President C-Gold on the issues


Aug 17, 2008
President C-Gold on the issues ...

National defense

President C-Gold wants to END America's claim as the global police man. It is not our job to clean up other countries messes. America has a great land for freedom and propserity. We have thousands of miles worth of ocean to our east and west, friendly Canadian neighbors up north, and friendly Mexican neighbors down our south. The threat of having a foreign military attack our states is very slim at this point in time.

I believe that National defense is for DE-FENSE. Our troops should be used to protect our citizens and our borders from foreign invadors... not to police the world's streets.

With that being said, I would want to end the Iraqi war correctly and responsibily so that we can hand over their country to the right hands. We will also finish our fighting of the Tailiban in Afganistan and leave for good.

We will also withdraw our troops from German, Japan, Korea, the middle east and everywhere else they are stationed. We don't need to subsidize German national defense, Japanese national defense, or prevent North Korea from invading a much more prosperous South Korea. We don't need to play referee in the middle east sand box.

America will be known as the land of peace and prosperity. We will continue to be the richest country in the world, and we will once again be the envy around the world.

Our military size and scope will shrink. The chances of Mexico attacking from the south, Canada from the north, or invadors crossing the seas to attack us are slim. The biggest threat we have to our citizens is TERRORISM. Our military will chage in size and scope from being an old cold war military, into a more intelligent military. I would shink our government's conventional warfare budget, and increase our covert ops, Cia, dia, and other agencies that scout out terror. Citizens are more likely to die from some suit case nuke or other terror attack than having tanks, ships and warplanes invade us...

The entitlement days would be over. It is not the job of the government to steal from Peter to pay paul. It is not the job of the government to feed the hungry, or take from the rich and give to the poor. Initially, the poor and middle class didn't pay taxes, only the rich did. However, the government kept increasing spending and increasing spending to the point where they started taxing more and more and more.

President C-Gold is for a balanced budget.

How do we get to a balanced budget? We get the government out of our lives. We need to keep the fire in the fireplace. If the government were a business, they would be out of business because they can't even balance their own budget. We will cut spending and we will also cut taxes. We will cut entitlements...

With 2006 budget
social security cuts ( 554 billion 20%)
military cuts (512 billion 18%)
medicare cuts (345 billion 13.26%)
Medicade cuts (268 billion, 10.3% )
Welfare cuts (359 billion 13.79%)
foreign aid cuts 38.4 billion (1.47%)

we will cut our federal budget by at least 50% but more like 75% as we pay off debt to cut our federal spending even further. In 2006 we paid 211 billion in debt interest alone which was 8.10 % of our spending.

Not only will we reduce the size of government by 50 to 75%, but we will also lower taxes for ALL Americans, rich and poor, and we will also ban the Federal reserve that punishes Americans with inflation by printing more and more money... Our money will once again be worth something, and will be backed by the Gold standard... C-Gold standard.

Social security, medicare, welfare benefits will all be gone. Those elderly people that paid social security their whole lives and were promised it will be able to keep it, but those younger Americans will have to come to realize that they won't get 1 cent of it. It might not be fun or popular, but it will do us much better in the long run.

Some people will be scared that the poor won't be ok with all of the entitlement cuts, but I encourage people to donate to the charities of their choice. It isn't right to have people living off entitlements... not even seeing the faces of the people that they are collecting money from... but our charities can better distribute goods and help the poor. Americans donate more money to church and charity than any other country on earth, and the first step to ending poverty will people back to work. Some people ( a small percentage) really do need help, but our current system CREATED too many lazy people that think it is easier to collect free money than work, and THAT has to stop.

This land of peace and properity will open it's trade borders. We have a colorful nation with people from all over the globe, and we will trade with all of our world's countries. One of the best ways to encourge peace and prosperity is to engage in free trade. You don't see the major trade partners go to war...

Social issues

Sticking with the theme of freedom, America will be the envy of the world though our Social freedoms, along with our economic freedoms...

In my government you are free to do as you chose, as long as you do not harm others. America will not have a nanny state government that legistlates morality, or tells you what you can and can't do.

- If you want to bet on a game or play party after work, that is legal. Legalize gambeling.
- If a man and women want to trade money for sex in the world's oldest profession, then that is legal. There would be some inital oversight for the safety of the women and to make sure it gets running ok, but it would work.
- If you wanted to obtain a license and own a gun to hunt with or protect yourself from, the government would honor the constitution and not take your rights away.

The government would also NOT deny same sex couples the right to marry. If the government were to deny them the same civil union benefits, then the government would discriminate against some americans and C-Gold's government does NOT partake in discrimination. Gays would have the same right to marry as straight couples do and would have the same tax breaks that a man and woman would have.

With that being said the government can NOT force a church into marrying same sex couples if they didn't want to.

The government WOULD NOT allow same sex couples to adapot children. I personally believe ( without statistics) that a child with 2 Dads or 2 moms is more likely to be 'screwed up, made fun of and have a harder time" and that they are also more likely to be abused.

There is a common theme in my government... Freedom... as the government will treat you like an adult, as long as your behavior does not cause an externality to another party. I do believe that a same sex couple's right to adpot a child, does directly conflict with the child's freedom.

I would be against Abortion.

There is a position that the government can not tell a woman what to do with her body, but her aborting the child directly conflicts with the child's right to life.

In my government you are free to do as you chose, as long as you do not harm others. That is where we draw the limit. When a mother aborts a child, SHE IS harming another person. When 2 men adopt a baby, that is compermising the freedom of the minor.

Immigration. The government does a background check to make sure you are not a TERRORIST or a FELON. If you are coming to this country to work, you can be accepted. This country has accepted more immigrants than all of the rest of the world combined. This country took the world's sick, tired and poor, and we in turn became the richest nation on earth.

We didn't just take middle class or rich immigrants, we took poor. The poor irish after famine, the poor euros going through depression. The poor hispanic immigrants of the past few decades. We accept rich and poor, educated and uneducated alike.

I will tell immigrants who come to America that they CAN become whoever or whatever they want, but they can NOT expect any hand outs, bail outs, or freebees. If you expect to be an American, you sign a promise that you will take care of yourself and not ask mama government for help.

Voting is a sacred right. We have freedom of speech and the right to openly critise our elected leaders. In other countries through history, the people didn't have those rights. They had revolution after revolution, coupe after coupe ( see modern day africa). In america, we have the right to elect new leaders peacefully.

In the past you also had to be a land owner to vote.

In my America, you have to PAY taxes to be able to vote. Taxes would be much smaller in my country 50 to 75% less as we pay down our national debt before we further reduce taxes.

With that being said, you have to pay into the system and have equity to be able to vote.

A) If you are a 20 year old female in college, that has never worked a day in your life, you do NOT have the right to vote.
B) If you are a 36 year old male that lives off charity ( I ended welfare), then you do NOT have the right to vote
C) If you are an 18 year old serving our military and paying taxes, then you would STILL have a right to vote.

Our current system where the poor 51% out vote the richer 49% is not fair. We can't let the American idol watching bafoons who vote blindly for "change, hope or entitlements" outvote people who WORK, study the issues, and have property at stake.

C-Gold has views that stretch across both isles of the political spectrum but have a common theme of freedom. I want a pacifist military that is concerned about national De-Fense and not offense, and I am also for social and economic freedoms.

The best bet we as citizens had for this freedom utopia was Ron Paul.

Aug 17, 2008
The candidate furthest away is Barrack Hussein Obama. People will say that his military and social policies are more like mine... ( he still wants to keep the large military, increase troop levels in afgan and we would still be the world's police man). His stance is very similar to Mccain, although Mccain is more passionate about it all.

Social freedoms, Obama is FOR Abortion...

but the main problem I see is Economic. Obama will not only vastly increase the size and scope of government, but he will also net, raise taxes...

The problem is TOO much spending, not too LOW taxes.

Economic freedoms bring other freedoms, and it is the #1 issue for me. 50% taxation is 50% slavery, and we have millions of people living off of entitlements

Aug 17, 2008
I would also end the forced government discrimination known as affirmative action that seeks equal RESULTS instead of equal OPPORTUNITIES.

That isn't very freedom loving. The government has all kinds of rules and regulations that retard freedom and individual choice that need to go in our freedom revolution.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
how you do in nfl this week? 2-4?

New member
Jul 21, 2008
I was about to say C-Gold that sounds like my boy Ron Paul. Probably going to write him in.

Aug 17, 2008
I was about to say C-Gold that sounds like my boy Ron Paul. Probably going to write him in.

You live in Texas and your vote shouldn't come into play. Virginia is a battleground state and the choice is much more difficult.
Aug 7, 2008
At first glance the most glaring problem is that you are choosing what life is important enough to be considered as "not harming another life". A clump of cells is protected but not a deer that you would allow to be hunted.

As for your economics stance. Don't you have to understand economics before you make policies about them? I wouldn't want someone who was quoted asking the question "why can't a mom and pop shop just buy the goods from China like Walmart does and sell it for cheap?" (not an exact quote but close enough) You didn't even know what buying power was and you would want us voters to vote for you?

It sounds like president C-Frauds America would be a third world country except for a few "special" places that the rich people live.

I do like your plans of getting US troops out of other countries. That I like.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Jesus trucking Christ, another president who cant spell. Other then that, sounds good to me. Also, SS might be a hard pill to swallow for those working poor Americans who dont have a decent enough job to have a 401K or a pension yet have worked in a blue collar environment for 20-30 years who is 55 and counting on SS to give him a shot at the poverty level. Also the CIA doesnt need anymore money, in fact judging by their track record, they should be onn your chopping block as well. A black listed budget that has carte fucking blanche getting more money is a head scratcher. But overall i like the framework.

Aug 17, 2008
REP- You have not even taken one community college Economics class. I have a degree from a fantastic university and work in the business. You are about as ignorant as they come on economic issues. Go learn what supply and demand are before you come out of your hole and talk about the economy. Leave the econ to economists... not politicans, or Real Estate people, Lawyers, or plumbers or nurses... economists... free market economists.

You don't even understand the American you live in, or where America came from. You are shameful.

Flet- My bad with the spelling, I was long winded so typos are bound to happen.

I do believe people who were promised SS their entire lives SHOULD receive it, but for those young workers let's say 35 and under, they will be expected to take care of themselves instead of the nanny state to enable them. The government can't do anything right.

I believe in our "information age" that we will need less of a conventional military, and more covert ops. Whether that is spys overseas trying to unlock terror plots, or computer guru's defending against cyber terrorism etc. We need less Tanks, Air craft carriers, Fighter jets, and more "intelligent" solutions to protecting our people. The bottom line is that this is national D-efense, and not national offense. Don't waste money in the sandbox to play referee to the Jews and Arabs.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
REP- You have not even taken one community college Economics class. I have a degree from a fantastic university and work in the business. You are about as ignorant as they come on economic issues. Go learn what supply and demand are before you come out of your hole and talk about the economy. Leave the econ to economists... not politicans, or Real Estate people, Lawyers, or plumbers or nurses... economists... free market economists.

You don't even understand the American you live in, or where America came from. You are shameful.

Flet- My bad with the spelling, I was long winded so typos are bound to happen.

I do believe people who were promised SS their entire lives SHOULD receive it, but for those young workers let's say 35 and under, they will be expected to take care of themselves instead of the nanny state to enable them. The government can't do anything right.

I believe in our "information age" that we will need less of a conventional military, and more covert ops. Whether that is spys overseas trying to unlock terror plots, or computer guru's defending against cyber terrorism etc. We need less Tanks, Air craft carriers, Fighter jets, and more "intelligent" solutions to protecting our people. The bottom line is that this is national D-efense, and not national offense. Don't waste money in the sandbox to play referee to the Jews and Arabs.

I dont agree with your abortion stance. I personally think of a child can live on its own outside of the womb with medical help then its too late for an abortion. However, until then, its the mothers choice. If they were people and they were life, then you would be able to claim them inutero on your taxes, so since you cant, i would assume they are not dependents/people. As far as same sex partners adopting, i would like to see the success rate of those children. I for one think many if not all of the social problems in this country is related to the breakdown of the family unit and the biggest culprit has to be divorce and singe mothers/fathers. If we cant as heterosexuals keep the family intact, then why not give a couple willing to do so?

I like your idea of transforming the army, but i would rather it be the Special Ops (RECON, Seals, Rangers, what have you) guys more then the CIA. The CIA imo causes way too much trouble and are nothing but a big business protection racket scheme. As far as SS, i think your on the right track. Obviously you would have to give those folks something, i dont know what but they should be compensated. Maybe some bonds or something based on the amount you have already contributed. But in the grand scheme of things i like many of your ideas as they are very much what most in the Ron Paul camp have been screaming for. I think in due time, this type of platform wont by the exception, but the norm.
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Aug 17, 2008
I dont agree with your abortion stance. I personally think of a child can live on its own outside of the womb with medical help then its too late for an abortion. However, until then, its the mothers choice. If they were people and they were life, then you would be able to claim them inutero on your taxes, so since you cant, i would assume they are not dependents/people. As far as same sex partners adopting, i would like to see the success rate of those children. I for one think many if not all of the social problems in this country is related to the breakdown of the family unit and the biggest culprit has to be divorce and singe mothers/fathers. If we cant as heterosexuals keep the family intact, then why not give a couple willing to do so?

I like your idea of transforming the army, but i would rather it be the Special Ops (RECON, Seals, Rangers, what have you) guys more then the CIA. The CIA imo causes way too much trouble and are nothing but a big business protection racket scheme. As far as SS, i think your on the right track. Obviously you would have to give those folks something, i dont know what but they should be compensated. Maybe some bonds or something based on the amount you have already contributed. But in the grand scheme of things i like many of your ideas as they are very much what most in the Ron Paul camp have been screaming for. I think in due time, this type of platform wont by the exception, but the norm.

So you think the government is some rocket science FAIR up to date dynamic machine? If the government won't let me claim an unborn baby... then it must not be a human. When the big mean doctor pokes the scissors into the woman... what exactly is he stabbing at? If it isn't a person, then what is it? If it wasn't a living heart that was beating, then what was it? Obama's stances on abortion or nothing short of disgusting by the way.

I agree the destruction of the family unit ( by the left wing media) is the heart of the problem.... divide and conquer. If you are so worried about parenting and the family unit, then what does a homsexual couple do to the kids? The kids can't choose who adpots them, they are minors.

I think after some bad years of a Obama/Hillary type socialist, Americans can be pursuaded to a more Libertarian style government. You will have to get the hard working American people super angry to get anything done. Right now people are still in the "bitter complaining" phase, but pretty soon that 3rd party candidate will look a lot more tempting to people.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
So you think the government is some rocket science FAIR up to date dynamic machine?

Not at all. I just think the government has no place creating social policies. None. We have too much too worry about then to worry about what...something that effects less then 1% of pregnant mothers in the US? We have had roughly 71 million abortions since 1971. I think that probably a good thing considering our problems now.
Aug 7, 2008
REP- You have not even taken one community college Economics class. I have a degree from a fantastic university and work in the business. You are about as ignorant as they come on economic issues. Go learn what supply and demand are before you come out of your hole and talk about the economy. Leave the econ to economists... not politicans, or Real Estate people, Lawyers, or plumbers or nurses... economists... free market economists.

You don't even understand the American you live in, or where America came from. You are shameful.

Flet- My bad with the spelling, I was long winded so typos are bound to happen.

I do believe people who were promised SS their entire lives SHOULD receive it, but for those young workers let's say 35 and under, they will be expected to take care of themselves instead of the nanny state to enable them. The government can't do anything right.

I believe in our "information age" that we will need less of a conventional military, and more covert ops. Whether that is spys overseas trying to unlock terror plots, or computer guru's defending against cyber terrorism etc. We need less Tanks, Air craft carriers, Fighter jets, and more "intelligent" solutions to protecting our people. The bottom line is that this is national D-efense, and not national offense. Don't waste money in the sandbox to play referee to the Jews and Arabs.

:missingteYou're still trying to tell people that you have a degree? I offered you a nice bet to prove you have a degree and you ran and hid. I'm well aware of what supply and demand is. I also know what buying power is and know how chain stores that send a communities money to one single place is a bad thing. I know enough about economics to know that things are looking like the great depression around here. Companies hired people at such low wages they can't even afford the products that they help make. Now, since we produce hardly anything (another topic you knew nothing about) we can't afford the stuff that we sell. That offer still stands about that degree. Post up the proof with a mod and I'll send you a nice crisp thousand dollar bill courtesy of Paypal. You won't do it because they don't give degrees to 16 year old kids playing on the computer.
Aug 7, 2008
So you think the government is some rocket science FAIR up to date dynamic machine? If the government won't let me claim an unborn baby... then it must not be a human. When the big mean doctor pokes the scissors into the woman... what exactly is he stabbing at? If it isn't a person, then what is it? If it wasn't a living heart that was beating, then what was it? Obama's stances on abortion or nothing short of disgusting by the way.

I agree the destruction of the family unit ( by the left wing media) is the heart of the problem.... divide and conquer. If you are so worried about parenting and the family unit, then what does a homsexual couple do to the kids? The kids can't choose who adpots them, they are minors.

I think after some bad years of a Obama/Hillary type socialist, Americans can be pursuaded to a more Libertarian style government. You will have to get the hard working American people super angry to get anything done. Right now people are still in the "bitter complaining" phase, but pretty soon that 3rd party candidate will look a lot more tempting to people.

The doctor is poking at a clump of cells and tissue. A parasite that feeds off of the host and can't live without it. The abortion issue is a class issue plain and simple. You can't outlaw abortion without it only affecting the poor. Rich people will find safe ways to have abortions and fly to where ever it is legal to have princess from having that "mistake".

Perhaps the lack of maternity leave in this country is what leads to the destruction of family values. Funny how right wing wackos are yelling family values but hate families. Moms, right back to work after birth. Let's have that stranger at day care watch over you. Dads, 60 hours a week or to the poorhouse to you. We have who wants to marry a millionaire but gays can't marry because it's "sacred". What a laugh you people are. You should tell your parents that they are teaching you some bullshit around the dinner table.

Aug 17, 2008
:missingteYou're still trying to tell people that you have a degree? I offered you a nice bet to prove you have a degree and you ran and hid. I'm well aware of what supply and demand is. I also know what buying power is and know how chain stores that send a communities money to one single place is a bad thing. I know enough about economics to know that things are looking like the great depression around here. Companies hired people at such low wages they can't even afford the products that they help make. Now, since we produce hardly anything (another topic you knew nothing about) we can't afford the stuff that we sell. That offer still stands about that degree. Post up the proof with a mod and I'll send you a nice crisp thousand dollar bill courtesy of Paypal. You won't do it because they don't give degrees to 16 year old kids playing on the computer.

Do you own a house? I'll bet you you don't, why not post your name and address? Do you have a wife and child like you claim? Why not post their names birthdates and pictures? Do you own a credit card... did Visa extend credit to you? Why not post your credit card number? OOOOOO you won't? You must not own a home, have a credit card, or have a wife...

You don't know ANYTHING about economics. To compare this to the great depression is insulting. We have 6.1% unemployment, they had over 25%. They couldn't who couldn't eat while the president was paying farmers to burn crops and kill livestock.

Aug 17, 2008
The doctor is poking at a clump of cells and tissue. A parasite that feeds off of the host and can't live without it. The abortion issue is a class issue plain and simple. You can't outlaw abortion without it only affecting the poor. Rich people will find safe ways to have abortions and fly to where ever it is legal to have princess from having that "mistake".

Perhaps the lack of maternity leave in this country is what leads to the destruction of family values. Funny how right wing wackos are yelling family values but hate families. Moms, right back to work after birth. Let's have that stranger at day care watch over you. Dads, 60 hours a week or to the poorhouse to you. We have who wants to marry a millionaire but gays can't marry because it's "sacred". What a laugh you people are. You should tell your parents that they are teaching you some bullshit around the dinner table.

So people should be allowed to kill their babies because if they didn't it would unfairly benefit the rich? You are twisted. Class warfare at it's finest. Are you really that poor man?

You know what I think your problem is? You are a poor... miserable... SOB and you aren't around enough successful people. All you see are the other poor bums like yourself, and you are looking for someone or something to blame.

Here is a tip little boy: Your life doesn't suck because of George Bush, it sucks because of you.
Aug 7, 2008
Do you own a house? I'll bet you you don't, why not post your name and address? Do you have a wife and child like you claim? Why not post their names birthdates and pictures? Do you own a credit card... did Visa extend credit to you? Why not post your credit card number? OOOOOO you won't? You must not own a home, have a credit card, or have a wife...

You don't know ANYTHING about economics. To compare this to the great depression is insulting. We have 6.1% unemployment, they had over 25%. They couldn't who couldn't eat while the president was paying farmers to burn crops and kill livestock.

:ohno: Yes, 6.1% Because once you run out of unemployment they still include you in the stats. Oh wait, they don't. And they don't include those people that have worked a few days in day labor. Shit, wrong again, they count them as employed individuals.

Listen. It is quite obvious with everyone that you are a child. Just because you say that I don't understand economics does not make it true. You don't know anything. I mean you have as little knowledge as I've ever heard. You have little "facts" that you spew out that you have no idea about. You follow these distorted figures that don't tell the whole story. I assume your parents are stupid conservatives and this is where you get it from.
Aug 7, 2008
So people should be allowed to kill their babies because if they didn't it would unfairly benefit the rich? You are twisted. Class warfare at it's finest. Are you really that poor man?

You know what I think your problem is? You are a poor... miserable... SOB and you aren't around enough successful people. All you see are the other poor bums like yourself, and you are looking for someone or something to blame.

Here is a tip little boy: Your life doesn't suck because of George Bush, it sucks because of you.

I'm not poor at all. I'm not rich but far from poor. I live a very good life. I feel very lucky that I have it as good as I do. I was able to take my GF out to a very nice dinner and an upscale vegan restaurant tonight. I have money to donate to the causes I care about. I'm not driving a BMW and living in a 4,000 square foot house but I do just fine. As for abortion, I'm not a fan of abortion. I would prefer it be done away with. But shortsighted people like yourself can't see beyond your fucked up "morals". Right wingers care about unborn children but not the living ones.

Aug 17, 2008
:ohno: Yes, 6.1% Because once you run out of unemployment they still include you in the stats. Oh wait, they don't. And they don't include those people that have worked a few days in day labor. Shit, wrong again, they count them as employed individuals.

Listen. It is quite obvious with everyone that you are a child. Just because you say that I don't understand economics does not make it true. You don't know anything. I mean you have as little knowledge as I've ever heard. You have little "facts" that you spew out that you have no idea about. You follow these distorted figures that don't tell the whole story. I assume your parents are stupid conservatives and this is where you get it from.

Nobody said that the economic data is perfect. 6.1% unemployment is still over 4 times better than we had during the FDR depression and it is still much better than the often double digit unemployment in Europe. Is the data perfect? NO, but it is what investors like myself use, and what libtards like yourself don't even follow. If I didn't cite the number, you would have no idea what the number is.

You don't understand economics because of your proven ignorance. You admitted that you have never even taken 1 class on the subject. Ignorance is bliss.

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