Some of you guys just need to know some Facts, before you make statements like some above.
The Guys is a SpamCapper a Tout ! He would Claim that is Record or System was 27-0, 48-8, 16-0, etc... When in Truth, they were None of Anything.
Posters had asked Where these "Records" were ?? Never an Answer.
Only to say it was His Systems record.
A Spamcapper strings you along and then Hits you later on with....I'll sell you the System...
Plus he had more then One User ID on here, with one of them Banned for doing the Very Same thing. Being a Tout.
He even had 3 User Id's Post in the same Thread, of course 2 of them Saying how great of a Capper he was, etc...
So, You guys have to understand We are Here to Protect our Posters here at the RX.
We don't Ban or Put people on Post Review Because someone is Picking Winners !! or just for the hell of it !
We do it to Protect You, make sure you don't get Roped into something down the road. (<)<