Prosecutor: Grant jury to weigh charges in Georgia shooting


May 27, 2007
This is a disturbing case no matter how you cut it with many unknowns. Now, just know Sheepmob will come in here and claim this kid got lynched by two white men but it’s not that easy.

Cliff notes:

Two white men watched a CCTV video showing a black man burglarizing a home.

They see this young man running in the neighborhood and claim he resembled the burglar.

They grabbed their guns and pursued the young man.

They pulled up next to the kid and a struggle ensued between the kid and one of the men.

In the struggle, the gun went off, the kid gets shot the kid and he dies.


These two men should not have been pursuing the kid with their guns drawn in a threatening manner.

The kid was scared.

The guy was not pointing the gun at the kid.

You can tell from the video, there was no intent to shoot the guy.

The guy got out of the truck, the kid thought he was going to get killed, the man thought he was being attacked, a struggler ensued and a kid is unnecessarily killed in the street.


The man with the gun should be charged with manslaughter.

Watch the video. Interesting case.

Sep 20, 2017
Didn't see any video. But if you suspect someone and didn't personally see it chasing someone down and yelling that you just want to talk to them doesn't make much sense. You don't have that right. And if the guy fights them when they show they are armed he may view that as self defense. Since the two did not know for sure this was the guy it seems at least they were negligent and probably would do some time, Not murder so you are looking at a lighter sentence would be my guess. If they knew for sure this was the guy then it is different to track him down I would think And if the tries going for your gun you would be right to shoot him. You cannot chase someone down you assume is the guy even though it may be likely. Once the guy is cornered he has the right to fight back even if he is guilty. Just my opinion. I;m sure there are specific laws involved which might answer to whether the two would be prosecuted but this makes sense as to whether or not they should be

May 27, 2007
Didn't see any video. But if you suspect someone and didn't personally see it chasing someone down and yelling that you just want to talk to them doesn't make much sense. You don't have that right. And if the guy fights them when they show they are armed he may view that as self defense. Since the two did not know for sure this was the guy it seems at least they were negligent and probably would do some time, Not murder so you are looking at a lighter sentence would be my guess. If they knew for sure this was the guy then it is different to track him down I would think And if the tries going for your gun you would be right to shoot him. You cannot chase someone down you assume is the guy even though it may be likely. Once the guy is cornered he has the right to fight back even if he is guilty. Just my opinion. I;m sure there are specific laws involved which might answer to whether the two would be prosecuted but this makes sense as to whether or not they should be

I wish someone would post the video. It will make more sense what happened when you watch it.

Sep 20, 2004
I wish someone would post the video. It will make more sense what happened when you watch it.

The Video wouldn't change a thing. They had no business fucking with him. Period!

May 27, 2007
The Video wouldn't change a thing. They had no business fucking with him. Period!

Well, I agree but the video is everything when it comes to pre-meditation etc.

Look, this dude that had the gun should go to jail but it's pretty clear in the video he didn't get out of the truck and point the gun at the kid and even when they were tussling around, it wasn't like he pointed the gun at the kid. It genuinely appears the gun went off in the struggle.

The kid assumed the man was coming at him with a gun and the man thought a suspected burglar was attacking him.

All that to say, you can't not expect to be punished after getting into a truck armed with a shotgun and get out of the truck with the gun in your hand and the result is a kid dying. The man has to expect some level of prison time.

Sep 20, 2004
Well, I agree but the video is everything when it comes to pre-meditation etc.

Look, this dude that had the gun should go to jail but it's pretty clear in the video he didn't get out of the truck and point the gun at the kid and even when they were tussling around, it wasn't like he pointed the gun at the kid. It genuinely appears the gun went off in the struggle.

The kid assumed the man was coming at him with a gun and the man thought a suspected burglar was attacking him.

All that to say, you can't not expect to be punished after getting into a truck armed with a shotgun and get out of the truck with the gun in your hand and the result is a kid dying. The man has to expect some level of prison time.

Unless the guys were in a Police car, they had no business fucking with him Period! Call the Police is the normal thing to do.

May 27, 2007
Unless the guys were in a Police car, they had no business fucking with him Period! Call the Police is the normal thing to do.

Well, I agree with you in some situations (this being one of them) but in others, I've seen someone witness a hit and run and then follow the suspect while calling the police from their car. It's hard to put every situation in one box.

In this case, these two dipshits looked like they were chasing the kid down to kill him in the street. I don't believe that was their intent after watching the video but they escalated the situation for sure.

Sep 20, 2004
Well, I agree with you in some situations (this being one of them) but in others, I've seen someone witness a hit and run and then follow the suspect while calling the police from their car. It's hard to put every situation in one box.

In this case, these two dipshits looked like they were chasing the kid down to kill him in the street. I don't believe that was their intent after watching the video but they escalated the situation for sure.

Since you saw the video, did the guy have a big bag on him, like it could be the money?

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Another Trayvon case.
[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Nah. Trayvon was just a dumb ass punk who didn't understand his limitations.

Those 2 guys had no business confronting that kid regardless of what he
may or may not of done.

If they wanted to be heros they should have just followed the kid and
then called the police.

Stupid is as stupid does.

May 27, 2007
Another Trayvon case.

I knew some uneducated poster would compare the two. They aren’t the same case.

This guy approached the kid and the kid could clearly see he had a rifle.

George Z approached Trayvon with nothing in his hands and was jumped.

Two different cases.

Apr 2, 2020
This is a disturbing case no matter how you cut it with many unknowns. Now, just know Sheepmob will come in here and claim this kid got lynched by two white men but it’s not that easy.

Cliff notes:

Two white men watched a CCTV video showing a black man burglarizing a home.

They see this young man running in the neighborhood and claim he resembled the burglar.

They grabbed their guns and pursued the young man.

They pulled up next to the kid and a struggle ensued between the kid and one of the men.

In the struggle, the gun went off, the kid gets shot the kid and he dies.


These two men should not have been pursuing the kid with their guns drawn in a threatening manner.

The kid was scared.

The guy was not pointing the gun at the kid.

You can tell from the video, there was no intent to shoot the guy.

The guy got out of the truck, the kid thought he was going to get killed, the man thought he was being attacked, a struggler ensued and a kid is unnecessarily killed in the street.


The man with the gun should be charged with manslaughter.

Watch the video. Interesting case.

did they count it as a COVID death? seems like the norm

May 27, 2007
Based only on what I've read these guys belong in prison. George Zimmerman does not.

The second guy doesn't. The first guy does.

The second guy was in the back of the truck and didn't do anything. He had no idea a fight would happen and a guy would get shot.
May 4, 2005
The second guy doesn't. The first guy does.

The second guy was in the back of the truck and didn't do anything. He had no idea a fight would happen and a guy would get shot.

Did the guy in the truck call the police or ambulance? Or did he ride off in the truck with the shooter? I'd say that could possibly make a difference.

May 27, 2007
Did the guy in the truck call the police or ambulance? Or did he ride off in the truck with the shooter? I'd say that could possibly make a difference.

That's the part I'm unclear about. Not that calling the cops before driving down the road with long rifles chasing a kid makes a difference but it's the first thing they should've done had they honestly felt like the kid was the burglar.
May 4, 2005
That's the part I'm unclear about. Not that calling the cops before driving down the road with long rifles chasing a kid makes a difference but it's the first thing they should've done had they honestly felt like the kid was the burglar.

The video is all over twitter. They both belong in prison as far as I'm concerned as they both had guns. You can't kill a man out for a jog and minding his own business. They should have called the cops and let them deal with it, follow the guy in your car if you want, but they chose to act like law enforcement and brought guns into the equation. When you choose to make bad decisions, those bad decisions can have consequences.

Sep 21, 2001
The Video wouldn't change a thing. They had no business fucking with him. Period!

Wrong - legally just incorrect - in Georgia they have a statute that provides for a citizen's arrest under certain circumstances

This case smells though

May 27, 2007
The video is all over twitter. They both belong in prison as far as I'm concerned as they both had guns. You can't kill a man out for a jog and minding his own business. They should have called the cops and let them deal with it, follow the guy in your car if you want, but they chose to act like law enforcement and brought guns into the equation. When you choose to make bad decisions, those bad decisions can have consequences.

The second guy didn't do anything unless the evidence shows the two specifically went there to kill, assault or kidnap the guy. In that case, he's an accessory. There's no law against carrying a gun.

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