Presenting Barack Obama's Brackets. Mens and Womens this year. More time on his hands this year.


Nov 4, 2009
Barack with more free time now may produce a better bracket though in his Defense most people's brackets last year also went down in flames. Starting with Michigan State and a team from Middle Tennessee....for those who've forgotten...Spartans buried alot of Brackets early.


Barack sees Virginia Tech sending Wisconsin home right out the gate. Agrees with Vitterd that friggin' NORTHWESTERN is gonna beat Vanderbilt. Throws down a SHOCKER to agree with RX Poster "EveryGambler'sDream" (EGD) that Bucknell is gonna stun the world by eliminating a West Virginia team that a good % of pickers have penciled in to make it to the Sweet 16 to get taken out by Gonzaga. EGD & O pull this one off and they'll land a good blow to other Brackets that like UWV to get past Notre Dame as UWV won't even be around to maybe do that.

VCU over Saint Marys......I believe that line is +/- 1 so whatever....Maryland over Xavier.....

Barack possibly appropriately not trying to Ride any of the above picks on that Left Side of the above past the very next round.

Onto the Right Side of O's Ticket: Iowa State getting past Purdue to face Kansas in the Sweet 16, worth pointing out but only to that extent there. Some will make a brief "hmmmmm." noise there. Michigan State over Miami (The U), shorter "hmm.", I guess.

Creighton to knock out University of Rhode Island.


Stop The Presses Oh hell to thu No.

No. You Can't. Obama. Rhode Island Rams just Too Hungry and Too Talented O.


Creighton, if I have any say in it will be coming out of their locker room for Introduction to this song:


OK Finally here is some thing: MICHIGAN over #1 in Offensive Efficiency OKlahoma State then past LOUISVILLE then past Oregon to The Elite Eight.

Obama putting it Right Out There, with this one. Another team from Michigan....Mich St seriously wounded him last season.

At least we finally got to some Balls, sum Cajones. A bit of Serious Gambling from O.

Seton Hall over Arkansas. Middle Tennessee to have Infinitely Less Success in the Tournament this year by getting immediately eliminated by.......


Thank God he has Cincinnati BearCats getting to the Sweet 16 by dropping UCLA. So as to make me able to not have to comment on that MTSU Prediction. Only thing the Minnesota Gophers will be going fer here is The Door.

To a Bus. To drive them back to Minnesota. ta Hell with this MTSU One and Done Noise.



Nov 4, 2009
What Ya'll really were Waiting For, 'specially that now Rehabilitated "lolz_69" Ghost, Obama's Women's Bracket.


Obama has UCONN winning the Tournament.

I don't know that theres much I can say, right here. In Analyzation of this here Bracket.

Other than that Obama is an Idiot, with this prediction UCLA and Nicole are fixin' to level upon Planet Earth Sports one of the Hugest Most Stunning Upsets in the whole history of the world.


don't let faith elude you, slip thru yer fingers 'n escape yer grasp due to those multiple "Signage" type deals that begin that video there ^^^ the video pops Visually and Musically after that tame beginning. band from Finland....They ROCK this song and other covers. Rock These like Top 1-Percentile of Cover Bands.



Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
looks like every "expert's" bracket

three 1's and a deuce

Nov 4, 2009
looks like every "expert's" bracket

three 1's and a deuce

Yeah, Way Way "Chalky." Just as my own Brackets came out, Too Chalky. I think, In Fact that my 2nd Bracket at Yahoo has that exact Final Four as Obama & Outcome re: Duke vs. NC for The Crown with UNC Revenging & Winning it all....over Duke.....I only have 2 Brackets cuz I got Demoralized cuz they came out so Chalk-Filled.

Thats why I did not enter any contests here, JOH or Harry's or others despite being very tempted to, very very tempted, just with Bracket this Chalky IMO its -EV, way way reduced Margin For Error with this much chalk.

I'm stunned I didn't catch hell from ya for my Moonshot Prediction that your Lady Huskies go down, get sent home in the Round of Elite 8, by UCLA.

I wouldn't have honored such Ridiculousness with a response either tho lol

New member
Jun 1, 2007
hey man, like him or not can't deny Obama was the coolest president

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Chalky as expected.

Man, the world is burning without him in office. Put down the bracket and stop the Orange Madness.....Donnie is imploding.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Yeah, Way Way "Chalky." Just as my own Brackets came out, Too Chalky. I think, In Fact that my 2nd Bracket at Yahoo has that exact Final Four as Obama & Outcome re: Duke vs. NC for The Crown with UNC Revenging & Winning it all....over Duke.....I only have 2 Brackets cuz I got Demoralized cuz they came out so Chalk-Filled.

Thats why I did not enter any contests here, JOH or Harry's or others despite being very tempted to, very very tempted, just with Bracket this Chalky IMO its -EV, way way reduced Margin For Error with this much chalk.

I'm stunned I didn't catch hell from ya for my Moonshot Prediction that your Lady Huskies go down, get sent home in the Round of Elite 8, by UCLA.

I wouldn't have honored such Ridiculousness with a response either tho lol

no offense my friend, I just don't take that stuff seriously :)

my bitches rock, and UCLA is not making it to the Elite 8, just saying

although the Elite 8 game may be the first time they win by < 30

just checked, UCLA would meet them in the S16.

If they meet, I'll give you 20 points right now :)

Nov 4, 2009
no offense my friend, I just don't take that stuff seriously :)

my bitches rock, and UCLA is not making it to the Elite 8, just saying

although the Elite 8 game may be the first time they win by < 30

just checked, UCLA would meet them in the S16.

If they meet, I'll give you 20 points right now :)

Oh, you're right: Sweet 16. Thats what I'd typed First, then Edited to say Elite 8 for two reasons:

1.) Thots towards The Reward for getting past Texas A&M Lady Aggies being:

To face ya'll....

I don't neeed to tell ya. This predicament has me and The Lady Bruins scared, distracted, impairing our ability to Focus.

We are in deep deep shit here.

Damn Seriously Rough Draw here......of Position.....dang.

2.) Typing: "Lady Huskies Out at Elite 8" near impossible in itself. Typing "LadyH gone at Sweet 16" is actually impossible, to post such as that.

If MY Girls manage to get past Boise & TXAM then yeah, I'll take that 20 if you let me have a teeny tiny widdle hook as well, at +20.5

but just for some thing fun.....a Hat. To me Fading Yo' Girlz is among the most -EV Props available lol.

If You Win I send you a UCONN Lady Huskies Hat if I win You send me a UCONN Lady Huskies Hat.

Yeah....thats not a typo.

Prolly not even worth your time but if ya wanna....fulfillment would be.....I don't know, we'd figure a way.



Nov 4, 2009
hey man, like him or not can't deny Obama was the coolest president

Thanks for this post bcuz for me personally his Bracketology and Speaking Ability really makes up for all else. Which is Deplorable. On My Part.

I fully realize I am an Idiot though. While, Yes......We Can Rise, in theory at the least We The Idiots on this Planet can evolve, at our Core...

we've really advanced a lot less than it seems....far less advancement that that Technology thats come and coming.....makes it seem.

UCLA Ladies manage to Advance past UCONN though and really...I could have probably negotiated an Entire UCONN Track Suit from addition to Hat. Maybe even some shoes.




For a Straight Up UCLA Win I mean.

No Way Willie would just Reward Me with all this, despite the complete Improbability of LALA dropping his gals

I'd have to put up Equal...and that'd just be crazy but yeah, IMO Obama was One Cool Cat and by far the Coolest Prez ever.

I want My President to Release a Bracket.

I feel like this should now be Mandatory. Precedent has been set.



Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
your cheerleaders are awesome, would've nice looking at them while drinking my sorrows away at the men's games

Nov 4, 2009
In Last Year's Obama's Bracket Thread I was able Text Obama with comments on his Selections, a Back & Forth that was 77.7% Forth and 22.3% "back" that consisted of Obama basically texting back: "Wtf? Who gave you this number?" to which I replied like he meant the Number of the Line on Certain Games, eventually breaking the ice with Obama and getting somewhat of a "conversation" about March Madness going.

For as long as that lasted anyway....Day 2 pretty much when Obama got hit by a new Clearbomb


reference: Bottom Right Side ^^^^ how far Obama had Tom Izzo's Boys going.

It just Flows like a River...... That. Through Obama's Bracket. River....Dead Fish and Fungi. Green Algae. Surface of The Water

very very Funky,

and not "Funky" in a good way

Middle Tennessee Shockfest.

Obama had to Forfeit his Phone when he lost His Job, cuz that Phone was Government Issued, a Work Phone, then he got a new Phone but lost that Phone on Branson's Island during his vacation so I lost Obama's Number and thus far Mutual Associates of ours have refused to give me O's number saying that Obama specifically demanded of them they not do that, some thing to do with Baylor University....

Point Being: this thread less enthralling than last year's cuz i ain't got Obama's damn phone number.

Just such a Frustrating and Limited Planet, this one. "Limited" stuff. Maybe justified, these Limitations. Life is really really short though.

Give Up the damn phone number Rachel. He'll never know it came from you.

And Really Girl, Sincerely

I just want it to Congratulate O on that NorthWestern Pick.

I Swear

link to last year's O Thread for Comparison Purposes, to O's (P)outcome this year....see if The Added Time Off

combined with In finitely Less Total and Complete

Absolute BULLSHIT to deal with.....on a day to day like every single day & every hour of every day

See if O's New Bless'd Freedom = Massively Better experiment......

and cuz The Pyromaniacs among us

will Love It plus those who enjoy Funny Tweets from Black Guys

will like it too:

Obama Bracketology 2016

Nov 4, 2009
your cheerleaders are awesome, would've nice looking at them while drinking my sorrows away at the men's games

Be Always Thankful for what you have

You Have among The Greatest Sports Teams that has ever existed on this Planet

Yeah.....they are Girls and somehow Here We, so may of us, managed to avoid catching The Heaven Express Lane to

Nirvana by avoiding Realization that All We Were Supposed to Do was Exalt Her....Raise Her Up, Truly Give Her Love

then Like: "All Boats Rise"....

We Men, so Easily......presented with Path to "Heaven"

Physical Life lol.

Becomes to be that "No Challenge" described above, Obvious, within a MicroSecond of The Death of this Physical Being.

She was not "Inferior" lol.....was actually really a Godless all along just....."men."

We Should have known

this was The Most Obvious Thing Ever.



Man is Blind


Nov 4, 2009

These are not even the actual lyrics of this song.

Good God.

We are completely Awash in a Sea of Embiciles here

Good God.

Same that they did to your Bible

a Wise "Person" came to this place and Spoke

then a gaggle of fucking Idiots changed Her words

and her Gender.

and her color. And gave her Long Hair.

bcuz Emperor Claudius was a.....

its not important.......that.....I can't say it cuz its just, of Earth.

The Only Importance is that, yes "God" does exist and that you meet this On Your Own Terms.

Most of what "Holy Men" have told you is Lie, words they said to serve themselves

during the 24.6 -72.8 years that they generally lived.

No one lived for 900 Years. You kind of...knew that

yet you are hesitant to question other dumb shit these Primitive Fucks

left for you

in writings.

The One Truth is that there absolutely is a God.

Men pimped out the concept of God to Control.

Other Men, and Girls, and gain territory.

End of Conversation. You've always Known God. This was inserted into your Essence, your "Soul"

Never Ever was any entity born here, into this Dimension, without an inherent and instilled Relationship with God.

why oh why did you LET the most Simple Men, and the most obviously fraudulent touts among you convince you that they were speaking for God?

I know....."why this thread go to Religion"? answer be that this 3rd Dimension, every Generation has faced its own Evil as surely as Islam has been made to face down us Satan.

Its just the same Kindergarten Shit

over and over and over and over

thus why I say: escape the trap of embedding within your Soul that Girls are Lesser and instead Love, just Love, fuck really.....

"she" is not lesser than you just because of some Chromosome Shit I mean



fucking at least Pretend to Care


and at least pretend like you care at all

about Evolving

getting Smarter

or just less fucking Braindead Recklessly Insanely Dumb



just cuz a Human gets born with a Penis

they are





Nov 4, 2009
Wait What? Why? that last Vid Link was just



All of the perfection nothing will and can be made

As an Honest Man, to the question of what a Girl should do to Survive with any real hope of Joy amongst "Men"

upon this planet

As an Honest Man you would advise that Girl to not even come Here.

Thus did you Primitive Cave Motherfuckers Die.

Don't Cry.

By Your Own Stupid As Fuck Hand.

You Guys never ever ever


Fuckin' Road Map given to you but....

instead of Paradise, Exalting YourSELVES was Most Important.

Left Alone Here. On a Planet. By Your Selves...........................

I gave you Love or.....


Exalt Beauty or Die.

Don't fucking cry.

don't whine.

Each one of you got a simple road map to paradise but you chose to stray and follow GodTouts

Nov 4, 2009
I mean

fucking Read That ^^^^^ and still

manage to live with a Belief that "girls are lesser" I mean fucking read that ^^^^^


Allow me to Re-


Allow me to Repeat "Myself"

Newborn Here YOU could have been a Pirate capturing the souls of the unlearned not for some "god" of men for profit and sodomy but for Glory

maybe Next Time

It was assumed you'd be Smart Enough to not Exclude Upon Gender

I never ever anticipated you'd be this dumb


could I?

Nov 4, 2009
Pirates dudes PIRATES was all I intended to type about on here, how we as Men Today are no different than Pirates but we are just lazy then she came out the bathroom and yelled at me about how I need to type about some pathway to heaven.

I don't give even a portion of a fuck about pleasing some "god" that is capable of abiding such suffering. There is no explanation at Pearly Gates that can make this soul ever say: "Oh....OK, I see what you did there."

But yet there is still "God."

When you study The Innocence that Life arrives here with

The Harmlessness


Only Question a human needs to "Answer" is...

why do we arrive here

filled with only LOVE?

its not easy to learn what "God" is but you can know that 100% of the time any man or woman talk to you about God

understanding god

knowing god

that person will be cursed with a Tumor. Gor-on-Fucking-Teed.

Track It.


I am so exhausted of Men pimping prophets like they are whores

most of you won't live until this New Awakening that comes circa 2112 of course but if you Volunteer at a Women's Shelter

I will Hold You and Cry and Die and then get Reborn yet again but Juke-out Fake as I've learned to and You'll be able to be Young among



Nov 4, 2009
Literally No One Single Guy here took that seriously ^^^^ like if they went.....


to Volunteer....

let us replay this song

shall we?

Lets Go:

God Exists but its not The Myth that 32-944 A.D. Fuckers have told you he is

Get Real or Die I'm Tired of You Fuckers

Every Single One of you Bows down to them by not Rising Up against Obvious Ignorance.

Nov 4, 2009
Hey Maynard

you wanna see some thing Creative, Intelligent

really truly Transcendent god like?

venture back to the SOIL My Man Take Hold of The Root get back in touch with the root that propelled ya


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