I think all here know where I reside. Have I ever been to Muleshoe, damn straight I have, half a dozen times. Some really good Texas Q joints driving from Amarillo down to Muleshoe, believe me. Let's get to the point. Last year, Minny beat the Cats 22-10, Cats started the game out 10-0 and then all hell broke lose....to the tune of 8 sacks and 3 picks. I'm here to tell you that ain't gonna happen tomorrow. They know what's up, got one of Minny's key D players in the off season and to "hear" him in the Charlotte Observer this week, I see Cats by a touch. Men, JMO, everyone has one, but I've been eyeballin this game, team's pulse, what the beat writers are saying, you name it, I'm nose, one ear (I want to see a guy with his nose and both ears to the ground) to the ground. I can't see the Cats not winning this game tomorrow. GLTA, there ya go Dizzy, ya got your fade.