Positive reports! Moving through this


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Besides the fake news

7-day-rolling average of US #Covid deaths against the number of new positive tests 10 and 16 days before, in March/April, deaths followed cases closely; now deaths have hardly moved despite a huge rise in cases...

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Daily seven day rolling average. Fewer than 400 people have died in those states on the worst day so far and how many were truly Chinaflu.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Because not many cases of those with positive antibody tests end up dying, unless of course they are in motorcycle accidents. Only surprising that even including all the accidents and heart attacks, etc there aren’t enough to ramp up the fatality curve a bit more.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Check out the total June deaths in Michigan for 2020 compared to June 2019. Miraculously there were far fewer deaths from cancer, COPD, heart disease, etc in 2020 compared to 2019 and even when you add in the COVID deaths there were less deaths than 2019.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
The more tests you do, the more false positives you get. “Tested positive” isn’t 100% accurate

To begin with, the tests currently in use do not test for the entire virus, rather they just test for various fragments of it. Many of the results are thus false, sometimes false positives and sometimes false negatives. This means one has to interpret their results with caution. Our medical authorities, to say nothing of our political ones, don’t seem to be able to do this.
All medical students are taught the basics of screening in their introductory statistics course. The problem is that most of them either didn’t go or slept through the course. The rest immediately forgot what they had learned.
When testing for anything, a medical professional needs to know the positive predicative value (PPV) of the test as well as the negative predictive value.

In order to know the PPV—i.e., the percent likelihood that a positive test is a true positive—the sensitivity of the test must be known as well as prevalence of the disease, at least to an approximate degree. According to a recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine, the sensitivity of the tests for COVID-19 is about 70 percent. The prevalence in any of the tested populations is not yet known, so we cannot calculate the PPV, although we can calculate what it would be at any prevalence level we want to assume. I’ll get back to this below.
A test for COVID-19 that is 70 percent sensitive will only catch 70 percent of the tested subjects with the disease. Therefore, 30 percent will falsely test negative. Additionally, Bayes’s theorem, the mere mention of which defeats the numeracy of all but the most resolute of physicians, says that a 70 percent sensitive test will be positive in 30 percent of the tested population that doesn’t have the disease. (I am assuming a specificity that is also 70 percent. The specificity of the various tests used has not been given.) Consider testing for COVID-19 in 1 million subjects, none of whom harbors the virus. Three hundred thousand will test positive.

The Johns Hopkins COVID-19 tracker that is widely used and quoted considers a confirmed test to be equal to a positive test. This is an error of epic dimensions for the reasons just stated.
The professional and college athletics departments are making the same error. They are testing their athletes daily or every other day using a test that is no better than 70 percent sensitive. Eventually all the players will test positive. They will be isolated for fourteen days, after which they may again test positive, ad infinitum.
How does one estimate the PPV of a COVID-19 test? At 70 percent sensitive there’s no need to. Such a test is so contaminated with both false positives and negatives that its use is virtually without utility. Suppose we had a test that was 95 percent sensitive and specific. The PPV is the number of true positives divided by the sum of true and false positives. To make this calculation we must assume a prevalence of the virus in the sampled group. Let’s start with a prevalence of 1 percent. If we test 10,000 subjects, 100 will carry the virus. Of these, 95 will test positive. Bayes’s theorem says 495 (5 percent of the 9,900 patients) without the virus will also have a positive result. That’s 495 false positive tests. The PPV in this hypothetical sample is 95/95+495, or about 16 percent.
Now assume our population (again 10,000 subjects) has 50 percent true positives. Here our PPV is 95 percent (4700/ 4700+250). The relationship of PPV to prevalence is given in the figure below. Note that even with a 95 percent sensitive test we’ll be overwhelmed with false positive results if our tested population has a low prevalence for the virus. The more we test, the more false positives we’re likely to get if our testing is not focused.

The Centers for Disease Control and Preventon (CDC) estimates that mortality from COVID-19 in patients younger than 50 is 0.05 percent. Virtually all of this mortality in younger patients comes from those with comorbidity. We also have gotten better at treating patients with severe pneumonia caused by the coronavirus.
The virus is likely to be with us for some time. Epidemics end either when those most susceptible to the pathogen have been exposed to it or when an effective and safe vaccine is available. We don’t have such a vaccine. It’s hard to know when or if one will be available. And the logistics of manufacturing and administering billions of doses are formidable. In the meanwhile, we have to coexist with it while not destroying society, socially and economically, in the process. We will also have to admit that our current testing regime has alarmed the planet without contributing a health benefit.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

From a summer school session in California: 200 students for six weeks, zero cases among any students or staff. It would be an anecdote except it matches practically all the data.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Another day of declining hospitalizations in SE Texas and Arizona, both down more than 10% from peak, and now ICUs and ventilations are dropping too. If they aren’t past peak they’re doing a good job of pretending.”

Nov 10, 2007
Another day of declining hospitalizations in SE Texas and Arizona, both down more than 10% from peak, and now ICUs and ventilations are dropping too. If they aren’t past peak they’re doing a good job of pretending.”

i know for a fact that these so called arizona and texas problems are all on the mexican border. media doesn't say exactly where when they make up their lies but mexicans coming over are where they are getting their "news" the big cities are all fine.

Nov 10, 2007
in our state we have had 8 straight days of deaths in the single digits of so called DUE TO COMPLICATIONS OF this flu. yet media is threatening a full shut down.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Preach my bother, this is how you win the battle for our country


Feb 16, 2016

Notice how little traffic positive information gets...classic example of what is wrong with our world today.

Thanks for sharing SR.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
said that the science is on our side, regarding re-opening schools in the fall, and "journalists" lost their minds...They couldn't handle it, so they misquoted her countless times trying to discredit her.They are pathetic & their propaganda is failing.

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