davis is making dumb moves again. fargas was a nice signing and that is about it. Outside of raider nation who the hell is tommy kelly?

Chargers and Padres 4 life
Sep 5, 2007
Remind me again, when was the last time the Chargers won a Superbowl???

'Diego fans crack me the f*ck up...can't sell out their stadium...usually more Raider fans @ SD when they play...:nohead:

Talk about a franchise in desperate need of an enema...48 years of FUTILITY and Norv (Hell of an O-Coordinator) Turner as your HC...not to mention an immature QB who everyone knows is a BIATCH...:missingte

Please San Diego fans talk more shite to us Raider fans with our 5 Superbowl apperances and 3 Lombardi's...PLEASE.

Mully :toast:

Haha this is when you know the Raiders nation has NOTHING else to say..they bring this up...Yes we have never won a Superbowl, but we are head and shoulders above you jokers now and will be for a longtime..AJ Smith knows how to build a team..through the draft and then retaining our own rather than signing joke free agents to massive laughable contacts..Keep clinging to the 70s and early 80s, because until Al dies you guys have NO CHANCE

New member
Oct 11, 2004
lets take the Patriots and the colts. Probably the 2 best teams in the NFL over the last 10 years. How have both of them done it. By drafting well and resigning their own players, not by going out and signing a bunch of overpriced past their prime, if they even had a prime free agents. The Raiders are basically doing what the Washington Redskins have been doing for years and how has that worked out for Daniel Snyder.

By the way $100 says D. Hall gets arrested at some point this year.
Sep 20, 2004
Yeah, it sucked when the Raiders went out and got Jerry Rice and Rod Woodson, what a waste *cough* bullshit *cough*

Besides D. Hall is 24, dumbass.

New member
Oct 11, 2004
Yeah, it sucked when the Raiders went out and got Jerry Rice and Rod Woodson, what a waste *cough* bullshit *cough*

Besides D. Hall is 24, dumbass.

Allright I'm not a raiders fanatic so maybe you can correct me, but wasn't rod woodson a raider for all of 2 years and only had 1 good year. And Jerry Rice was there at the tail end of his carrer also.

I know Hall is 24, he was also renamed "MeAngelo Hall" while he was in ATL because he is all about himself. That should fit in great with a team that is clearly allready having problems forming a foundation. Remember last year when Hall commited 3 personal fouls in a row and was fined 100K. Or when he wore a Vick shirt, carried a Vick poster around and wore MV7 on his eye black. Ya he's a great guy. I know I would love a guy on my team that is outwardly supporting a guy that let the entire team down. Maybe you guys should try and sign Pacman Jones as well. Not to mention that didn't Al Davis give Hall more money than Asante Samuel just got. Or if not I know it isn't much less. The raiders overpaid for Hall.

And on another note how many draft picks does Oak have left. Off the top of my head I think they have exactly 1 first day pick. I'm sure you know more than me about this but didn't they allready give away there 2nd, 3rd, and 5th round picks. They get the #4 pick and than don't pick again until #100. That sounds like a great way for a team with many holes to build a team.

I have also heard rumors that your QB is approching 300 lbs. That sounds like a great fit for your dysfunctional team.

Quite simply in todays NFL you cannot give away draft picks and overpay for players and expect to contend. I garuntee that the Flacons turn their franchise around way before the Raiders do. Atlanta has 4 picks in the top 48.

Not to mention that Oakland looks like it could be headed for salary cap problems with the way they have spent money this offseason. Plus they are going to have to give up close to 50 mil to whoever they take #4 in the draft.
Sep 20, 2004
2002 Superbowl roster. Yeah they got spanked and sucked every year since, but still, can you spot the free agent veterans?

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=#000000><TD colSpan=8><CENTER>2002 OAKLAND RAIDERS ROSTER
[SIZE=-1]as of September 3, 2002[/SIZE] </CENTER></TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>No </TD><TD>Name </TD><TD>Pos </TD><TD>Ht </TD><TD>Wt </TD><TD>Age </TD><TD>Exp </TD><TD>College </TD></TR><TR><TD>95</TD><TD>Adams, Sam</TD><TD>DT</TD><TD>6-3</TD><TD>330</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>Texas A&M</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>93 </TD><TD>Armstrong, Trace </TD><TD>DE </TD><TD>6-4 </TD><TD>275 </TD><TD>36 </TD><TD>14 </TD><TD>Florida</TD></TR><TR><TD>70</TD><TD>Badger, Brad</TD><TD>T</TD><TD>6-4</TD><TD>320</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>Stanford</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>50 </TD><TD>Barton, Eric </TD><TD>LB </TD><TD>6-2 </TD><TD>245 </TD><TD>24 </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>Maryland </TD></TR><TR><TD>81 </TD><TD>Brown, Tim </TD><TD>WR </TD><TD>6-0 </TD><TD>195 </TD><TD>36 </TD><TD>15 </TD><TD>Notre Dame</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>94 </TD><TD>Bryant, Tony </TD><TD>DE </TD><TD>6-6 </TD><TD>275 </TD><TD>25 </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>Florida State </TD></TR><TR><TD>31</TD><TD>Buchanon, Phillip</TD><TD>CB</TD><TD>5-10</TD><TD>185</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>R</TD><TD>Miami</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>90</TD><TD>Coleman, Kenyon</TD><TD>DE</TD><TD>6-5</TD><TD>285</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>R</TD><TD>UCLA</TD></TR><TR><TD>57 </TD><TD>Coleman, Roderick </TD><TD>DT </TD><TD>6-2 </TD><TD>285 </TD><TD>26 </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>East Carolina </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>79 </TD><TD>Collins, Mo </TD><TD>G </TD><TD>6-4 </TD><TD>325 </TD><TD>25 </TD><TD>5 </TD><TD>Florida </TD></TR><TR><TD>43</TD><TD>Combs, Derek</TD><TD>CB</TD><TD>6-0</TD><TD>195</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Ohio State </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>75 </TD><TD>Cooper, Chris </TD><TD>DT </TD><TD>6-5 </TD><TD>275 </TD><TD>24 </TD><TD>2 </TD><TD>Nebraska-Omaha</TD></TR><TR><TD>32 </TD><TD>Crockett, Zack </TD><TD>RB </TD><TD>6-2 </TD><TD>240 </TD><TD>29 </TD><TD>8 </TD><TD>Florida State</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>33 </TD><TD>Dorsett, Anthony </TD><TD>S </TD><TD>5-11 </TD><TD>205 </TD><TD>28 </TD><TD>7 </TD><TD>Pittsburgh </TD></TR><TR><TD>89 </TD><TD>Fulcher, Mondriel </TD><TD>TE </TD><TD>6-3 </TD><TD>250 </TD><TD>25 </TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>Miami </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>12 </TD><TD>Gannon, Rich </TD><TD>QB </TD><TD>6-3 </TD><TD>210 </TD><TD>36 </TD><TD>15 </TD><TD>Delaware </TD></TR><TR><TD>25 </TD><TD>Garner, Charlie </TD><TD>RB </TD><TD>5-10 </TD><TD>190 </TD><TD>30 </TD><TD>9 </TD><TD>Tennessee </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>36</TD><TD>Gibson, Derrick</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>6-2</TD><TD>215</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Florida State</TD></TR><TR><TD>59 </TD><TD>Grant, DeLawrence </TD><TD>DE </TD><TD>6-3 </TD><TD>280 </TD><TD>22 </TD><TD>2 </TD><TD>Oregon State </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>58 </TD><TD>Harris, Napoleon </TD><TD>LB </TD><TD>6-2 </TD><TD>255 </TD><TD>23 </TD><TD>R </TD><TD>Northwestern </TD></TR><TR><TD>92 </TD><TD>Ioane, Junior </TD><TD>DT </TD><TD>6-4 </TD><TD>320 </TD><TD>25 </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Arizona State</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>20</TD><TD>James, Tory</TD><TD>CB</TD><TD>6-2</TD><TD>190</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>LSU</TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Janikowski, Sebastian </TD><TD>K</TD><TD>6-2</TD><TD>225 </TD><TD>24 </TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>Florida State </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>82</TD><TD>Jett, James</TD><TD>WR</TD><TD>5-10</TD><TD>170</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>West Virginia</TD></TR><TR><TD>41</TD><TD>Johnson, Eric</TD><TD>S/LB</TD><TD>6-0</TD><TD>210</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Nebraska</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>88</TD><TD>Jolley, Doug</TD><TD>TE</TD><TD>6-4</TD><TD>250</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>R</TD><TD>BYU</TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Jordan, Randy</TD><TD>RB</TD><TD>5-11</TD><TD>220</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>9</TD><TD>North Carolina</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>72</TD><TD>Kennedy, Lincoln</TD><TD>T</TD><TD>6-6</TD><TD>335</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Washington</TD></TR><TR><TD>42</TD><TD>Kirby, Terry</TD><TD>RB</TD><TD>6-1</TD><TD>225</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Virginia</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>83 </TD><TD>Knight, Marcus </TD><TD>WR </TD><TD>6-1 </TD><TD>180 </TD><TD>24 </TD><TD>2 </TD><TD>Michigan</TD></TR><TR><TD>9 </TD><TD>Lechler, Shane </TD><TD>P </TD><TD>6-2 </TD><TD>225 </TD><TD>26 </TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>Texas A&M </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>38</TD><TD>Love, Clarence</TD><TD>CS</TD><TD>5-10</TD><TD>180</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Toledo </TD></TR><TR><TD>73 </TD><TD>Middleton, Frank </TD><TD>G </TD><TD>6-4 </TD><TD>330 </TD><TD>27 </TD><TD>6 </TD><TD>Arizona </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>3</TD><TD>Mirer, Rick</TD><TD>QB</TD><TD>6-3</TD><TD>210</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Notre Dame</TD></TR><TR><TD>97</TD><TD>Parrella, John</TD><TD>DT</TD><TD>6-3</TD><TD>300</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Nebraska</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>84 </TD><TD>Porter, Jerry </TD><TD>WR </TD><TD>6-2 </TD><TD>220 </TD><TD>24 </TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>West Virginia </TD></TR><TR><TD>80 </TD><TD>Rice, Jerry </TD><TD>WR </TD><TD>6-2 </TD><TD>200 </TD><TD>39 </TD><TD>18 </TD><TD>Mississippi Valley </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>40 </TD><TD>Ritchie, Jon </TD><TD>RB </TD><TD>6-1 </TD><TD>250 </TD><TD>27 </TD><TD>5 </TD><TD>Stanford </TD></TR><TR><TD>63 </TD><TD>Robbins, Barret </TD><TD>C </TD><TD>6-3 </TD><TD>320 </TD><TD>29 </TD><TD>8 </TD><TD>Texas Christian </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>53</TD><TD>Romanowski, Bill</TD><TD>LB</TD><TD>6-4</TD><TD>245</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>Boston College</TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Shaw, Terrence</TD><TD>CB</TD><TD>6-0</TD><TD>200</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>Stephen F. Austin </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>65 </TD><TD>Sims, Barry </TD><TD>T </TD><TD>6-5 </TD><TD>300 </TD><TD>27 </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>Utah </TD></TR><TR><TD>78</TD><TD>Slaughter, Chad</TD><TD>T</TD><TD>6-8</TD><TD>340</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Alcorn State</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>56</TD><TD>Smith, Travian</TD><TD>LB</TD><TD>6-4</TD><TD>240</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Oklahoma</TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>Stemke, Kevin</TD><TD>P</TD><TD>6-3</TD><TD>190</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Wisconsin</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>74 </TD><TD>Stinchcomb, Matt </TD><TD>T </TD><TD>6-6 </TD><TD>310 </TD><TD>25 </TD><TD>4 </TD><TD>Georgia </TD></TR><TR><TD>62</TD><TD>Treu, Adam</TD><TD>C</TD><TD>6-5</TD><TD>300</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>Nebraska</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>8 </TD><TD>Tuiasosopo, Marques </TD><TD>QB </TD><TD>6-1 </TD><TD>220 </TD><TD>23 </TD><TD>2 </TD><TD>Washington </TD></TR><TR><TD>66</TD><TD>Walker, Langston</TD><TD>T</TD><TD>6-8</TD><TD>345</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>R</TD><TD>Cal </TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>47 </TD><TD>Wheatley, Tyrone </TD><TD>RB </TD><TD>6-0 </TD><TD>235 </TD><TD>30 </TD><TD>8 </TD><TD>Michigan </TD></TR><TR><TD>86</TD><TD>Williams, Roland</TD><TD>TE</TD><TD>6-5</TD><TD>265</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>Syracuse</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#d1d1d1><TD>24</TD><TD>Woodson, Charles</TD><TD>CB</TD><TD>6-1</TD><TD>200</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Michigan</TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>Woodson, Rod</TD><TD>S</TD><TD>6-0</TD><TD>205</TD><TD>37</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>Perdue</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

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