Nice post Bob, electoral system did Gore in. But, it is not like there was a late rule change to help Bush, been around for a long time. I never really quite understood its purpose in high school civics. And I agree with Bush reelected and waiting for price. I had him last time also. Despise politics, politicians and other arrogant corrupt clowns. But does not stop me from cashing in on them. Economy nailed Bush the elder. But economy may just be picking up steam for Bush the younger. Also, I could have reached out and touched Bush the elder when he was Vice Prez. I was first sideboy on fast attack sub out og Pearl. Made cover of Honolulu paper. That was my 5 seconds of fame. By the way, secret service showed topside watch uzi on swing. Told him not to get near his sidearm, which was not loaded anyway. Actually Bush the elder loves the military and invaded Panama after uUS servicemen and wives were accosted. And he was sort of cool and down to earth. Best Wishes...OF