alright. finally got a free second. sorry about the delay. i think this is a tough game. gun to my head, its central ... the over ... or pass. buffalo has shown a ton of improvement but cmu is a tough place to play and their offense will likely rip apart a lot of mac defenses. that said, buffalo is more than capable of scoring their share of points and they are going to have a lot of success running the football against a weak chips defense. both teams played quality non-conference schedules and performed respectably. im just not sure if UB is in cmu's class when you are talking about an away game quite yet. also, one thing that i think is always worth mentioning: this is one of the longer road trips in the mac. im always hesitant to play the road team when northern illinois and central michigan head to buffalo and vice versa. ive seen lots of clunkers in both sports by the road teams. its not often you can say theres a lot of value in a total thats as high as 62, especially with the new clock rules. but i think there will be 40+ on the board at halftime of this one. i think theyre going to trade scores all game. basically it comes down to this - im not thrilled about either side in the game. but i think there are better spots to play buffalo than on the road in mt.pleasant. could they win outright? absolutely. but id rather wait for a good spot to play them at home in the coming weeks when the weather gets colder and the winds start whipping around in western new york making their home field advantage, even if the attendance doesnt reflect it, even better.