Can a lack of RAM cause web pages to load slower. Web pages load significanlty slower on my comptuer when I have 20 Internet Explorer Browsers open instead of 1. Would additional RAM help this?
IS, What Operating System do you have? How much RAM now?
I would have to say yes, if you have an older computer and are lookijng for a quik fix.... keep in mind, this is under the assumption that your Virus/Trojan free and clean of Spyware....
I would suggest you defrag once every other week and scan disk once a month..
yes, but not likely. a basic webpage such as this forum, should be loading in seconds. if not its your internet speed, or your hardware, or something is sucking your bandwidth, or analyzing your downloads, such as antivirus software.
Additional RAM can never hurt but maybe you could also look into Firefox as your browser instead of IE.
If you regularly have the need for multiple browsers being open then the Firefox tabbing system would be much better than having 20 IE's open ... from a system resource usage point of view.
Get more RAM in your computer and that will make a huge difference for you. Also like someone else suggested, try using Mozilla FireFox for multiple windows, that will help you a lot.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
The 1 gig should certainly improve performance. If you don't like Firefox try Maxthon for tabbed sites. You can set it to open all your 20 sites simultaneously which works faster than you can do it manually.
Your IE runs faster because of all the saved internet files. If you load the same sites day in and day out it will load faster from memory. FireFox is great, you should really not notice a different in a browser unless you have as little ram as 256. Try formatting from time to time too.