God dammit.......I could puke right now.
Time to drink heavily. Pudge was the "glue" of this team IMO. Just pisses me off completely. Farnsworth couldn't pitch in my co-ed softball league. He's only good if someone decides to charge the mound.
from one tiger fan to another, I know what ur saying about pudge being the glue and i agree, but i think this is a good trade for the tigers, they need relief pitching bad, and farnsworth has been getting a lot better, I think leyland will whip him into shape, tigers got the bats already, they need pitching, zumaya rodney and farnsworth when on will be a hard trio to hit off of....I still think we need another SP though, lets see if they get one before the deadline
not to mention they freed up a lot of money, pudge was making well more then he's worth