Trump said of the clashes between far-right and far left: 'What about the fact that they[the far-left] came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs. Do they have any problem? I think they do.'
Clash: Both sides were caught fighting on camera & Trump correctly claimed that the far-left's role in the violence had been ignored as he beat-down the 'fake news' press
"armed anti-right wing protesters were present in Emancipation Park from around 8.30am.'Members of anti-fascist groups yelled at the rallygoers. Many of them also carried sticks and shields,'
New York Times reported that not all the anti-far-right protesters were violent.
It noted the presence of a group called Redneck Revolt, which had up to 20 people present carrying rifles and which describes itself as 'a pro-worker, anti-racist organization that focuses on working class liberation from the oppressive systems which dominate our lives' and claims to be inspired by John Brown, the anti-slavery rebel.