SBR, GA was rated a C+ last Sat. …Care to explain just what criteria you used to evaluate GA?
Major, GA advertised w/ you, so why couldn’t/didn’t you ask them what their handle was? IOW, if they are doing ave.25K a day, you’re certainly smart enough to connect the dots…
- less than 100 clients
- outrageous bonus incentives
- cost of advertising on your site
- personnel cost
- miscellenous cost
All lthis adds up to is a book in dire straits.
Oh, SBR could have asked the same questions…And wasn’t SBR just in CR? He’s rating a book at C+, basically giving this book his personal seal of approval(little or no risk), logic would tell us that his “watchdog” for gamblers would visit GA and personally evaluate the operation. Obviously he didn’t.
Major, GA advertised w/ you, so why couldn’t/didn’t you ask them what their handle was? IOW, if they are doing ave.25K a day, you’re certainly smart enough to connect the dots…
- less than 100 clients
- outrageous bonus incentives
- cost of advertising on your site
- personnel cost
- miscellenous cost
All lthis adds up to is a book in dire straits.
Oh, SBR could have asked the same questions…And wasn’t SBR just in CR? He’s rating a book at C+, basically giving this book his personal seal of approval(little or no risk), logic would tell us that his “watchdog” for gamblers would visit GA and personally evaluate the operation. Obviously he didn’t.