How often do we visit posting forums and see “Edited by Moderator” in the subject and upon further review see that two longtime nemesis’s cannot seem to get along on the posting board, so the verbiage exchanged had to be taken down.
As funny as it is, it is reality to see posters bash and flame each other even though they are nowhere in sight of another. Posters will even threaten to perform bodily harm on one another often. Yes, it happens and we have all probably seen it. No matter the distance from or the lack of really knowing one another there seems a desire to acknowledge a fellow poster in a negative way that does not agree with another’s idea or opinion.
It never ceases to amaze me how a few posters in a posting forum seem to think it is their job to point out flaws of others. When digging further you will find that these same posters have a history of finding ways to create turmoil, whether over an opinion, a wrong line posted, or over an addition problem with a posted record.
What seems to be so obvious is that things that lead to food fights are always easy to ignore. There are no words on a posting board of a personal nature that should entice one to respond in a negative fashion. If poster A says “You are a *****”, then why even reply? If Poster C says, “Hey, screw you. You stink at handicapping”, then why the need to reply?
Cant’ we just let it go and move on? After all, the flamers are really seeking some attention and by replying, they get the feeling of success.
When a poster replies in a childish manor to another who has not been so kind to him, then that poster often seems more at fault for allowing the original flamer to get to him. Both are at fault when this occurs, just like in the modern day work rules. If you hit that guy, you are fired. If he hits you back, then he is fired too.
For me it is easy to ignore garbage in a posting forum just as I would ignore the Ex-wife on a phone call. Just listen, or read in this case and let it go in one ear and out the other. Politely say good-bye and move on. The hundreds of others not involved are not impressed by the ability of one to bash another.
There is so much good that can be shared by those who get caught up in posting wars, but they spend more time preparing for their next attack, than they do focusing on educational or informative information that benefits all. Most often we see that the topics of interest end up having to be sorted through to get the good info because of some posting flame war that in most cases is just poppycock.
Is there a cure?
I doubt it. As in all things there are differences of things that serve as feel goods to different folks. Some of these posters feel good when they appear to be getting some attention for flaming.
I do not understand it. Maybe you do.
Have a nice day.
[This message was edited by The General on August 06, 2003 at 06:12 PM.]
As funny as it is, it is reality to see posters bash and flame each other even though they are nowhere in sight of another. Posters will even threaten to perform bodily harm on one another often. Yes, it happens and we have all probably seen it. No matter the distance from or the lack of really knowing one another there seems a desire to acknowledge a fellow poster in a negative way that does not agree with another’s idea or opinion.
It never ceases to amaze me how a few posters in a posting forum seem to think it is their job to point out flaws of others. When digging further you will find that these same posters have a history of finding ways to create turmoil, whether over an opinion, a wrong line posted, or over an addition problem with a posted record.
What seems to be so obvious is that things that lead to food fights are always easy to ignore. There are no words on a posting board of a personal nature that should entice one to respond in a negative fashion. If poster A says “You are a *****”, then why even reply? If Poster C says, “Hey, screw you. You stink at handicapping”, then why the need to reply?
Cant’ we just let it go and move on? After all, the flamers are really seeking some attention and by replying, they get the feeling of success.
When a poster replies in a childish manor to another who has not been so kind to him, then that poster often seems more at fault for allowing the original flamer to get to him. Both are at fault when this occurs, just like in the modern day work rules. If you hit that guy, you are fired. If he hits you back, then he is fired too.
For me it is easy to ignore garbage in a posting forum just as I would ignore the Ex-wife on a phone call. Just listen, or read in this case and let it go in one ear and out the other. Politely say good-bye and move on. The hundreds of others not involved are not impressed by the ability of one to bash another.
There is so much good that can be shared by those who get caught up in posting wars, but they spend more time preparing for their next attack, than they do focusing on educational or informative information that benefits all. Most often we see that the topics of interest end up having to be sorted through to get the good info because of some posting flame war that in most cases is just poppycock.
Is there a cure?
I doubt it. As in all things there are differences of things that serve as feel goods to different folks. Some of these posters feel good when they appear to be getting some attention for flaming.
I do not understand it. Maybe you do.
Have a nice day.

[This message was edited by The General on August 06, 2003 at 06:12 PM.]