Prince Fielder says no to meat and fish


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Prince Fielder is on an all-sunflower seed diet
By 'Duk

Thursday, Feb 21, 2008 5:42 pm EST

Well, not quite. But the Brewers' hefty slugger showed up to camp on Wednesday and dropped the mother of bombshells for someone of his considerable size: He is now a vegetarian. After learning the dirty truth about how cows are cut up, he now eats no meat and no fish but he does consume plenty of ketchup-drowned Boca Burgers.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

It wasn't always this way. Fielder used to enjoy a stacked burger or a juicy steak as much as any carnivore, but a few weeks ago he received a book from his wife, Chanel, that changed his outlook on what he puts in his massive frame. The book described how certain animals are treated and slaughtered for food.


"After reading that, (meat) just didn't sound good to me anymore," Fielder said. "It grossed me out a little bit. It's not a diet thing or anything like that. I don't miss it at all."

Over here at the BLS, I wish Fielder the best of luck with his new lifestyle, especially once he reports back to the knockwurst-laden burg of Milwaukee.

But I speak from experience when I say it's not going to be easy. While a sophomore at the UW, I once tried to dabble in vegetarianism, but it only lasted all of about five or six hours. I blame Madison's famous Plazaburgers for the death of my idealism.

Because how are you supposed to say no to an all-beef patty topped with a lot of secret sauce and grilled with just the right amount of love? If Prince bucks the odds and continues being all-veggie, all-the-time, I'd like him to tell me.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
how silly...

he can go to a local farm and get his own cow - goat - chicken... whatever and slaughter it himself or have a butcher do it... "kosher" another words

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Damn...Sounds brutal...Tried one of those one time...Barley could eat half of it...Tastebuds were like WTF were you thinkin?...
Yeah. The first time I had a Boca burger. I was like jesus this is terrible. Then I just got used to it. I don't even eat them anymore, but I have no problems with it.

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