That is ironic. The property is located in Texas. The property owner as of now is living in Portland oregon. I live in Texas and property is located here in Texas. So, what you are saying is for me to get thewarranty deed or should it be instigated on her end in Portland. There is and has nver been a lein on the property as i paid cash over tewenty five years ago. This is a living relative, if that makes a difference. thanks
A simple Bargain and Sales Deed will cleanly transfer the property from your relative back into your name. Any Title Company in Texas will give you one to fill out if you ask them. the cost of the actually Deed is just a few dollars.The only problem with a Bargain and Sales Deed is that if for any reason your relatives in any way incumbered the property while they were in Title, the Bargain and Sales deed does not releive you of the encumbrance and they do not guarantee the Title to be free and clear of all encumbrances. A Warrantee deed is the best and it guarantees the Title to be free of
all encumbrances irregardless of when the property became emcumbranced. A special Warranty deed is almost exactly the same as the warranty ded except the grqantor only grants the Real Estate to be free and clear of any emncumbrances that may have been created
while they were in Title. An encumbrance could be a lien that they created by getting an mortgage on the property, property taxes that were not paid or even a judgement against them that the creditor filed a lien on their belongings. A Title search will quickly locate any such liens etc. If you know your relatives quite well, that decision is yours to make. As a Real Estate Broker however, I have never closed a property without a Title search but of course that is because as Brokers, We could lose our license by failing to do so. As I mentioned earlier, no Broker or Lawyer is necessary to fill out any of the deeds mentioned. Pretty cut and dry as you only have to more or less fill in the blanks like legal description, name of grantor and yourself the grantee, date and have it notorized. I would get a deed from Texas Title Co as usually the State of Texas will already be part of the deed and you said the property was in Texas.