PPH or run our own?


New member
Mar 15, 2009
I'm so glad you have a newbie section! My friend is currently paying a PPH outfit in Costa Rica and has asked me to look into setting up a private site that we would manage ourselves. This obviously involves moving to Costa Rica, renting office space, hiring some workers, purchasing the hardware and software, etc. I work in IT and am willing to move so the real issue is the software. Do you know of any good companies that will provide the software for a reasonable price and not charge royalties? I've been searching but it's not an easy task. Several companies that I contacted never responded. I'm also confused about the line moving part of it. Are there options to have the lines downloaded and automatically update or is that why I see posts about lines managers? I visited the current operation and they have in house developers creating their own line moving software, but that wouldn't be an option for us right now.

Thanks so much for any help!

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Bookie Chit Chat Posters..

This thread was moved from The Newbies Forum to Bookie Chit Chat where the professionals in the industry post. Serious replies will be very much appreciated.

TIA. wilheim

Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ap
Jul 5, 2006
Tough question to answer. Basically boils down to how much are you paying a week, how big is your business, and if your ready to handle the huge headache of running your own office and moving to a third world country. Software is expensive, rent is not cheap, good clerks are hard to find then you have to pay them for vacations, xmas bonuses, social security. Then you have to deal with claims, clerks not showing up to work etc etc etc...Then you have to throw everything out the window that you are used to up in the states services (cable,electricity and water that dont go out frequently) good cheap shopping ,restaurants, bars etc etc etc.... I've been here 10 years and I love it here and would never go back. However its a huge step if you haven't spent any time here and know how things work down here. I know a few guys with tiny offices here with a few clerks and they do fine. Just depends if your ready for the move I guess...Hope some of this helped it is a little early and i havent had any coffee yet...
Jan 17, 2007
Tough question to answer. Basically boils down to how much are you paying a week, how big is your business, and if your ready to handle the huge headache of running your own office and moving to a third world country. Software is expensive, rent is not cheap, good clerks are hard to find then you have to pay them for vacations, xmas bonuses, social security. Then you have to deal with claims, clerks not showing up to work etc etc etc...Then you have to throw everything out the window that you are used to up in the states services (cable,electricity and water that dont go out frequently) good cheap shopping ,restaurants, bars etc etc etc.... I've been here 10 years and I love it here and would never go back. However its a huge step if you haven't spent any time here and know how things work down here. I know a few guys with tiny offices here with a few clerks and they do fine. Just depends if your ready for the move I guess...Hope some of this helped it is a little early and i havent had any coffee yet...

Not nice, Talking about NES like that ! :):)
Jan 17, 2007
But on the Serious Side......What Raoul is saying is Right.

The Software is a Killer ( $$$$$ ) Not too sure about the Rent being High.
There are Deals out there. Best thing to do is to Share an Office.

You WILL need Line Movers ! Really no way out of it.

You could either go to Costa Rica or panama. ( Panama being More $$ ) to Open up.
But again like Raoul stated, Unless you have a Large amount of Customers.
You're better off with a PPH or some kind of Package Deal. (<)<

New member
Mar 15, 2009
Thanks for the info. I did spend a week in Escazu last month and was planning another trip in June to do some more looking around. There is a lot to consider regarding the expenses and headaches but i do think he will save some money if we can actually pull this off. I believe he's paying $29 pp now plus a percentage of the casino (not sure about the amount) and there are about 150 or so users and growing.
I think I could really like living in Costa Rica so I don't think that would be an issue. Are there any software companies that you know of that don't charge royalties? I contacted DGS, but haven't heard back from them.

Aug 17, 2008
One problem is your PPH is too high. Should be under $20. Then I think you are crazy to want to do it yourself. Especially if you are confused by "the line moving part".

Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ap
Jul 5, 2006
One problem is your PPH is too high. Should be under $20. Then I think you are crazy to want to do it yourself. Especially if you are confused by "the line moving part".

What he just said........$20 tops and no percentage of the casino...

New member
Jun 23, 2005
Best situation is to find book and piggy back software..There are several books in the PAVAS area always looking to rent space out..Toss the players in the wagering room, and start your business..Just important to find the right place..should not be that tough..Go with someone with ASI software..or DGS..

New member
May 9, 2006
I think PPH is the best way to go right now, lest expenses and for sure it gives any agent a better chance to find new customers and give them better service. The ability to choose your own domain site is a plus. If you are interested in a excelent PPH Service email

New member
Mar 15, 2009
I'm not really confused about the line movers, just wondering how the software works. Obviously there has to be someone there to watch the lines and make decisions on them. I just thought there was a way to automatically update the lines through the software instead of doing it manually. Like I said earlier, I saw how the current place is doing it. But they have in house developers working on their own software. Anyway, i wouldn't be alone in this move. My job was to do some checking around for software since I work in IT. There are others with a lot more experience than I have.
Renting space from someone might be a good option to start out. I'll look into that. I think he's being way over charged, too.

Thanks again.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Ditto you are paying waaayyyy too much.
Best of luck to you setting up down here.

If you decide to simply change providers shoot me an email (tomgordon645 at yahoo dot com) and I can get you a package for considerably less than $20.
Feb 11, 2009
I can help you with the pro's and cons of trying to go out and open up on your own. Price on pay per head varies, but you get what you pay for. There are alot of solid shops out there to use. If you want to shoot the breeze I can give you all the info you need. Then you can make a better decision. Send me a Private message if you want to chat on skype of MSN.

or shoot me an email at frankielotus@yahoo.com

New member
May 9, 2006
I'm not really confused about the line movers, just wondering how the software works. Obviously there has to be someone there to watch the lines and make decisions on them. I just thought there was a way to automatically update the lines through the software instead of doing it manually. Like I said earlier, I saw how the current place is doing it. But they have in house developers working on their own software. Anyway, i wouldn't be alone in this move. My job was to do some checking around for software since I work in IT. There are others with a lot more experience than I have.
Renting space from someone might be a good option to start out. I'll look into that. I think he's being way over charged, too.

Thanks again.

Yes our software allows the agent to manually change a line through internet and it allows us the proper tools to see that you are in charge of any giving game, also the option to take a line off the board, etc. To have an automatic update in the linescontrol is very risky, to have a line flip on you and not notice on time...

New member
Jan 9, 2009
also, REALLY, really consider the small disadvantages of living here.

Most things you think are a given, are just not here.

EVERYONE steals from you, from the restaurant, gas station, to your employees, girlfriend, to your landlord... well, EVERYONE, not just stick ups.

Furthermore, most people in this country seem incapable of doing even the simplest thing right. Something broke at home? Good luck getting someone to fix it... and even if you find someone that is actually half competent, they will probably still steal from you.

The other day I asked for a plastic bag in McDonnalds, and the woman didn't give it to, she said it was only for salads. I had just paid TWICE the price for a combo than what it would cost in the US... for lower quality, and they didn't want to give me a plastic bag, only paper. I had to call the manager to get it. And if you order express, they will say, just wait ten minutes. Then 1 hour will pass. Then 2. Sometimes it will come, sometimes not (and I'm talking about a place that is 3 miles from a MacDonalds). And this shit will happen to you several times a day.

Car having trouble? You though US mechanics were thugs? Well, you haven't been here. And going to the agency, no fucking way, they charge WAAAYYY more than even a US mechanic... and will also steal.

Need a part of anything (a screw, a bolt, a whatever), good luck finding it. Not only will they give you bad information when you call a store (if they even answer), then the address is something like, from the dog that is lying next to the tree, go 300 meters north, 50 west and 30 south (which isn't even magnetic south if you use a compass). If you stop and ask someone for directions... odds are they will give you the WRONG address intentionally.

And you will have to go the mechanic more here, because not only are roads SHIT, but people drive like crazy and are as inconsiderate as possible. If they dent your car, and you didn't see his/her license plate, forget them stopping to 'exchange insurance'.

If you have insurance, good luck collecting it (the insurance company here is a national monopoly and will look for any excuse to not pay).

Seriously... it isn't that easy to see when you first get here... but year after year... this place can make you a racist, even if you weren't one before coming down here. I know many Gringos come down here, totally non-racist... end up believing Ticos are truly inferior (before every tico on the board jumps on me, I'm not saying they are, just mentioning something that is kinda common).

New member
May 9, 2006
also, REALLY, really consider the small disadvantages of living here.

Most things you think are a given, are just not here.

EVERYONE steals from you, from the restaurant, gas station, to your employees, girlfriend, to your landlord... well, EVERYONE, not just stick ups.

Furthermore, most people in this country seem incapable of doing even the simplest thing right. Something broke at home? Good luck getting someone to fix it... and even if you find someone that is actually half competent, they will probably still steal from you.

The other day I asked for a plastic bag in McDonnalds, and the woman didn't give it to, she said it was only for salads. I had just paid TWICE the price for a combo than what it would cost in the US... for lower quality, and they didn't want to give me a plastic bag, only paper. I had to call the manager to get it. And if you order express, they will say, just wait ten minutes. Then 1 hour will pass. Then 2. Sometimes it will come, sometimes not (and I'm talking about a place that is 3 miles from a MacDonalds). And this shit will happen to you several times a day.

Car having trouble? You though US mechanics were thugs? Well, you haven't been here. And going to the agency, no fucking way, they charge WAAAYYY more than even a US mechanic... and will also steal.

Need a part of anything (a screw, a bolt, a whatever), good luck finding it. Not only will they give you bad information when you call a store (if they even answer), then the address is something like, from the dog that is lying next to the tree, go 300 meters north, 50 west and 30 south (which isn't even magnetic south if you use a compass). If you stop and ask someone for directions... odds are they will give you the WRONG address intentionally.

And you will have to go the mechanic more here, because not only are roads SHIT, but people drive like crazy and are as inconsiderate as possible. If they dent your car, and you didn't see his/her license plate, forget them stopping to 'exchange insurance'.

If you have insurance, good luck collecting it (the insurance company here is a national monopoly and will look for any excuse to not pay).

Seriously... it isn't that easy to see when you first get here... but year after year... this place can make you a racist, even if you weren't one before coming down here. I know many Gringos come down here, totally non-racist... end up believing Ticos are truly inferior (before every tico on the board jumps on me, I'm not saying they are, just mentioning something that is kinda common).

WTF :think2:

New member
Mar 15, 2009
What software do you use? You're right about the automatic line changer. It drives the customers who refuse to go online crazy sometimes. So most places just download the inital feed and then make all of the changes manually? I'm guessing you use a service like Sportsoptions or GJ Update or Don Best but don't feed the updates into your software?
Anyway, I have a lot to figure out now. I was looking forward to the move so maybe the renting/piggybacking thing will work out. If not I'll look into another PPH company that's reasonable. Thanks to everyone that offered, but I'm not ready to give up the idea of living there yet.
Feb 11, 2009
What software do you use? You're right about the automatic line changer. It drives the customers who refuse to go online crazy sometimes. So most places just download the inital feed and then make all of the changes manually? I'm guessing you use a service like Sportsoptions or GJ Update or Don Best but don't feed the updates into your software?
Anyway, I have a lot to figure out now. I was looking forward to the move so maybe the renting/piggybacking thing will work out. If not I'll look into another PPH company that's reasonable. Thanks to everyone that offered, but I'm not ready to give up the idea of living there yet.

You can use a PPH and still live there. Send me an email and I can stear you in the right direction. Alot of guys in CR use PPH and still have there own staff. It's and option. I can give you all details on all software being used. just name the place and I can give u a prospectus.


good luck

New member
May 9, 2006
What software do you use? You're right about the automatic line changer. It drives the customers who refuse to go online crazy sometimes. So most places just download the inital feed and then make all of the changes manually? I'm guessing you use a service like Sportsoptions or GJ Update or Don Best but don't feed the updates into your software?
Anyway, I have a lot to figure out now. I was looking forward to the move so maybe the renting/piggybacking thing will work out. If not I'll look into another PPH company that's reasonable. Thanks to everyone that offered, but I'm not ready to give up the idea of living there yet.

We use Don Best, and yes they don't feed to the software, most of our customers rely on us to make the changes, if they have a need on any game they call us. If you are interested in coming down we would be glad to walk you throu our inhouse sofware, it's very detail to cater any of your customer needs. shoot me an email if you want more info: mike@capilleira.com

New member
Jun 1, 2008
I know first hand the difficulties in starting an operation from scratch. Make sure understand the business and what it takes to be successful (like any business really) and who your dealing with before you make any big mistakes.

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