Quote from State Dpt on Bush's "Human Rights" record .. LOL !!!

Oct 21, 2004
State Dept: Bush’s Record On ‘Pushing For Human Rights’ Is As Good As Any Other President Or Country»

Today, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with Libyan leader Moamer Gadhafi’s son, Seif al-Islam. In a press briefing yesterday leading up to the meeting, reporters pressed State Dept. spokesperson Sean McCormack on whether Rice would urge Libya to release Libyan activist Fathi al-Jahmi, a political prisoner who is gravely ill.

McCormack offered a defensive response: “I have to make it very clear we are concerned not only about Mr. al-Jahmi’s case, but other human rights cases around the world.” McCormack also claimed that President Bush’s human rights record could perhaps be the best in American history:
McCORMACK: And — and one thing I do take exception to is the idea that somehow we are not attentive to pushing the issue of human rights, whether it’s in Libya or any place else around the world. I don’t think — I would put the record of this administration up against any American administration or any other government around the world in terms of promoting universal human rights and pushing for human rights.
Watch it (around 8:20):

<center><embed src="http://services.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f8/1705667530" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashvars="videoId=2637665001&playerId=1705667530&viewerSecureGatewayURL=https://console.brightcove.com/services/amfgateway&servicesURL=http://services.brightcove.com/services&cdnURL=http://admin.brightcove.com&domain=embed&autoStart=false&" base="http://admin.brightcove.com" name="flashObj" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" swliveconnect="true" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" height="260" width="320"></center> Under the Bush administration, the world has witnessed torture, rendition, and the revocation of habeas corpus rights. Amnesty International’s 2008 report rips the United States’s human rights record, citing the following Bush policies:
– Indefinite military detention
– Torture of detainees
– Imprisoning soldiers refusing to serve in Iraq on grounds of conscience.
– Government response to Hurricane Katrina
In 2005, the Center on Democratic Performance at Binghamton University gave Bush a “D” on human rights. The “D” grade was down from a “C” in 2004, due to “reports on the use of political detention without trial, torture of political detainees, and the use of secret detention of political prisoners.” Bush’s record is nothing to be proud of


Apr 14, 2006
The Center of Democratic Performance at Binghamton U.

Enough said. Next.

Apr 14, 2006
Quick...lets get this on CNN

allas (no D) Tx GO GIANTS!!
Sep 22, 2007
I'm against being mean to suspected terrorists that might possibly want to blow up my local Starbucks.

I think we should tickle torture them until they cry and fess up! Worked for me when I was a kid and my brother liked to torment me.

And don't get me started on Katrina. I left the day before it hit. EVERYONE was warned days before of what could happen. They said on the news if you stay and call 911 you would get a recording and to be sure to have an axe or hammer or something to pick your way through your ceilings if the levees don't hold up and the water should rise.

Guess what the mayor did to help ppl get out? .......crickets...... NOTHING!!! But yes, that's Bush's fault not the local gov.
Last edited:
Oct 21, 2004
Let our boys perfect Waterboarding by practicing on the real "terrorist" threats to this country:


Apr 14, 2006
I'm against being mean to suspected terrorists that might possibly want to blow up my local Starbucks.

I think we should tickle torture them until they cry and fess up! Worked for me when I was a kid and my brother liked to torment me.

And don't get me started on Katrina. I left the day before it hit. EVERYONE was warned days before of what could happen. They said on the news if you stay and call 911 you would get a recording and to be sure to have an axe or hammer or something to pick your way through your ceilings if the levees don't hold up and the water should rise.

Guess what the mayor did to help ppl get out? .......crickets...... NOTHING!!! But yes, that's Bush's fault not the local gov.

Riddler..arguing with brainwashed people like doc and barman is useless. Heres what happens if you close guantanamo. They have to bring the criminals to the US because their OWN countries WILL NOT take them back. Once that happens, they get lawyers and are subject to the same rights and laws that you and I are. SO where do we send them?

You are exactly right about the torture statements. Lets just put them in a room and blow smoke in their face. Get em a lawyer and just ask them "What are you and your terroists' friends plans for bombing the US?"
They are surely to answer honestly and promptly. Put them back on the street....oh, and dont allow phone taps or surveillance on these people once they are on the street...It would violate their consitutional rights.

As far as Katrina goes, the only thing these clowns have seen is what was reported on the left wing stations. I live where the storm really hit, the Mississippi Gulf Coast, and the only stations giving coverage were the local ones, and the odd appearance from Anderson Cooper. The reason? Not enough anti Bush goings on in Mississippi. We actually rolled up our sleeves, helped our neighbor and got back on our feet. The good people of New Orleans were wondering where their next check was.

It was Bush fault.....LMAO. Anyone who is STUPID (yes you Doc Mercer) enought to even make a statement like this is FAILED in life, as well as their political views.

The left is comical. I lean hard right and that is obvious. The shit these FOOLS actually beleive is an insult to the very people that gave these bottom feeders the ability to make such statements, and to sleep comfortably in their government subsidized homes each month.
Oct 21, 2004

Bush tried to implement Martial Law and Blanco blinked and folks drowned while Rove and Bush fucked around

Remember Blackwater roaming NO?

Hello ... get with the prgm as founder Prince is a huge GOP supporter and
Bush has in the Patriot Act the needed ammo to enforce martial law ...

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<!-- google_ad_section_start -->Karl Rove Politicizes Hurricane Katrina Response
Dec 5, 2005

For putting politics above saving lives in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Karl Rove has earned his second spot in our Hall of Shame.

During the Hurricane Katrina crisis, as thousands of people were struggling to survive, Karl Rove had one thing on his mind: How to make President "Bush look decisive." Instead of focusing on how to save the thousands of lives at risk, how to get essential food and water to victims, or what to do with the countless evacuees, Karl Rove and the Bush administration were playing politics.

The Washington Post reports:

White House senior adviser Karl Rove wanted it conveyed that he understood that Blanco was requesting that President Bush federalize the evacuation of New Orleans. The governor should explore legal options to impose martial law "or as close as we can get," Vitter quoted Rove as saying, according to handwritten notes by Terry Ryder, Blanco's executive counsel.

Thus began what one aide called a "full-court press" to compel the first-term governor to yield control of her state National Guard -- a legal, political and personal campaign by White House staff that failed three days later when Blanco rejected the administration's terms, 10 minutes before Bush was to announce them in a Rose Garden news conference, the governor's aides said.

The standoff, illuminated among more than 100,000 pages of documents released Friday by Blanco in response to requests by Senate and House investigators, marks perhaps the clearest single conflict between U.S. and Louisiana officials in the bungled response to New Orleans's surrender to floodwaters and chaos.

A Blanco aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the people around Bush were trying to maneuver the governor into an unnecessary change intended to make Bush look decisive.

Playing politics with the lives of hurricane survivors is no way to run our country. And neither is playing politics with the identity of an undercover CIA agent.

Oct 21, 2004
Like the terrorists had anything to do with 9-11?

God ... Gasman is clueless!!!

Bush publically admitted what??

Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11


allas (no D) Tx GO GIANTS!!
Sep 22, 2007
Like the terrorists had anything to do with 9-11?

God ... Gasman is clueless!!!

Bush publically admitted what??

Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11


Um, Iraq and terrorists are not the same thing. He said IRAQ had nothing to do with it. The terrorists, wherever they were from most certainly did!

Cute play on words though for stupid people that can't see the difference.
Oct 21, 2004
Right ....

the "terrorists" .... hmm ... Bin Laden is not even wanted for connection to do with 9-11 events on his FBI poster

I wonder why Timmy Osman is not wanted and why Bush flew out Bin Laden's relatives out of Logan before the Feds could interview

Hmmm .... Hussein and Bin Laden hated each other ....

Yeah .. the terrorists that hit on 9-11 are spelled PNAC

I'm still trying to locate that commercial airline jet that hit the Pentagon:


Hitler had his Gliewitz False Terror Opp and history repeated itself with Bush's PNAC false terror opp to allow him to start his bullshit war that has accomplished nothing but hundreds of billions and hundreds of thousands innocent lives lost

Bush at the Hague will be justice served for what this rat bastard pulled off

allas (no D) Tx GO GIANTS!!
Sep 22, 2007
Oh no Doc. Are you one of the one's that think we flew our own planes into the WTC and the Pentagon? I'm usually in the betting area, so don't know your opinions. I know you don't like Bush that's for sure.

Do you also believe the moon landing was a hoax? Are you a "conspiracy theorist?"
Oct 21, 2004
Whatever hit the Pentagon WAS NOT a commercial airline jet ...

Where is the plane?

Rummy admitted in an Oct, 2001 interview that a "missle" hit the Pentagon

* No damge to the front lawn of the Pentagon
* No passenger luggage
* 85 tapes grabbed and the only released shows no plane
* No engine jet found
* No wings found

Sorry ... too much shit that day that can't be explained and if anyone thinks a 60 ton commercial airliner hit the Pentagon I could also convince that them GasMan was a Rhodes Scholar winner

allas (no D) Tx GO GIANTS!!
Sep 22, 2007
The same rights and laws for everyone? Terrible thought indeed...

Suspected terrorists have NO RIGHTS in my country as far as I'm concerned! Would they allow me the same? NO! They would just behead me and post it for other's amusement.

Apr 14, 2006
The same rights and laws for everyone? Terrible thought indeed...

That is correct Preussen. Once they are US soil they will be given a public defender and have to go through the same legal system you and I are entitled to.

That is why they tried Hussein in Iraq.

And doc, we are not fighting Iraquis in Iraq. We really havent fought Iraquis since 06 when that crazy Mullah whatever his name hunkered down in his mosque, all the while shooting shoulder mounted missles at school buses and shit.

The prisoners kept in gitmo are a mix of Iraquis, Syrians, Iranians..fuck, why am I even trying to explain this to you. You will never understand how important our military is anyway. Sigh.....
Oct 21, 2004
Who are we fighting?

Ya mean we are fighting Iraqis who didn't like Bush ILLEGALLY invading a
country he admitted had no ties to 9-11?

Yeah .. that shit is only sellable to those who watch FOX NEWS

Again ... we are in Iraq for what reason?

Ohhh .. to get rid of the man that RONALD REAGAN ARMED !!!!

New member
Apr 21, 2007
Suspected terrorists have NO RIGHTS in my country as far as I'm concerned! Would they allow me the same? NO! They would just behead me and post it for other's amusement.

Would it be okay for you to lose all rights just because you are suspected of terrorism?

New member
Apr 21, 2007
That is correct Preussen. Once they are US soil they will be given a public defender and have to go through the same legal system you and I are entitled to.

I'm afraid you misunderstood the meaning of my post. I know what they would be entitled to. My question is rather, why are they not entitled to it already? Why should being accused of terrorism be so much different than being accused of murder? Why does a suspected murderer counts as innocent until convicted while a suspected terrorist is treated worse than a convicted criminal? where is our society going to when we strat to freely choose to whom our laws apply and to whom not?

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