Coonass is another word for Cajun
Here's what I found on the origins of the word:
Coonass/coon-ass is a vulgar slang term used by outsiders to refer to a Cajun. (Cajuns are French-speaking natives of Louisiana, originally descended from Acadian French immigrants.) Coonass is a regionalism, used mostly in Louisiana and southeast Texas. It's usually considered disparaging and offensive, implying that Cajuns are ignorant, stupid, primitive, etc. But it's not always a derogatory insult; it's sometimes a neutral term of self-reference used by Cajuns themselves.
The probable source of coonass is French connasse/conasse, glossed in the Collins-Robert French dictionary as 'silly bitch'; the term has the same
meaning in Louisiana French, the French dialect spoken by Cajuns. So the French word is a contemptuous term for a woman. It literally means 'the female genitals', derived from the same Latin word that is the source of English cunnilingus.