I'm a fiscal conservative, I consider myself a constitutionalist as I want stricter adherence to the consitution. I want a much smaller federal government and I espouse the states rights the founding fathers wanted.
I don't believe most social issues are addressed by the constitution, so conservative vs liberal are not accurate descriptions, and I believe those positions are grossly misrepresented in discussions.
So I want a smaller federal government, lower taxes and fewer regulations. I believe the constitution is pure brilliance and I oppose people wanting to change it to serve themselves. I believe changes to the constitution can only be made by a constitutional amendment, and not by executive order as some people think.(Guns for example). I think Marijuana and cocaine should be legal, as should gambling, or at least leave it up to the States. I don't care who or what you fuck, I think abortions should be legal for every adult in the first trimester (minors need parental consent, we're responsible for our kids not idiot politicians) and abortions should be banned in the third trimester when the child can survive outside the womb and thus has constitutional rights.