Anyone talking about Quebec has no idea about anything in Canada. Those people should either lift their butts off their chairs and go visit a bit, or just talk about something they know. There is NO stronger province in Canada then Quebec, let's be honest. Quebec even has its own seperatist party in the Parliment, and they are strong as heck too. The Prime Ministers almost always come from Quebec, the Big projects come from Quebec like for example
The Turks and Caicos Project lead by Massimo Pacetti, in St-Leonard, Que. I don't know why people say such things because we have seen people in other provinces boo the American anthem regularly and nothing is said about that.
And as of Ron McLean, was he as shocked when he heared his idiot co-host talk about french Canadians as sisi's. I wonder what his prime minister, who is French Canadian, would think of being a Sisi. And all of the people who represent Canada in the world, who are french Canadians also, what would they think of being called sisi's. Before judging of why people booed, understand what triggered those actions.
Am I saying it's good to do so, probably not. Am I saying those people are right to have done that, hell no. But do they represent 8 million people? now that's the Question.
Montreal is probably the center of the Canadian economy. No matter what anyone thinks, if you know anything about money, you would know this. And let me tell you this, if Quebec should be out of Canada, it would have already happened. I can promise you that no one, within the smart community of Canada, would want what this Pete Rose JR here is saying.
With all due respect Junior, go back to school, you might understand a thing or Two.. That's "2" in case you didn't understand.
This all is said with no discrimination, Hovitoz' Way