<TABLE class=tborder id=post5865534 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 1,008
</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_5865534 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->you people are just scared of whats heading our way. You choose not to believe it and live in your "free" fantasy land like everything will just get better on its own. This country is finished, its been finished since 1913 when we sold our federal reserve to the elite families of the world. All what we are seeing now has been planned for 50+ yrs. Anyone who refuses to educate themselves about whats really transpiring in our country will die a coward, or die and still believing its not real as FEMA pulls up to take them away....There are over 600 Fema based rex 84 camps across this country, itching to be used. Now why are there 600+ of these camps being built by halliburton in our own country? At such a time of crisis and economic termoil, why in the fuck are they spending tax payer dollars to pay for such camps? Why is it that they tell you the 700 billion dollar bailout bill is to help folks on "main street america" when in reality not a single dollar of that 700 billion was pumped back into our own economy? Why is it, that they dont tell us the truth about anything in the mainstream media? Shit were even lucky to get just a half ass lie, much less even partial truth as to whats going on. Yet you people still elect the same new world order scum to office every four years, and wonder why shit is getting so bad. Well ill tell you why, because the people we elect term after term, all belong to this group of elitists who run the entire world. And in most cases, both nominees fit into this category, so no matter who you vote in, you're getting skull and bones. Same with this election, both McCain and Obama are both funded by these elite banking families. These people feast off war, why do you think weve been in Iraq for nearly 7 years? And also we were in Vietnam for well over a decade. You dont think we could abliterate Iraq and end this war if we really wanted to? Of course we could, in a heartbeat. Instead they drag it on, and drag it on until were nearly bankrupt, and all these families can purchase stocks at pennies on the dollar and just gain more power and corporatism, until eventually they control every aspects of our lives. Thes families have been doing this for over a 100+ years. Its no coincedence that our economy seems to always be at our worst points in times of war, thats because thats when the elite families can benefit most, they benefit off yours and my blood. We need to wake up, and quit blanketing ourselves with fantansies that everything is gonna be ok, and the Government works for us, and theyll protect us from Arabic Terrorists. Its all a matrix world for you to get bent on, as they fucking rob us blind and create a level of coming chaos unlike anything we have ever seen so they can reduce the earths population by and gain more wealth and power, its that simple. These people will not stop until our economy is completely flatlined, and it will soon be there, within 2 years. As far as them wanting the worlds population reduced, I have 1 word and 1 word only to prove its happening right now as we speak, AFRICA! You never hear shit about Africa anymore, there are hundreds of millions of people over there on the verge of death from starvation and disease, its cold reality. Within 10 years Africa will be NO MORE, it will all be desert for one due to climate change, and 2 everyone over there will be dead from disease or just straight hunger. If you dont believe me, do some research of the population of Africa, and see how much its been declining over the past few years, its literally scary. The people of Africa are the easiest to take out to these families, so theyre doing it now without any of us even realizing it. Almost a billion people will die over in Africa within the next 10 years, its a FACT! I know most of you will call me and people like Total Recall, and other conspiracy theorists nuts, but keep your eyes open for some of these things im about to list.
From now to election night (this might fit in with the next on the list as well)- Cancellation or postponement of the 2008 election due to the "economic crisis" or terrorist attack
Between now and January 1st- Possible so called "terrorist attack" keeping Bush in Power to "fight the insurgents" and keep americans "safe"
Within 9 monthes the US Finances will be completely tapped, sometime in mid 2009...Causing chaos in the streets, and business to close all across our land. Which would of course lead to a state of Martial Law, giving the government the green light to throw YOU in one of the 600 Rex 84 camps without any question. Any one who resists the Government in any way will likely be thrown in one of these camps, or killed resisting. Causing a government in America that works (and I hate to use cinematic similarities) like the one in V for Vendetta.
Within 1.5 years, the US dollar will be no more.
Within 2 yrs, the North American Union will be formed, and the Amero will be our new form of currency (for mexico, US and canada) for all those who accept the rule of the NWO and choose to give up their rights as Americans.
Within 4 years (if we dont fight it)- The US will be under a complete dictatorship, people living here so scared for their lives and financial situations (cowards if you will) that they will look to the government to do everything and anything for them just to survive. Because if you think the arab terrorist crap is scaring people now, wait till you hear the next so called attack on us will be....Im not even gonna get into it cuz u people will just laugh at me, but you will all find out within a few years pending your still breathing...
In conclusion I know I have ranted on for some time. I just think its so important to get this info out there. If I happen to be wrong, then so be it I can handle being wrong. But everything and anything thats happening as we speak, are ALL taking us to a path of what I just listed above. No ifs ands of buts about it. Our economy WILL NOT get better, it will NEVER repair from whats happening right now, the GOVT just keeps pouring billions of billions of more dollars in debt on us daily. It tooks the US 230 yrs to create a debt of 5 trillion dollars, in the past 2 MONTHES we have doubled that to 10 trillion....Whats it gonna be at in another month, 15 trillion? How about in 6 months, 30 trillion? Wake up and see the evidence, and the hints that are out there. I mean the fucking CHINESE for christ sakes are trying to warn us whats happening, and theyre suppost to be just communist enemy charlie, and they are trying to warn us. These other countries know whats going on, china russia all of europe and even the middle east, they know the scam our government is pulling on us, but you never hear about these warning from the other countries on the mainstream media news do we? HELL NO we dont, cuz these families own the media, as well as a good chunk of our government itself
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 1,008
</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_5865534 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->you people are just scared of whats heading our way. You choose not to believe it and live in your "free" fantasy land like everything will just get better on its own. This country is finished, its been finished since 1913 when we sold our federal reserve to the elite families of the world. All what we are seeing now has been planned for 50+ yrs. Anyone who refuses to educate themselves about whats really transpiring in our country will die a coward, or die and still believing its not real as FEMA pulls up to take them away....There are over 600 Fema based rex 84 camps across this country, itching to be used. Now why are there 600+ of these camps being built by halliburton in our own country? At such a time of crisis and economic termoil, why in the fuck are they spending tax payer dollars to pay for such camps? Why is it that they tell you the 700 billion dollar bailout bill is to help folks on "main street america" when in reality not a single dollar of that 700 billion was pumped back into our own economy? Why is it, that they dont tell us the truth about anything in the mainstream media? Shit were even lucky to get just a half ass lie, much less even partial truth as to whats going on. Yet you people still elect the same new world order scum to office every four years, and wonder why shit is getting so bad. Well ill tell you why, because the people we elect term after term, all belong to this group of elitists who run the entire world. And in most cases, both nominees fit into this category, so no matter who you vote in, you're getting skull and bones. Same with this election, both McCain and Obama are both funded by these elite banking families. These people feast off war, why do you think weve been in Iraq for nearly 7 years? And also we were in Vietnam for well over a decade. You dont think we could abliterate Iraq and end this war if we really wanted to? Of course we could, in a heartbeat. Instead they drag it on, and drag it on until were nearly bankrupt, and all these families can purchase stocks at pennies on the dollar and just gain more power and corporatism, until eventually they control every aspects of our lives. Thes families have been doing this for over a 100+ years. Its no coincedence that our economy seems to always be at our worst points in times of war, thats because thats when the elite families can benefit most, they benefit off yours and my blood. We need to wake up, and quit blanketing ourselves with fantansies that everything is gonna be ok, and the Government works for us, and theyll protect us from Arabic Terrorists. Its all a matrix world for you to get bent on, as they fucking rob us blind and create a level of coming chaos unlike anything we have ever seen so they can reduce the earths population by and gain more wealth and power, its that simple. These people will not stop until our economy is completely flatlined, and it will soon be there, within 2 years. As far as them wanting the worlds population reduced, I have 1 word and 1 word only to prove its happening right now as we speak, AFRICA! You never hear shit about Africa anymore, there are hundreds of millions of people over there on the verge of death from starvation and disease, its cold reality. Within 10 years Africa will be NO MORE, it will all be desert for one due to climate change, and 2 everyone over there will be dead from disease or just straight hunger. If you dont believe me, do some research of the population of Africa, and see how much its been declining over the past few years, its literally scary. The people of Africa are the easiest to take out to these families, so theyre doing it now without any of us even realizing it. Almost a billion people will die over in Africa within the next 10 years, its a FACT! I know most of you will call me and people like Total Recall, and other conspiracy theorists nuts, but keep your eyes open for some of these things im about to list.
From now to election night (this might fit in with the next on the list as well)- Cancellation or postponement of the 2008 election due to the "economic crisis" or terrorist attack
Between now and January 1st- Possible so called "terrorist attack" keeping Bush in Power to "fight the insurgents" and keep americans "safe"
Within 9 monthes the US Finances will be completely tapped, sometime in mid 2009...Causing chaos in the streets, and business to close all across our land. Which would of course lead to a state of Martial Law, giving the government the green light to throw YOU in one of the 600 Rex 84 camps without any question. Any one who resists the Government in any way will likely be thrown in one of these camps, or killed resisting. Causing a government in America that works (and I hate to use cinematic similarities) like the one in V for Vendetta.
Within 1.5 years, the US dollar will be no more.
Within 2 yrs, the North American Union will be formed, and the Amero will be our new form of currency (for mexico, US and canada) for all those who accept the rule of the NWO and choose to give up their rights as Americans.
Within 4 years (if we dont fight it)- The US will be under a complete dictatorship, people living here so scared for their lives and financial situations (cowards if you will) that they will look to the government to do everything and anything for them just to survive. Because if you think the arab terrorist crap is scaring people now, wait till you hear the next so called attack on us will be....Im not even gonna get into it cuz u people will just laugh at me, but you will all find out within a few years pending your still breathing...
In conclusion I know I have ranted on for some time. I just think its so important to get this info out there. If I happen to be wrong, then so be it I can handle being wrong. But everything and anything thats happening as we speak, are ALL taking us to a path of what I just listed above. No ifs ands of buts about it. Our economy WILL NOT get better, it will NEVER repair from whats happening right now, the GOVT just keeps pouring billions of billions of more dollars in debt on us daily. It tooks the US 230 yrs to create a debt of 5 trillion dollars, in the past 2 MONTHES we have doubled that to 10 trillion....Whats it gonna be at in another month, 15 trillion? How about in 6 months, 30 trillion? Wake up and see the evidence, and the hints that are out there. I mean the fucking CHINESE for christ sakes are trying to warn us whats happening, and theyre suppost to be just communist enemy charlie, and they are trying to warn us. These other countries know whats going on, china russia all of europe and even the middle east, they know the scam our government is pulling on us, but you never hear about these warning from the other countries on the mainstream media news do we? HELL NO we dont, cuz these families own the media, as well as a good chunk of our government itself